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Stat question for a merc

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I'm no where near capping my character, but I'd like to know what stats I should be using more and what ones I should be using less. I've mostly been specing into Pyro cause I'd like to be a dps, but with armor and stats I'm totally clueless. I am noticing certain stats seem to come (may be wrong) with each armor class. Heavy has more endurance, medium more crit and light willpower?


What stats should I build on, what armor should I be looking for.....

Thanks for your input ahead of time :)

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Heavy armor with aim/end, crit/power, accuracy/surge is all you should look for as you're leveling up.


Once you get to 50, you will want to fine tune the stats a bit more, crit to 30%, surge to 75%, accuracy to 100%, then everything else in power.

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