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SWTOR tribute video.


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My tribute to SWTOR, shows the gameplay very well and I believe captured the essence of the game completely.


As I looked through my screenshots the reality of the game became very clear, 1-50 game was absolutely amazing. New planets, new creatures, amazing story. Very engaging and beautiful. It is reflected beautifully through the video.


After level 50, the amazing game we had prior to 50 stops and disappears completely. If you are on PvE server, you raid. If you are on PvP server as I was, you engage in endless warzone skirmishes. I was amazed that I had very few good screenshots post level 50. Almost all of my screenshots after 50 were from warzones or from imperial fleet.


When I watched the video, it truly showed the essence of TOR. Leveling and story are absolutely amazing and engaging. End game is a huge letdown. SWTOR 1-50 and 50+ are two completely different games. 1-50 is an amazing theme park with interesting worlds and captivating story. 50+ is a mindless grind with no story, no engagement; just hours spent at the keyboard.


Server merges reflect the issue that myself and many other players had. Mindless grind post level 50 does not constitute end game. On Port Nowhere we had 20 active PvPer prior to the merge, all we did was stand on fleet and wait for WZ queues. Nobody bothered with Ilum, it was pointless. New players who just reached 50 were assaulted and vanquished in seconds in any PvP encounter they entered; so they faced a very long, and very slow expertise grind.


My subscription expires on 15 of July, I wish all of the remaining players well and I hope you all keep enjoying the game.


Caesarus's SWTOR Tribute.

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