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Adapt a scene from Star Wars movies for SWTOR use!

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Awesome thread. My turn.


Episode III.


(Anakin cuts off Mace Windu's arm)

Palpatine: Power. Unlimited... POWER!!!

<system error message>: You don't have enough Force to perform that action.

Mace Windu: 0_o'

Anakin: /facepalm


Also: Why does Imperial Troops were defeated by Ewoks? Because Endor was a level 55 planet while Empire reached only level 50...


And this one:

(Hoth, Rebel base under attack. Chewie repairs Falcon)

Chewie: ROoooarrraarrhrrragrr

Han Solo: No! no no no. THIS one goes HERE and THAT one goes THERE.

Chewie: RrooAAaaORRaaagrr.

Han Solo: Chewie, you really need to level your Repair Skill...


Episode IV

(Leia is being kept captive an dinerrogated by Grand Moff Tarkin)

Tarkin: I repeat onece more - where is Rebel Base located?

Leia: (lie) Dantooine...they are on Dantooine

<Leia receives 50 DS points>

Tarkin: Dantooine is too far away. Blow Alderaan.

Leia: NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo.......

<Tarkin receives over 9001 DS points>

<Tarkin: Attuned to Dark Side>

<Tarkin reaches Dark II>

<Tarkin reaches Dark III>

<Tarkin reaches Dark IV>


Episode VI

(Moment before final attack on a 2nd Deathstar, Han Solo and Lando Calrissian talking)

Han Solo: Really, take her. It's the fastest ship in the whole galaxy (pointing towards Millenium Falcon)

Lando: I'm not sure, I know what she means to you.

Han: I mean it, take her.

Lando: Ok, ok. I won't even scratch her. I promise.

<you cannot trade Bound items>

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han solo walks into the cantina and clicks on the mission icon


han - "yes greedo, as a matter of fact i was just going to see your boss"

greedo "uta chu ta mon"

han "tell jabba, i got his money"

greedo "coda marala com on ta da, jabba cowy a say"

han "yeah, but this time i got the money"

greedo "jawi cud, ui witti ooa"

han " i don't have it with me, tell jabba -"

greedo " oo wa di du ta, oru da cu di ttee tee"

han "even i get boarded sometimes, do you think i had a choice?"

greedo "jabba cu a dum toe"


choice wheel

witty remark

buy greedo a drink

shoot greedo


option 1


han "over my dead body

greedo " a chu ta"

han "i bet you have"

greado shoots at han misses, then han raises his baster and presses the






han solo again clicks the mission icon






choice wheel

witty remark

buy greedo a drink

shoot greedo


option 3


han "over my dead body"

greedo " a chu ta"

han fires his blaster, a bolt shoots into greedos chest and kills him.


mission complete

Edited by grandmthethird
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han solo walks into the cantina and clicks on the mission icon


han - "yes greedo, as a matter of fact i was just going to see your boss"

greedo "uta chu ta mon"

han "tell jabba, i got his money"

greedo "coda marala com on ta da, jabba cowy a say"

han "yeah, but this time i got the money"

greedo "jawi cud, ui witti ooa"

han " i don't have it with me, tell jabba -"

greedo " oo wa di du ta, oru da cu di ttee tee"

han "even i get boarded sometimes, do you think i had a choice?"

greedo "jabba cu a dum toe"


choice wheel

witty remark

buy greedo a drink

shoot greedo


option 1


han "over my dead body

greedo " a chu ta"

han "i bet you have"

greado shoots at han misses, then han raises his baster and presses the






han solo again clicks the mission icon






choice wheel

witty remark

buy greedo a drink

shoot greedo


option 3


han "over my dead body"

greedo " a chu ta"

han fires his blaster, a bolt shoots into greedos chest and kills him.


mission complete


Yay! Han shot first!

My turn:


Obi-Wan: This was your father's lightsaber.

Obi-Wan wishes to trade with you.

Obi-Wan: You cannot trade bound items that belong to another person.

You will be kicked for hacking in 10 seconds.

Player [Obi-Wan] has been reported.

Edited by Darth_Eminok
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Han Solo: Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?


Fight starts, four player group (Luke, Han, Lando, Chewy) against Boba Fett (Gold-Silver Boss).


Han uses Pulse Detonator. (Throwback ability)

Boba Fett has been defeated. (Thrown off the bark)


Dev 1: Maybe we should make this Boss immune to throwbacks.

Dev 2: Yeah. And we should change the animation of Pulse Detonator, it looks as if he just turns around with a big stick and accidentally hits someone.

Dev 1: But let's first make some social gear for Jabba's palace.

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"Scruffy-looking Nerf Herder!, Hey who you calling a Scoundrel?"




(Greedo sits at Hans table)


"I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time"

"Yes, I bet you have"


Chat Wheel


*Shoot First- Dark side

*I think I'll be courteous(Let Greedo shoot first)- Light Side/Stupied

Edited by CodwiDasan
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[General] (Obi-wan) LFG [HEROIC 4] Battle of Geonosis

[Kit fisto] Me and some guys from my guild are up for that

Kit Fisto has invited you to join a group

Loot threshold set to Premium

Kit fisto has invited Mace windu to join the group

Mace windu has joined the group

[Group] (Obi-wan) Okay let's go

[Group] (Mace Windu) Who's the tank? I'm dps...

[Group] (Kit Fisto) Obi-wan, he's level 37 Guardian, I'm level 34 Sage

[Group] (Obi-wan) Mace, you attack those droids, I'll attack the boss, Kit heal me

Obi-wan was defeated by Count Dooku with Force Lightning (1250 Damage)

[Group] (Obi-wan) Kit, what the hell? you're the healer?!?

Kit fisto is away from keyboard

[Group] (Obi-wan) Dammit!

You leave the group

The group has been disbanded

[General] (Anakin) Hold on Obi-wan

[General] (Obi-wan) Thanks for the revive, wanna kill this boss?

[General] (Anakin) Lets do it

Obi-wan has been defeated by Count Dooku with Force Lightning (1250 Damage)

[General] (Obi-wan) DAMMIT!


Anakin stunned with Pillar collapse


[General] (Yoda) you guys need some help?


Revives Obi-wan, heals Anakin, defeated Count Dooku with Double Strike (456 Damage)


Complete: Defeat Count Dooku

Talk to Count Dooku

Count Dooku: This is just the beginning


Dooku flees while pillars collapse.


Completed [HEROIC 4] The Battle of Geonosis

Return to the Jedi Council

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[General] (Obi-wan) LFG [HEROIC 4] Battle of Geonosis

[Kit fisto] Me and some guys from my guild are up for that

Kit Fisto has invited you to join a group

Loot threshold set to Premium

Kit fisto has invited Mace windu to join the group

Mace windu has joined the group

[Group] (Obi-wan) Okay let's go

[Group] (Mace Windu) Who's the tank? I'm dps...

[Group] (Kit Fisto) Obi-wan, he's level 37 Guardian, I'm level 34 Sage

[Group] (Obi-wan) Mace, you attack those droids, I'll attack the boss, Kit heal me

Obi-wan was defeated by Count Dooku with Force Lightning (1250 Damage)

[Group] (Obi-wan) Kit, what the hell? you're the healer?!?

Kit fisto is away from keyboard

[Group] (Obi-wan) Dammit!

You leave the group

The group has been disbanded

[General] (Anakin) Hold on Obi-wan

[General] (Obi-wan) Thanks for the revive, wanna kill this boss?

[General] (Anakin) Lets do it

Obi-wan has been defeated by Count Dooku with Force Lightning (1250 Damage)

[General] (Obi-wan) DAMMIT!


Anakin stunned with Pillar collapse


[General] (Yoda) you guys need some help?


Revives Obi-wan, heals Anakin, defeated Count Dooku with Double Strike (456 Damage)


Complete: Defeat Count Dooku

Talk to Count Dooku

Count Dooku: This is just the beginning


Dooku flees while pillars collapse.


Completed [HEROIC 4] The Battle of Geonosis

Return to the Jedi Council


Lol we should rewrite the entire saga that way. :D


Love this thread btw, keep them coming.

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(Anakin and Obi-Wan enter the room to battle Dooku.)

[Ops Leader][Obi-Wan]: We'll take him together.

[Ops][Anakin]: I'm taking him now!

[Ops Leader][Obi-wan]: No, Anakin, I'm the Tank, I draw aggro first!

Dooku has defeated Anakin with Force Lightning (10000 damage)

Edited by bionamaster
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The Death Star has been defeated.


Princess Leia: Grats guys, now for loot....oh we got [battle of Yavin Medal of Honor] x 2. Two highest rolls wins!

Luke Skywaker rolls (1-100): 93.

Luke Skywaler says, "Woot!"

Han Solo says, "Lucky shot, kid."

Han Solo rolls (1-100): 76

Han Solo says, "Not bad."

Chewbacca rolls (1-100): 2

Luke Skywalker rolls on the floor laughing at Chewbacca.

Chewbacca says, "YARRRRGGGHHHHHH!"

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[Group] (Qui-Gon) Click the button.

[Group] (Pilot) Already done. Just spacebar through the cutscenes, they aren't important.

Complete: Talk to TC-14

Defeat the droids

[Group] (Pilot) This is going to be a long flashpoint. Wait, what? I-

Pilot has been disconnected

Captain has been disconnected

[Group] (Obi-Wan) Well, now we're down our healer and one DPS.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Forget them, we can two-man it. Bring out your comp. Mine are all out crafting.

[Group] (Obi-wan) Mine too. Guess we'll be doing this with just a tank and a DPS...maybe we can avoid most of the enemies. By the way, I'm taking damage from this gas.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Use the mission item.


Quite obviously a PUG.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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[Group] (Qui-Gon) Click the button.

[Group] (Pilot) Already done. Just spacebar through the cutscenes, they aren't important.

Complete: Talk to TC-14

Defeat the droids

[Group] (Pilot) This is going to be a long flashpoint. Wait, what? I-

Pilot has been disconnected

Captain has been disconnected

[Group] (Obi-Wan) Well, now we're down our healer and one DPS.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Forget them, we can two-man it. Bring out your comp. Mine are all out crafting.

[Group] (Obi-wan) Mine too. Guess we'll be doing this with just a tank and a DPS...maybe we can avoid most of the enemies. By the way, I'm taking damage from this gas.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Use the mission item.


Quite obviously a PUG.


Later that day...


[Group] (Obi-wan) We would have made it through a lot faster if you didn't aggro those two champions. I don't know how you got to be a guild officer.

[Group] (Qui-gon) Not my fault. Who was it that pulled all the STAPS at the end?

[Group] (Obi-wan) It's over now. Just find the dropbox.

You turned in the mission "Aggressive Negotiations"

You recieve 5029 Experience

You receive 1006 credits

[Group] (Obi-wan) Want to do [[Heroic 2+] Saving the Queen]?

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Meh, sure. We should probably find a healer, though.

[General] (Qui-Gon) LF Healer Saving the Queen

[Whisper] (Jar-jar) ill go lol

Qui-Gon has invited Jar-jar to join the group

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Later that day...


[Group] (Obi-wan) We would have made it through a lot faster if you didn't aggro those two champions. I don't know how you got to be a guild officer.

[Group] (Qui-gon) Not my fault. Who was it that pulled all the STAPS at the end?

[Group] (Obi-wan) It's over now. Just find the dropbox.

You turned in the mission "Aggressive Negotiations"

You recieve 5029 Experience

You receive 1006 credits

[Group] (Obi-wan) Want to do [[Heroic 2+] Saving the Queen]?

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Meh, sure. We should probably find a healer, though.

[General] (Qui-Gon) LF Healer Saving the Queen

[Whisper] (Jar-jar) ill go lol

Qui-Gon has invited Jar-jar to join the group


Jar-jar has joined the group

[Group] (Obi-wan) You said you were a healer. Powertechs can't heal.

[Group] (Jar-jar) lol i can heal myself with n abilty lol an i need an guld

Obi-wan sighs

[Group] (Qui-gon) Forget it, let's just go.

[Whisper] (Obi-wan) Please don't invite this guy to join the guild. Send him to <The Senate>. They're already full of idiots.

[Whisper] (Qui-Gon) Don't worry, I won't. I think this guy came over in server transfers.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) What's with the head?

[Group] (Jar-jar) pt pvp gear lol

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Jar-jar has joined the group

[Group] (Obi-wan) You said you were a healer. Powertechs can't heal.

[Group] (Jar-jar) lol i can heal myself with n abilty lol an i need an guld

Obi-wan sighs

[Group] (Qui-gon) Forget it, let's just go.

[Whisper] (Obi-wan) Please don't invite this guy to join the guild. Send him to <The Senate>. They're already full of idiots.

[Whisper] (Qui-Gon) Don't worry, I won't. I think this guy came over in server transfers.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) What's with the head?

[Group] (Jar-jar) pt pvp gear lol


Jar-jar was defeated by MTT with Slow Rush (20000 damage)

[Group] (Obi-wan) Dang it Jar, you don't stand in front of the bonus boss's gigantic charge attack!

[Group] (Jar-jar) the boss is would do terrible things to me

[Group] (Obi-wan) I'm beginning to think you're a six-year old.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) We need to head for Ohto Gunga. That's about half of it, then there's a space battle. Well, sort of a space battle. I'll explain after we kill the boss. This is a long heroic.

[Group] (Jar-jar) we is goin to teh bosses

[Group] (Obi-wan) Noob.


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Jar-jar was defeated by MTT with Slow Rush (20000 damage)

[Group] (Obi-wan) Dang it Jar, you don't stand in front of the bonus boss's gigantic charge attack!

[Group] (Jar-jar) the boss is would do terrible things to me

[Group] (Obi-wan) I'm beginning to think you're a six-year old.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) We need to head for Ohto Gunga. That's about half of it, then there's a space battle. Well, sort of a space battle. I'll explain after we kill the boss. This is a long heroic.

[Group] (Jar-jar) we is goin to teh bosses

[Group] (Obi-wan) Noob.



[Group] (Obi-wan) Leave it to that guy to disconnect in the middle of the hardest part of the space battle. He better come back before we have to kill the final boss.

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Stop talking. I have a headache.

[Group] (Jar-jar) mesa back lol

[Group] (Qui-Gon) Finally. Now, let me explain this fight. We have to jump down from this ledge and hold off the droids, and keep the idiot queen from pulling aggro. Got it?

[Group] (Obi-wan) kk

[Group] (Obi-wan) In 3...

[Group] (Qui-Gon) CC the droideka! Now!

[Group] (Obi-wan) We're going to wipe! Where's Jar?

Jar-jar is away from keyboard

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