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Watchmen help please


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Ok I have a couple of questions.


I am currently a watchmen with around 30 percent crit and 75 percent surge.


Why would you stack power augs over strength augs? I have my entire war hero gear augmented with strength augs and I'm usually one of the top damage dealers in most warzones.


Doesn't strength add to several stats and increase damage all around? Why pick that over power?


What exactly does strength add to my watchmen by having the strength augments?


Should I change out my strength augs with power ones?


I understand cauterize does a dot and overload saber does 3 dots. Is there another dot I'm missing? What does it mean to stack 5 of juyo? I thought juyo was the form.


My last question has to do with gear. I currently have two war hero relics augment with power. Can someone please give me advice on which ear piece and implants to get? The mplants they offer reduce surge and crit alot and seem like they are a down grade. Sorry for all the questions but any help would be great.

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overload saber is only 1 dot not 3 dots. It stacks 3 times meaning 1 stack say does 100 dmg 2 stacks 200 and 3 300 it doesn't tick 3 times, it only ticks once depending on how many applications of course.


I stack strength augments also. Power is what you want when you cannot get more strength imo. It's a secondary stat, Strength is a primary stat. So think Power instead of surge or crit rating or accuracy for example


Juyo is your form and as you build up attacks you will increase your dmg 2% on your attacks for every subsequent attacks. this buff stacks 5 times to a %10 dmg buff. Essentially the longer a watchman sent stays in combat the higher his dmg output is going to be, long breaks lower your overall dps. This buff starts to decay once you leave combat and it dies out in like 10 or 15s i can't remember exactly.


I can't offer any advice about the gear as I've only gotten to play for a day or 2 since the patch because i've been on the road so I don't have all my WH gear but no doubt plenty of people here are geared up

Edited by KruelhandJorb
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Thanks for all the help. Why do you stack strength over power for augments? I know that power raises overal damage. Shouldn't that be the way to go for watchmen?


Strength raises overall damage too, and does it better than Power. The diminishing returns cap on main stats is ~1600 (except for Endurance), so once you achieve that, then focus on Power.

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Ok so the diminishing return on strength is at 1600? That's good to know. Also I didn't know that strength is better then power before 1600. Thanks. What is everybody's thoughts on the ear piece and implants? Which is the best for a watchmen to go with?
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Strength raises overall damage too, and does it better than Power. The diminishing returns cap on main stats is ~1600 (except for Endurance), so once you achieve that, then focus on Power.


Ehm no?


Strength adds 0.2 bonus damage per point

Power adds 0.23 bonus damage per point


In what worlds is 0.2 more than 0.23?


Also Strength doesnt have diminishing returns in that regard, however the crit bonus from strength has a little bit of diminishing returns but its not very much.

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