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More playable races.. like a lot of them! I'd also like the option to kill my companion if I don't like them :D I know it was in during early beta or something but they should bring it back!
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All my toons on 1 server


For free...


And a barber shop would be cool. So would being able to use any model style found in game as a base for item modification (not just the looks BW approves to be modable) and I would like to color my clothing as I wish (not just match it all to the chest piece). I'd like my characters to fit my vision of what they should look like.. not necessarily BioWare's.


I'd like some actual known Star Wars races as playable ones also, not just the far more obscure Cathar. You know, like Rodian, Trandoshan... something to make me feel like it's still Star Wars and not an episode of Thundercats (HO!!)


Oh, and some PvP space battles or, at the least, group space battles (even if it's still rail shooterish).

Edited by InnerPieces
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I REALLY agree with the wardrobe idea. At the moment, it bankrupts me jus to remove the mods from one piece of gear! (im poor, dont keep many creds on me :( ) If bioware doesnt lower these costs ALOT then i really want a wardrobe option. Kinda like the cosmetics system in LOTRO. Dyes wud be really kwl too. Basically, i want to customize my gear MORE!


In terms of mini-games, YES!!!! playing stuff like pazaac while i wait for an operation with group finder would be really fun. and adding cash prizes (dont want to make it competative with adding gear) would a`dd a good way to pass time peacefully without feel as though u r wasting ure time, AND it would add a way to make some creds :) (i repeat, im poor)

Edited by Meirv
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I wanna play without companions they drag the game in the dirt tbh annoying poor AI pixels that gets stuck ninjapulls or just doesn't spawn when you want them, Power to the solo players! :p


I'm sorry, but I just can't agree with this. I think companions are really good, and I'm afraid I've had none of these problems. I find that they help you take down mobs when you can't form a group, and it's sometimes really fun adventuring with them, especially the particularly sassy ones like Vette and Kaliyo <3

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A space exploration aspect not unlike Mass Effect (sans horrible Mako driving part of course)


I'd like to set out on my ship and explore adjacent star systems, looking for crafting materials, schematics, hidden datacrons or just places of note. I don't have to be able to land on every planet, a simple scanning minigame like Mass Effect 2 would suffice for the majority of locations. Those surfaces that I can land on don't have to be packed with content, but hide the occasional anomaly to motivate those players that like to explore to keep on searching for them.


Maybe you can even sprinkle in 3D space missions in the form of random encounters with roving pirate/opposing faction space forces.

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For fluff I would like to see them outright steal the EverQuest2 system of clothing that shows on your character. Every item slot that is visible on the character has two slots. One slot for gear you want to use for stats and a second slot that will be what shows up on your character.


"One of the surest tests [of the superiority or inferiority of a poet] is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest." T.S. Eliot

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whisper people form guild pane would be nice. (not sure if u can do this yet)


not having ignore right next to add as friend\


to have reverse engineering toggle turn off when u open your mail (friend Re'd a black orange crystal this way)

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lower costs for the legacy items. grinding legacy to 50 it shouldnt cost billions and bazillions of credits to purchase the things i've already unlocked with my legacy level. it's lame that at the end of a long, long journey there's a mega credit sink waiting for me :D
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I'm sorry, but I just can't agree with this. I think companions are really good, and I'm afraid I've had none of these problems. I find that they help you take down mobs when you can't form a group, and it's sometimes really fun adventuring with them, especially the particularly sassy ones like Vette and Kaliyo <3


Yes. The way they designed the game was that you almost need to use your companions. It makes it kind of fun but I could see where people are thinking that it detracts from gameplay. SW:G did this too. I remember when I first started to play the game if I was out solo'ing then I was out solo'ing. Then they got big into pets and droids and what have you and it seemed everyone always had some form of droid or pet out at any given time.


I like the way that companions were implemented though so it doesn't bother me. If I am looking for a challenge then I just will dismiss my current companion.

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-Appearance tab

-more armor/weapon skin, and I mean it, not different color to an existing skin, just like BW did so far. New skin. And no more "weird tree from underwater" stuff like inquisitor, or BH like armor for trooper. Something SW.

-minigun for commando. This pipe is nowhere to be seen in SW movies, while the minigun is seen in clone wars cartoon, and the return SWTOR trailer.

-more RP interaction, like sitting on a chair, music, pazaak... Plenty of stuff to add.

-more difficulty for 4players content. Except LI, the HM are a joke. Even stuffed with lvl 45-50 blue item, it's a joke.

-player housing inside the ship. At least, like LOTRO, at best like EQ2. Also, increase the size of the ship, or just open more room, and add several ship to buy, if we want to change (trooper's ugly ship, I'm looking at you).


Oh, and did I mentioned appearance tab ?

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I would love to see more areas where you can use all of your companions to fight, I've only seen 1 instance of this and thats on my trooper. When you go to take on the space station, all of your companions actually fight! Instead of ok I get this 1 companion and I go PEW PEW 100 imps/repubs. I would to see a more immersive atmosphere with my companions, and it would actually feel more like a strike team (which in most story line they like to call them).
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I wanna play without companions they drag the game in the dirt tbh annoying poor AI pixels that gets stuck ninjapulls or just doesn't spawn when you want them, Power to the solo players! :p
Improved microing will help prevent ninjapulls. Otherwise, simply dismiss them and they're out of your hair. If you don't want to see their icon on the UI you can turn that off too in the UI editor. :)


Personally OP ... I'm down for a beach bungalow on Bora Bora.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I want an opt out for romance options. It could be as easy as hiding any chat option that starts with (Flirt). Call it Parental Control or something.




(to be clear: opt out means the individual or account holder can determine for themselves if these options ever appear for them while they are playing and would NOT affect anyone else.)




Disclaimer: This post is meant to be conversational and is in no way intended to be rude, mocking, or negative in any way toward any community member.

Edited by InnerPieces
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I really want a barber shop kind of thing. My jedi sage started off with a rather rebellious looking hairstyle, but now that he's a master, i want something more severe. :)

The shop would have options for changing hair, hair colour, and maybe even tatoos. You could even take it further and a cyber parts for cyborgs, kinda like those Nar Shadaa body shops. Whatta you think? :rak_02:


I responded before reading the other responses because I wanted to offer my own impressions. However, I really like what you're suggesting for the barber shop. I'll be honest, I was gravely disappointed with the Legacy races because I misunderstood how the Cyborg unlock would work. I thought unlocking the Cyborg would allow you to place cybernetic options on other races during character creation. Given your idea above, I think the Barber Shop (or Body Shop lol) would be an excellent way to incorporate the Cyborg legacy unlock in a meaningful way by allowing us to add Cybernetic options to the other races and would add a little more of a role-play feel to character development (personal story-wise).





Disclaimer: This post is meant to be conversational and is in no way intended to be rude, mocking, or negative in any way toward any community member.

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I want a better Character Creation. Please, BioWare, give us a better character creator. Allow us to change the colors of our gear. Allowing races across legacy is a start, now we just need a better character creator.


I imagine Legacy will expand over time, hopefully with some discounts for the over-priced character perks.


I also expect the usual content updates to have new Flashpoints and Operations, with the ocassional new Warzone every couple of updates.


I also want Ilum to be revisited so that my Level 50 characters have something to do besides grind the dailies.


Come on, TOR! Push 1.4 out before Guild Wars 2 launches!

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More champion type mobs, designed for 1-2 players, with none essential loot. Such as: orange sets, social armor, pets.



A system similar to factions, but within Imp and Rep., where you can get smaller perks, mounts or bonuses. Example would be EQ1 and 2 factions.



Ability to purchase different spaceships. Perhaps make some an epic quest and others a credits sink.

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