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Operative Utility Suggestion - Pistol Ability


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Operatives have less utility than others - yes you can argue about stealth, but assassin and shadows can spec into a pull, which is very nice utility.


We always see the operative's pistol in cutscenes, so why not utilise this - In episode I we can see the Naboo forces using grapplers on their pistol...so we could have an agent ability brought in to either have us pulled to the target using a pistol grappler, or pull the target to us, will help operatives be better in warzones.

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Honestly, I just think Operatives should be given a Shadowstep ability for Concealment spec, that would be pretty fair for them. They have almost no movement speed buffs really, that could even the playing field pretty well in my opinion. Maybe make it an talent that adds onto the already effective Hidden Strike?
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