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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Faction change....


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I got 2 50s id love to bring over to the pub side, i found a great many friends i play with there, but unfortunately i had already leveled an operative and a marauder on imp side, i LOVE healing on my operative...id pay a substantial amount of money for faction transfer......i keep hearing the same people say the same thing over and over again




no they wouldnt.......the 2 classes are mirror classes, just switch them over, and put them on the same point of the class story as before just on different faction,


say you were just about finished chapter 2 on my operative, then after faction is changed, hes still at the same point in the class quest, or somewhere close to it, at the end of chapter 2, except this time with a smuggler.




if this is too much for bioware to wrap its head around and a little out of their league, then i suggest faction changes only for level 50s ....since your done your quests/class story/ voice overs....



seriously you dont need to write a new story/dialogue / voice over for faction change...

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Yeah, Imperial Intelligence is going to put some turncoat in charge of sensitive stuff. Especially since we see in the trooper storyline how people who pull a faction change are treated. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I can't believe you actually think it's that simple.

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Why would anyone want to deprive themselves of the smuggler/knight storylines?


if i want to see smuggler story ill level a gunslinger, but the whole point is i want to heal and raid on my operative.



operative = scoundrel




see the difference?

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seriously you dont need to write a new story/dialogue / voice over for faction change...


A paid faction change, where you can convert your character to the mirror advanced classes on the opposite faction is certainly not impossible, and probably the only likely way for being a "traitor" (although, you'd probably, essentially, get a full character redesign with the limitations of faction and legacy as opposed to having the same appearance).


Assuming level 50 with class story done...


Gearwise, it wouldn't be that much of a problem. For any gear bought with a token, convert the gear to the appropriate token for the opposite faction. For class-related gear, change it to gear of the opposite faction. The rest simply would be unusable. If you had a green sniper rifle as a sniper and converted to a gunslinger, it wouldn't convert to a green pistol, it would just be unusable. Likewise for orange gear. It should be something that's understood when undergoing faction change.


Some of the titles would be lost. For example, titles like "Black Bisector" doesn't have an equivalent on the Imp side. You couldn't just swap it with a title Imps get on their capital world.


The biggest problem is with companions. Obviously, companions would have to change, but how would affection and relationships be handled? You could handle it by equating companions with the order they're gained, but if you switched from a Sith Juggernaut married to Vette, you couldn't become a Jedi Guardian married to T7-01. You could equate affection with role, so, for example, Elara Dorne and Mako were equivalent. Not saying it would be impossible, but this would be the hardest part.

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EQII had a 'betrayal quest' available for just this purpose. I'd love to see something similar in TOR available at 50. It certainly does not conflict with lore. Plenty of jedi fell to the dark side to become sith. Some sith were redeemed and became jedi. BH? Smuggler? They go where the credits are offered. The writers could develop some truly amazing story lines with this type of quest. Just a thought...
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EQII had a 'betrayal quest' available for just this purpose. I'd love to see something similar in TOR available at 50. It certainly does not conflict with lore. Plenty of jedi fell to the dark side to become sith. Some sith were redeemed and became jedi. BH? Smuggler? They go where the credits are offered. The writers could develop some truly amazing story lines with this type of quest. Just a thought...


i agree. but am somewhat unsure how the companions would play out in doing this. would their affection be reset to zero or would it not matter if it is maxed?


there are a lot of issues here to rework other than simply changing skills and abilities to make it work within the confines of a story. or perhaps you don't need to worry about such and just do it.


anyways i can only see this happening if you are level 50 and have completed your story line. if not then i can see people exploiting this to get non unlocked legacy races of the opposite faction to play for nothing.

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