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Rediculous time in queue, unacceptable


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The one change I would recommend is that when people disconnect they have a 5-10 minute grace-period to get back on the same server with no queue. That way people who get booted due to their personal computer/internet problems don't get stuck in a super long queue.
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The one change I would recommend is that when people disconnect they have a 5-10 minute grace-period to get back on the same server with no queue. That way people who get booted due to their personal computer/internet problems don't get stuck in a super long queue.


Yeah, the last 4 mmo's I played had this feature. I figured it was standard.

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Not really interested in what the game plan was. Every new on line game does the same caca. What, didn't think that you would sell any games? Proper planning prevents p+++ poor performance.


good idea and then when they merge servers because the inital launch population reduces you'll be screaming the game is failing and BW sucks.

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good idea and then when they merge servers because the inital launch population reduces you'll be screaming the game is failing and BW sucks.


Have to disagree with that assessment. The limit on the servers as it stands is waaay too low for all the people that preordered I.E. the devoted fanbase. A less devoted customer will log on see those queues say maybe tomorrow and go play wow. If that continues or recurs a few more times those players will say forget this game i'll go play something where i can log on when i want and not have to wait 45 minutes to play something i've paid 60 bucks for plus 14.99/mo to access.


The amount of money charged means that anyone who wants to play should be able to login and play with zero or minimal queue. If to accomplish that they need to open way to many servers than they need and merge them later, so be it.

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actually the fact that there is long lines is a good thing for the game. It was to be expected in my opinion when i saw the waiting time in the beta even though it was a weekend of a stress test i thought then as i know now that it might be most wise to wait a few days until you play the game i am going to wait i think untill christmas day in the evening. i would expect by then those who got it christmas (and i assume there will be a lot of people who will get it christmas think of the teens and kids or what who want it for christmas or what ) so they will get it and install and log in the morning or afternoon so that will be more people . but by that night you should get a good picture of a good server to be on :-).


Sorry for all of you having to wait and wait and wait but the old saying is sometimes its not the best thing to always be first.


but i do agree that they should be handling this a bit better. they should lock full servers to new players and they should have had some sort of free transfer service the first few days. unless they felt they coudnt handle it.


but they had said they were doing everything for a smooth launch but the waiting times for a lot of people doesnt make for happy gamers.


We'll see. but i think as in any MMO launch the first few days may not be the smoothist . give it a bit of time.


or start over in a lower populated server. all you can really do is just wait. Be patience young one. do not be so quick to anger tha is the will of the dark side.

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