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What do you think about Malgus' action on Ilum?


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His betrayal on Ilum.



I agree some of his points, like the Emperor no longer care about the politics much, the Dark Council had too much powerplay and the "alien" race deserve better treatment.


However, he totally didn't have the power to go against the Empire, this only lead to him and his followers death and weakened the Empire when we were having such a important war on Corellia.

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He does make some good points, the Empire could be a lot stronger than it is, if they opened themselves up to alien races joining. He did go about it the wrong way...

Forcing the fleet to go to the foundry again and get pounded. Not to mention you didn't actually see him die, you knocked him off the platform.



At the end of it all the Council does takes his points under consideration, which is at least something.

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Show of hands from those that wanted to join him!


I mean, this is the guy who parked an assault craft full of Sith right on the Jedi Temple lawn. You don't argue with that kind of guy.


he does say one of you has agreed to join him but which one, maybe in the future we can.

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Hey fellow bounty hunters,


I have a question concerning the completion of my class story quest line.


I have already contacted customer support, to which I have not been able to resolve my issue.


I killed Darth Tormen from quest (Some people just need killing) ((which is apparently the ending of my class quest))

to which I was then sent to Ilum, to kill jedi kaeden from quest (first strike)

I then received flash point quests (battle for ilum, then directive 7, then false emperor)

all of which I completed, however i'm not quite sure of the completion of my class quest story line.


Additional information:

Back when I use to play in 1.0, I had noticed that multiple people were having complications with end the class story of the their question like, bounty hunters only to be more specific.


When I login to swtor with my bounty hunter character, the login screen I see is:



The power struggle between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic rages on with no clear end in sight.


With both sides fully committed, the stakes of victory are absolute and the cost of secruing it steadily rising.


As the most famous hired gun in the galaxy, Leggies scouts Vaiken Spacedock for opportunities with a price tag only the heart of Imperial activity can provide.




A question I have for you other bounty hunters, is,

"do you also see this as your login screen when you login?"


I am curious to know whether or not I am actually affected by this issue, or whether or not this issue has been resolved, or whether or not this is even actually an issue, and I have indeed, completed my class quest story line.





Edited by Leggies
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Yep im done with my class story and it says the same thing. Its an "interlude" for things to come. I think it also serves as an introduction to operations and end game flashpoints.


I also killed Tormen even though i was total dark side most of the game :cool:

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Hey fellow bounty hunters,


I have a question concerning the completion of my class story quest line.


I have already contacted customer support, to which I have not been able to resolve my issue.


I killed Darth Tormen from quest (Some people just need killing) ((which is apparently the ending of my class quest))

to which I was then sent to Ilum, to kill jedi kaeden from quest (first strike)

I then received flash point quests (battle for ilum, then directive 7, then false emperor)

all of which I completed, however i'm not quite sure of the completion of my class quest story line.


Additional information:

Back when I use to play in 1.0, I had noticed that multiple people were having complications with end the class story of the their question like, bounty hunters only to be more specific.


When I login to swtor with my bounty hunter character, the login screen I see is:



The power struggle between the Sith Empire and Galactic Republic rages on with no clear end in sight.


With both sides fully committed, the stakes of victory are absolute and the cost of secruing it steadily rising.


As the most famous hired gun in the galaxy, Leggies scouts Vaiken Spacedock for opportunities with a price tag only the heart of Imperial activity can provide.




A question I have for you other bounty hunters, is,

"do you also see this as your login screen when you login?"


I am curious to know whether or not I am actually affected by this issue, or whether or not this issue has been resolved, or whether or not this is even actually an issue, and I have indeed, completed my class quest story line.






No matter what class you are, the interlude says to go to Vaiken Spacedock, because it's basically where you do everything when you're 50, it's not a glitch or anything.

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According to his Wookieepedia page


Malgus not only survived prior mortal wounds, but countless Lightsaber/Blaster wounds, a Pulse Grenade square in the chest, a fall that murdered the incredibly powerful Darth Sidious, and the space station with the shaft he was falling down exploding, all in that one confrontation. He apparently escaped to an unknown world and lived to a nice old age there.

Hope this clarifies :)

Edited by bionamaster
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According to his Wookieepedia page


Malgus not only survived prior mortal wounds, but countless Lightsaber/Blaster wounds, a Pulse Grenade square in the chest, a fall that murdered the incredibly powerful Darth Sidious, and the space station with the shaft he was falling down exploding, all in that one confrontation. He apparently escaped to an unknown world and lived to a nice old age there.

Hope this clarifies :)


*sigh* I swear the more I see people cite to Wookiepedia, the less reliable of a source it seems. There is no source for spoiler on Wookiepedia, and I am fairly certain it is just the head canon of someone who edited the article as I'm fairly certain it has no source at this time that would support the claim.

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*sigh* I swear the more I see people cite to Wookiepedia, the less reliable of a source it seems. There is no source for spoiler on Wookiepedia, and I am fairly certain it is just the head canon of someone who edited the article as I'm fairly certain it has no source at this time that would support the claim.


maybe, maybe not. But he doesn't actually die. I mean, u dont see his corpse. Like the Foundry boss (is that spoiler to anyone still?) One thing for sure in the SW lore is that if u cant see the corpe, then theres some kind of magic possibility. lol

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*sigh* I swear the more I see people cite to Wookiepedia, the less reliable of a source it seems. There is no source for spoiler on Wookiepedia, and I am fairly certain it is just the head canon of someone who edited the article as I'm fairly certain it has no source at this time that would support the claim.


He'll be back he's not gonna let that one go...

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According to his Wookieepedia page


Malgus not only survived prior mortal wounds, but countless Lightsaber/Blaster wounds, a Pulse Grenade square in the chest, a fall that murdered the incredibly powerful Darth Sidious, and the space station with the shaft he was falling down exploding, all in that one confrontation. He apparently escaped to an unknown world and lived to a nice old age there.

Hope this clarifies :)


Wookieepedia fanfics taken as Canon.... /facepalm

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I have an opinion on this. Some spoilers ahead; un-hide at your own risk.



The big stroke I saw from Malgus was that the Empire was losing the war and crumbling as a faction. I believe that Malgus would have caused an Imperial Civil War, weakening the Empire to the point of defeat either at his hands or the hands of the Republic. Using both the force of the Alien Imperial population as well as the Stealth Fleet as his hidden aces, Malgus offers an armistice with the Republic that ensures protection of Imperial citizens in exchange for the Dark Council and (maybe) the Emperor.


If the Republic wages war on the new Empire, Malgus can rally his alien allies into a standing army and the war continues. If the Republic accepts but demands Malgus turn himself in for Warcrimes, he can either go into hiding and direct the New Empire from the shadows or lay down his life as a token of good will between the two factions. If the republic goes with him, the New Empire and the Republic are now joined forces in the galaxy, and though they share their differences they are united against the Old Empire, which would be quickly destroyed without aid of the Infinite Empire's technology.


The only real problem with the above is the aspect of jedi vs sith. I believe that Malgus would either aspire to destroy the Jedi during the peacetime (a Second Hyperspace War) or compromise that the Empire and the Republic exist as seperate entities from the Sith and the Jedi, effectively making 4 dominant forces in the galaxy (5 if you count the hutts) to rule over the different star systems much in the same way that States would work in a country (i.e/ New York and Texas don't see eye to eye, but they are both US States, so while the Sith and the Republic don't see eye to eye there is merit and working together instead of against).


There's more I could say about the conflict of the Jedi and Sith codes, but this post is getting long enough. I'll end with a simple question.



Why couldn't my Chiss Bounty Hunter join Malgus?

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Anyone who declares an Empire free of slavery and specist bigotry is ok in my book. Would have loved the chance to join him during the FE FP.


I would've sided against my allies with him for an alien friendly empire and more work for bounty hunters, *slaps on PVP gear* time to die healer!

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I think he was just dissolutioned by all that had happende to him; the death of his Twi'lek girlfriend (at his own hand yes but because of sith power struggles) and the events happening across the galaxy and within the Empire itself. He just wanted to make a strong and united Empire of both aliens and humans, and apparently others agreed with him. In fact when you think about it all the stuff we did on the flashpoints that he gave us could very well have helped him in his rebellion (like information on the Foundry or the writings of Vodal Kreesh). All in all I say he was just a disheartened man seeking a better future.
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Look, it's kind of boring if you split between, making a character from the "helpful" or the chaotic evil side. It is obvious that the Empire would not last, because, if by chance, the republic was destroyed and all jedi killed, the Sith were going to kill civilians and to each other. I prefer the prospect of faction like in other MMO, where the Alliance and Horde are just faction with two opposing ideals and not just be a hero and the other villains. An Empire describes as Malgus going to give the perfect balance between the two sides, and would give more "freedom" of the player chooses.
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