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Plis give me the option of disabling pre made cover spots in WZ.


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Why ? because they do more harm then good for me.


Most times i select enemy just before an attack. Then i roll into 5 enemies getting instant agroo.....

Or maybe i roll into fire or AOE damage what ever. Sometimes i actually roll out of line of sight so i can

no longer target that player. And sometimes it just bugs out and i'm not in cover(yes that bug is still around)


I enjoy the cover system on my Gunnslinger but for me the pre made cover spots in WZ dont do the job.

When playing fast as i do there is no time to select a pre made cover spot.So plis give me an option too disable them.

If that option alredy exist in the UI then plis tell me....

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there's a keybind(shift f i believe) that you can set that will let you drop down into cover from exactly where you're standing(even if there's a green cover spot shown)


i use that instead of the rolling into cover keybind, but you could just change the regular f keybind over to it. or change it to whatever keybind you want it to be

Edited by FourTwent
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Shift + F


.. and remove the "roll into cover" thing from your hotbar. Replace it with crouch.


You can remove roll into cover from your hot bar, but make sure you have a key bind for it. Sometimes rolling into cover will save your ***. But you shouldnt only roll into cover, I do agree.

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You can remove roll into cover from your hot bar, but make sure you have a key bind for it. Sometimes rolling into cover will save your ***. But you shouldnt only roll into cover, I do agree.


It's bound to F by default :)

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