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Getting random invites


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Sometimes me and my friends only hop on to do a few quests, we may have limited time, 10-15 minutes, to quest. Working with someone i don't know, who randomly invites me, I have found can actually make a quest that I already know, take longer. Backtracking, someone forgot something, it may seem easier to you on your side, but maybe to the other person it isn't easier. That's why you should ask first, always. If you don't ask, then be prepared to get declined, and often.


As for me, I'm an introvert, it takes extra energy to work with others, sometimes I don't have that energy to spare, so I decline, even if I'm working on the same thing as another. Sometimes I don't want to talk with anyone at all, it has nothing to do with you. But since you invited without asking, well, you just annoyed the heck out of me, so of course I just declined. Plus, I've had people I barely met rant at me and blame me in groups in other mmos when I wasn't even in the area, so that's made me cautious of grouping with people I don't know, period.


Easy is subjective, don't assume what's easy and convenient for you, is easy and convenient for everyone.


And another thing, after coming from an MMO where soloing was nearly impossible, I often enjoy the challenge of seeing how far I can push my character solo, can I take on this elite, can I survive this. Can I down this rare. So your idea of easy, is at odds with my thrill at seeing how far I can push my character. I don't want easy, I came from an mmo where everyone grinded and nothing was easy. Easy for me is boring, I want to challenge myself and often do when soloing. That elite I saw over there, more often than not when soloing, I take them on to just to see if I can. For me that is fun. Not easy, no, but fun. And again, my need to challenge myself that way and to do it solo, has nothing to do with you or you wanting things to be easy. Remember that.

Edited by YukariOro
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Most of these blind invites seem to be ESL gamers trying to learn the language. No problem there as long as I know the goal and they can tell me straight up.


My hubby and I run together and I've lost count of the number of times we have tried to be nice and allow a third only to regret it. Immediately, they start demanding that we use THEIR companion, go THIS way, SPACEBAR this cutscene. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!!


Our new policy is just "No thanks" and no more third wheels with a Napolean complex. And if they followed me to Ilum, I would have said "Get lost" so they don't use their breath-holding tantrum again in the future on some other poor sap.


I learned the hard way in another MMO with a stalker that pummeled me non-stop with questions/crafting demands/port requests. NEVER AGAIN!! :)

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My hubby and I run together and I've lost count of the number of times we have tried to be nice and allow a third only to regret it. Immediately, they start demanding that we use THEIR companion, go THIS way, SPACEBAR this cutscene. NO FRIGGIN' WAY!!


lol, yeah, that's a huge part of what keeps me from accepting random invites, those kind of attitudes. I tend to stick with friends and guildies if I'm going to group, I know what I'm getting with them 99% of the time lol. They never want to respect that you have your own pace you like to go at.


Funny, you mentioning the stalker. I remember helping one guy once in FFXI, the guy then starts idk, obsessing about me and starts shouting for me in one of the main cities when I'm hanging out with friends. Freaked me out, ended up leaving with a friend, and later the guy blew up at me, seems he thought I was gonna start a relationship with him or something. Had to report him to a GM even.


So yeah, another reason why, as a female player, I'm extra cautious online as well.

Edited by YukariOro
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There's only one 'blind' invite I accept: When myself and another character are obviously after the same thing, whether it be killing or collecting. I don't consider this to be a blind invite, though, because it's obvious we're both doing the same thing. Grouping up for the short time it takes us to finish will likely make it go faster, and we won't be competing with each other as we would be if we remain ungrouped.


Any other type of invite popping up on my screen flips my anger switch. I can't help it- I've been part of too many absolutely horrible groups over the past decade that began with such invites- and when I see that pop-up without so much of a 'Care to join my group?' message, an icepick jams into my head at the thought of clicking 'accept'. Ow. No thanks.

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I too love helping folks out, but I will always decline random invites. so many examples of it leading into bad situations that I lose count. Ultimately to me it boils down to this.


If you incapable of explaining what you need in a few short sentences then im not going to come help you. I've found far too often that people who do random invites are NOT politely asking for a reason...


People who politely ask can even be as short as "hey man, mind helping me with quest X?" sure im game. on a rare occasion it will lead into them trying to drag it out....but in all honesty I've found that people who are articulate in specifying their needs are also respectful enough to appreciate the help you give them, and don't rudely push for more.

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There's only one 'blind' invite I accept: When myself and another character are obviously after the same thing, whether it be killing or collecting. I don't consider this to be a blind invite, though, because it's obvious we're both doing the same thing. Grouping up for the short time it takes us to finish will likely make it go faster, and we won't be competing with each other as we would be if we remain ungrouped.


Any other type of invite popping up on my screen flips my anger switch. I can't help it- I've been part of too many absolutely horrible groups over the past decade that began with such invites- and when I see that pop-up without so much of a 'Care to join my group?' message, an icepick jams into my head at the thought of clicking 'accept'. Ow. No thanks.


read after I posted, And I agree wholeheartedly. I even do that (the first one) on occasion...your both waiting for a mob/spawn point to respawn (as an example, the computer panel in BH that you click to "summon" the last elite for the area quest). if I see someone cruise up and stand patiently next to me waiting...that deserves an invite. But I guess you could assume that it's not blind...your probably 99% sure that they are on the same thing you are.

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I feel your pain. For reasons similar to this I never accept random invites from ppl who can't even take the time to send a quick whisper before hand. I've helped many ppl at my lvl or lower who did ask for help just to be a nice guy, but if they can't even bother to talk to me then I can't even bother to group with them.
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Well, I always accept blind invites. Usually, I get them when I'm running through an area full of spawns or when I'm doing dailies. It has always worked out well in those scenarios.


On other occasions, I have been asked for help killing a boss or in one case World Boss (btw that turned out really well for me loot wise) as well as the random Heroics. In each case it has gone fairly well. Not everyone knows how to play strategically but after a little instruction we get through it. One particular case that stands out occurred while running a Heroic on Belsavis. We went in and quickly wiped a few times. A few in the group wanted to quit, I insisted we could get through it and ran through the basics. The next thing you know, we not only completed the objectives but took out a few straggling Champs on the way out. The group was pretty happy with the outcome to say the least.


So... my experiences have been good, but I have been lucky to some extent. However, I always ask whats up before I do anything or follow along. I need to be clear on what is being asked. I can be patient and wait for an answer, but I will continue with what I'm doing until I hear back from the inviting party.

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Here is a positive story.


A character was posting "need help with boss" in general chat on DK. I offered to help and recieved a group invite, which I accepted. Once in the group chat I asked "what do you need" and he responded "need to kill this boss for si class quest shes killing me". So I helped, we got the boss done and dusted, did a couple more quests in the dark temple and disbanded the group.


So, to all of you lurking here and reading this - you don't have to type a lot of text for others to come and help you but you do have to type something more than "follow me".

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