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The lack of my Twi'lek having a hood is disturbing...


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I'm a bloody jedi shadow, and I can't have a hood? I've put up with it up to level 28, but I'm getting more and more annoyed about it. Really, I'd be happy with Jageera's solution - just let my headband show at least. But my ideal solution would be to have the lekku sit forward out the hood.


Hell, even just some dedicated twi'lek headgear would be nice - the clipping really doesn't look good :(

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My smuggler has similar problems with helmets etc... Yes lekku do get in the way (from an rp perspective) but not being able to see a hood or a cool helm is more frustrating. Id settle for lekku over the shoulders or around the neck like male twileks. Or make them vanish.
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While I appreciate the beta people complaining about the clipping issues, I think most of us would agree that the way BW decided to fix the issue is worse than the original problem. I probably would have complained about the clipping myself had I been in beta, but even so I wouldn't be satisfied with the fix. Honestly I think the clipping through the hood would look better than what we currently have. The way I see it these are the fixes I would prefer in order of preference:


1. Allow hoods and have Lekku come out of the hood in front of the chest

2. Allow hoods and have Lekku wrap around neck

3. Enable hoods with Lekku clipping through, have a disable hood option for people who don't like it

4. Keep things the way they are but at least give back the head bands

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I'm starting to think that they would need to completely redo the Twi'lek head to give the lekku mass in order to be able to pin them to the front, so they would come out the sides of the hoods.


What pisses me off is that there has been no word about this, nothing. Just completely ignored on all fronts, as if they don't even want to acknowledge that twi'leks are a playable species anymore. It's gotten to the point where it actually makes me angry. How *********** hard can it be to make a statement about it? SOMETHING?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i find that while running my double bladed lightsaber cuts off my lekku repeatedly... its a good thing im sith, cause there's no way i could be lightside with that much pain all the time.


also, lekku can be put in front just as easily as having them flap about behind you being cleaved by your own lightsaber.

Edited by Neptuno
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  • 2 weeks later...

1.3 look how you want to look? Yup just as long as i does not involve a hood :eek:


Even this patch takes away from a major playable race.


Has there been any word from Bioware on this at all?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Somewhat bizarrely, the only player Twi'leks that I've seen in the game have been ones with the large body type!


My Assassin is a Twi'lek, and she has body type 2. Male Twi'lek players however seem to gravitate towards body type 4.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When will the twi'leks stop being ignored or over looked when it comes to appearance? 1.3 was suppose to make appearance better but my twi'lek still can not wear any type of hood. After 8 months of playing and they still cant fix a hood issue. I can wear a helmet with no problem but a hood seems to be foreign material. PLS BIOWARE STOP OPPRESSING THE TWI'LEK GIVE US OUR HOODS.
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