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I <3 fighting Marauders


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When I took my Shadow to 50 I absolutely hated running into Marauders, but now I can finally have my never ending revenge!


I 1v1'd this one Marauder 3 times in 1 Round of Void Star defense, and only once did he get a hit on me

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The only reason i believe this is because there is a HUGE difference between skill of maras/sents. If one doesnt know how to use his tools properly even a commando or merc can kill him with only getting hit once. so in short, good jobe and you found one of many maras that are super bad
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Gunslinger/Sniper is the anti class for the Marauder/Sentinel. They have every tool to keep them at bay. They cant leap at you, you have knockbacks that root, added defense in cover, tons of stuns, AOE that you can put ON YOURSELF so anyone attacking you is getting destroyed. On my gunslinger I specificaly hunt marauders. They are easy kills. I was shocked when everyone was calling them OP but thats cuz I was playing a GS.
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...added defense in cover...


Of course you know that cover only gives ranged defense, so I assume you're talking about the defensive cooldown in Dodge and the accuracy debuff in Diversion.

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I generally won't target snipers when i'm playing my sentinel, unless they are distracted, or i've seen them use up their cooldowns. Of course it is possible to kill snipers as a sentinel, but you gotta work damn hard for that kill
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You know something I don't or are full of it. I love marauders on my shadow and can't deal with them on the gunslinger.

No no, I realize it sounds like b/s but notice I said Void Star defense. As in, I'm camped by the door and he tries to come 1v1 me and get the door. As a Marauder against a Gunslinger it's just never gonna happen

Leg Shot to start with, Sabotage Charge -> Charged Burst. They get close knockback. Aimed Shot -> Flashbang -> Charged Burst -> Quickdraw.


If he's lucky he got 1 hit in before I knocked him back

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I have a Marauder and a Gunslinger with that being said I consider myself pretty damn decent at both. 1v1 given the same player skill behind both classes an Annihilation spec'd Marauder will walk all over a Gunslinger. However as someone above posted - you will run into more bad Marauders than you will the good ones but when you do cross the path of a good Marauder you will have a new found respect for the player because it takes skill to play a Marauder effectively.
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Of course you know that cover only gives ranged defense, so I assume you're talking about the defensive cooldown in Dodge and the accuracy debuff in Diversion.


Im a sabslinger and I was mostly refering to riot screen +6% defence against all damage when in cover, and balistic dampeners.


I didnt know normal cover only protected from range though. So good to know.

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If both the Mara and GS are equally skilled/geared, I'd give it to the GS. It's going to be close, but GS should come out on top. Kiting and cover will win the day.


Rage is easy to beat, thanks to 60% AoE dmg reduction.


Carnge isn't too bad, your CDs will stop most of his attacks.


Annihilation is the hardest, thanks to the burns.

Edited by HeavensTerror
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If both the Mara and GS are equally skilled/geared, I'd give it to the GS. It's going to be close, but GS should come out on top. Kiting and cover will win the day.


Rage is easy to beat, thanks to 60% AoE dmg reduction.


Carnge isn't too bad, your CDs will stop most of his attacks.


Annihilation is the hardest, thanks to the burns.


Depends on who has what cooldowns with Annihilation. Dodge is great to not eat one, so is distract. However nothing sucks more than eating an Obfuscate and spending the next few seconds watching them deflect everything you throw. It's how my Marauder kills GS. I get to them, put my butt next to something solid and start hitting. If I can't get something solid I open with Obfuscate so they cant hit me after the pulse detonator. By then I'd be getting close, so it's just about force choking them enough that they either blow their CD or let my burns tick. Nothing is solid, nothing is set, but a fight between a skilled GS and skilled Marauder? It get's nasty and the first AOE from whoever that clips you pretty much is the deciding factor since it's just so close.

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Depends on who has what cooldowns with Annihilation. Dodge is great to not eat one, so is distract. However nothing sucks more than eating an Obfuscate and spending the next few seconds watching them deflect everything you throw. It's how my Marauder kills GS. I get to them, put my butt next to something solid and start hitting. If I can't get something solid I open with Obfuscate so they cant hit me after the pulse detonator. By then I'd be getting close, so it's just about force choking them enough that they either blow their CD or let my burns tick. Nothing is solid, nothing is set, but a fight between a skilled GS and skilled Marauder? It get's nasty and the first AOE from whoever that clips you pretty much is the deciding factor since it's just so close.


I solved this problem too against sentinels, obfuscate is only ranged accuracy. I switch to grenades, shiv, explosive probe, Depending on the abilities that you use during this time, i have different tools: ravage? Ok evasion! Saberward will be met with an immediate flashbang - although the marauder would have to be very stupid to use both saberward and obfuscate at the same time. So at their best they can make your ranged attack useless almost for 18 seconds. But Saberward can be more or less countered by illegal mods +30% accuracy.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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