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Light Side Points Problem


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So I have 100 Dark Side Points and 10000 Light Side Points and it says my Alignment is 9900. I've been lvl 50 for 3 months now and I've gotten nothing but Light points and I'm still Light IV and not Light V and my alignment and Light Side pointts haven't changed. What am I doing wrong?
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No idea why this is happening to you, maybe something screwed up in your character, because on my light consular just the other day I got some dark points in Esseles, 250 or so I believe, and I recovered back the light side points no problems...
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So I have 100 Dark Side Points and 10000 Light Side Points and it says my Alignment is 9900. I've been lvl 50 for 3 months now and I've gotten nothing but Light points and I'm still Light IV and not Light V and my alignment and Light Side pointts haven't changed. What am I doing wrong?


If you have diplomacy, do a few light side missions.

Run a normal FP (not a hard mode) that gives Light/Dark side points

Complete a Heroic quest (repeatable) that gives Light/Dark side points

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If you have diplomacy, do a few light side missions.

Run a normal FP (not a hard mode) that gives Light/Dark side points

Complete a Heroic quest (repeatable) that gives Light/Dark side points


Like I said in my post, I've gotten nothing but Light Points for 3 months and I'm still the same.

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That is strange, I was able to compensate my DS points on my JK right after 1.2. Maybe they broke something in 1.3 or you have a rather unique situation.


Either that or you did something really horrible which simply can't be forgiven.

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That is very strange. I was at 10k points, 400 light, the rest dark, and not done with content, but 50. I kept running missions and making dark side decisions, and the dark decisions wiped away the light side points.
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I sent in a ingame ticket when the problem first occured, and they said they were working on it, and that was before 1.2, and I've waited ever since then but nothings changed so I thought I'd appeal to the forums, see if anyone else knows about this.
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The same thing happened to me actually, and I was Light IV for some months. And SUDDENLY it started working again. So you CAN somehow unbug yourself. Doing HM FPs did nothing for me, I have a theory that it was my diplomacy missions who helped me unbug myself, but I'm not sure.
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I'll give diplomacy a shot then


Yeah for a while there HM Flashpoints weren't giving alignment points - I really can't confirm they are working now. How I handled the same problem was ran Black Talon (Empire side Essless) on normal mode a few times.

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