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3 adjustments that would add the survivability/utility Arsenel Merc's lack:


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1. Make concussion missle instant cast

2. Add a 3 second root to the skill after burners

3. Include a 5 m. interrupt




1. Not bad for Arsenal I suppose. Could be added to the Power Overrides.

2. Could work, but won't help much if it adds even more resolve than Jet Boost does now.

3. If you're within 5m you're pretty much dead as it is. If Merc's get an interupt it needs to be able to be used from Range.


The problem with Arsenal (and Pyro to a very much smaller degree) is the lack of Mobility. You need to keep your range on people and you have to prevent them from getting to you. The best way to fix this is to add a jump ability to Mercs that also includes a 3-4s pull/jump immunity to it. Of course this would send melee classes into a tizzy, but Mercs need something on top of an interupt. A jump, a slow or a speed boost is just 3 examples of what needs to be added inorder to make Mercs. Even giving us an interupt and slow standard and adding a jump ability near the top of the Arsenal tree and a speed boost near the top of the Pyro tree would be nice. It would add a bit more to each class without people yelling about another OP healer.

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Nice suggestions.


1. Makes sense as what I see as a similar class to us, Gunslinger/Sniper (as both are 'turret' type rDPS) has an instant cast AOE 8 second mezz.


2.Instead of changing this Concussion Charge should be brought in line with the Gunslinger/Sniper's Pulse Detonator that has a 5 second root that breaks after 2 if damage is applied.


3. An interrupt would be great although I agree it should be at least 10m like, once again, the GS/Snipers Distraction talent.


One additional suggestion I have is to make Grav Round/Tracer Missile instant and adding a 5 sec. CD. This would improve mobility for the Arsenal/Gunnery spec while reducing GR/TM spam. It would make the rotation slightly more complicated as you obviously couldn't stand there for 5 seconds doing nothing but it's short enough to not break the dependency on it's debuff. It's such a major part of the rotation that having it get interrupted all the time somewhat breaks the spec. If this change were to take effect I would also suggest the old TM animation be brought back as it would be absolutely hilarious to see all the Arsenal Mercs. scuttling around like crabs.


Let me know what you think.

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Nice suggestions.


1. Makes sense as what I see as a similar class to us, Gunslinger/Sniper (as both are 'turret' type rDPS) has an instant cast AOE 8 second mezz.


2.Instead of changing this Concussion Charge should be brought in line with the Gunslinger/Sniper's Pulse Detonator that has a 5 second root that breaks after 2 if damage is applied.


3. An interrupt would be great although I agree it should be at least 10m like, once again, the GS/Snipers Distraction talent.


One additional suggestion I have is to make Grav Round/Tracer Missile instant and adding a 5 sec. CD. This would improve mobility for the Arsenal/Gunnery spec while reducing GR/TM spam. It would make the rotation slightly more complicated as you obviously couldn't stand there for 5 seconds doing nothing but it's short enough to not break the dependency on it's debuff. It's such a major part of the rotation that having it get interrupted all the time somewhat breaks the spec. If this change were to take effect I would also suggest the old TM animation be brought back as it would be absolutely hilarious to see all the Arsenal Mercs. scuttling around like crabs.


Let me know what you think.


Stop suggesting a cooldown on tracer missle thats what I think. If you wanna PvP go Pyro.

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Stop suggesting a cooldown on tracer missle thats what I think. If you wanna PvP go Pyro.


if you have nothing to do but be a dick, why post? same for the other dude.


every spec should be viable in PvP, and i applaud those that continue to strive to make improvements to a class they enjoy to play.


seriously, take a day off from trolling...smile, maybe give somebody a compliment...see how you feel.


to the constructive, keep up the fight!! :)

Edited by T-Assassin
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if you have nothing to do but be a dick, why post? same for the other dude.


every spec should be viable in PvP, and i applaud those that continue to strive to make improvements to a class they enjoy to play.


seriously, take a day off from trolling...smile, maybe give somebody a compliment...see how you feel.


to the constructive, keep up the fight!! :)



what he said,. All specs should be viable and be comparable to others, thanks.

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Stop trying to PVP as Arsenal.


i dont try, i succeed. PVP arsenal is good for PVP, the people that bag it out are the people that TM spammed and gave up on the class in 1.2. Mostly likely the same people that rerolled a PT.

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i dont try, i succeed. PVP arsenal is good for PVP, the people that bag it out are the people that TM spammed and gave up on the class in 1.2. Mostly likely the same people that rerolled a PT.


I played Arse before the Nerf assault, and when I occasionally play my Merc now I play Arse. At this point Pyro Merc is just an inferior Pyro PT..so if you wanna be kid brother to PT then by all means go Pyro..its more mobile sure. Ive played both and they both have their strengths...Neither of which are what I consider strong however.


Prior to the Merc changes and still now I crush pyro Mercs all the time..they have no interupt...Once I cleanse at the right time and then knock them out from behind whatever it is their hiding behind its good night Irene for them. Sometimes they try to kite around a pillar oir whatever spamming auto attack which I can stop and bust off a way stronger and faster heal then them and get back to it...If they spam anything Else they will heat cap...so its really not a problem to be kited by a pyro Merc....If it were a PT pyro I would die ASAP.


Now that said a Disengage, an interupt, and root would put this entire AC where it needs to be...the root, and interupt pretty much every other class already has....and the disengage would be Mercs unique ability....Akin to Grapple, or Intercede, or Cover, or stealth, or Sprint, or well you get the idea.

Edited by Soljin
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Make powershot uninterrupt-able so when we are getting targeted with interrupts we can fall back to this to keep up our barrage proc's & power barrier so we can try to keep some dps on the enemy (would also give us a reason to use it), also put power barrier back to the old 2% per stack.


Just an conservative suggestion.

Edited by nkitch
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I like DkSharktooth's idea form the class feedback thread.


Add a jump-to-area ability with a 30sec-1min cooldown. This would allow the merc to leap ahead with his jetpack to an area designated by placing a reticle on the ground
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