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PvE Tanking: The Value of Endurance


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i gave up 1% dodge, 2% sheild, 3% absorb and gained 3000 HP.


Yes, I would also give up those small percentages for 3k health. I do not know how you lost so few % for so much health, but that is definatly a good trade you did there!

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This is pretty much my build just threw this together really quick some stuff is a bit off(switch some mods out here and there)... my shield in game is 51 and change absorb is 54 and change and D is like 15.90 w/ exotech im sitting at roughly 27,432 hp


imo you get the best of both worlds here room for healers to make a mistake and enough DSA to give a nice smooth flow for the healers


ive stacked shield and absorb up to 55% before and after looking at parsers i noticed im only shielding 5-10 more attacks on any given boss encounter which is why i brought them back down and added D and more endurance

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my stats at the moment:


53% damage reduction

57 % shield chance

50% absorption - goes to 75& during fight

24k hp


I don't have problem with single boss. Hell, I can even solo couple of them when they enrage and things get messy. Did it, plenty of times :D


And if I would change all my augments to endurace ones, I would get 252 extra edurance. 2520 extra HP. Dunno huw much my shield chance would go down (all augments are that) but I'm pretty sure I would feel more squishy,

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This is pretty much my build just threw this together really quick some stuff is a bit off(switch some mods out here and there)... my shield in game is 51 and change absorb is 54 and change and D is like 15.90 w/ exotech im sitting at roughly 27,432 hp


imo you get the best of both worlds here room for healers to make a mistake and enough DSA to give a nice smooth flow for the healers


ive stacked shield and absorb up to 55% before and after looking at parsers i noticed im only shielding 5-10 more attacks on any given boss encounter which is why i brought them back down and added D and more endurance


Aim augments? Really? I would have guessed that Crit/Surge augments would provide more offense.

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I always found it much better to stack tank stats (shield / absorb first) than endurance in the first stages of the game.

Before 1.3 I still ended up with a big healthpool when going for those, usually higher than guardians of the same gear level and slightly below shadow tanks.


In the new raids, a number of bosses (the toughest ones: second boss & Kephess) do a large amount of unmitigated damage however. Which could mean endurance is the better choice.


For solo tanking, hardmodes (again, except Lost Island) and the first two raids, I'm completely convinced shield / absorb is better.

This is also the rule that goes for tanking in almost any MMO out there: mitigation > healthpool.

So I hope BioWare doesn't go further along with the unmitigated damage approach, tank stats are already undervalued in areas of the game (looks at PvP).


Make sure you go for orange belt and bracers though, those can make a huge difference in stats and endurance.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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i gave up 1% dodge, 2% sheild, 3% absorb and gained 3000 HP. With the way dmg goes out in the current fights, it doesnt much matter. If the next teir of content's damadge goes up even slightly, the increased Endurance will help more then the miniscule benefits you get from those small percentages of mitigation. The avoidance i really hated giving up, however, as a vanguard tank, Dodgeing is less important.


I say, hit the platue of about 50 on sheild/absorb and then its a toss up as to how your healers react and personal taste.


Pretty much this. I had around 51% shield and 54% absorb. Seven shield augs and seven absorb augs. Traded them all in for fortutide. My hp went up around 4000, and it only drop to around 49% shield and 51% absorb.

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I just went and tinkered on askmrrobot's gear builder.


This is my "real" stats: (no stim included) 7 absorb augs, 6 shield augs, 1 def aug. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/c68b9e16-2d93-4be2-a9b7-69496722f517

23k HP

14% dodge

59.5% shield

61.5% absorb


This is my stats if I switch out every augment for endurance.

25.5k HP

13.5% dodge

56.5% shield

57.5% absorb


I think I'm better with the mitigation than the raw HP.

Edited by CitizenFry
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a) someone that has 25,000 health and takes 25 times 1,000 damage (out of 30 attacks)

b) someone that has 20,000 health and takes 20 times 1,000 damage (out of 30 attacks)


It will be easier to heal person b).


Your sig is obviously spot on. "Without a clue".


in the 'comparison' given there is nothing to compare. You presented us with two equally squishy parties. Person A) will die just as easily and fast as person B).


For the record? Your person C) was the correct person to be. A mitigation stacker. :)

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