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First Great Schism: Jedi atrocity?


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I have been reading the article on wookipedia about the first great schism and it seems that it was the jedi who were the aggresors and commited dark side acts not the legions of lettow.




It seems the jedi would not leave the legions in peace. So basically you better practice the force the way the jedi council wants or they will wipe you out!


the newcomers to Xendor's academy pledged their allegiance to him and to the protection of their new order. They swore to defend their right to pursue knowledge of the Force without the oversight of the Jedi hierarchs, deeming them unfit to dictate which avenues were correct and which were forbidden.[1]

The Legions of Lettow initially wished to be left alone by the Jedi, but the peace would not last. The Jedi Order branded the Legions as dissenters, and both sides began to arm themselves for the conflict that had become inevitable.[1]


It goes on to say:


he truth of which side began the war is lost to history, but one of the first battles was fought on the Jedi capital world Ossus. Claiming to wish to end the conflict early and prevent it from spilling into the Republic, Xendor led the Legions in an attack on Ossus. Their attack failed, and the war continued unabated


So we don't even know if the legions started the war or not. It's clear though they were acting in self defense however.


I'm kind of confused who the evil ones are after reading this article. I can't seem to find any evidence of the legions of letttow comitting atrocities because of the dark side like the sith empire later on so is this proof that the dark side is not all bad?


I just really sympathized with the legions of lettow after reading this article because though they were dark siders they did not seek to dominate others or bring war to the galaxy. Therefore I have come to the conclusion the jedi were in the wrong here for trying to subjugate them,

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thats definitely my take on how it went down with the information we have. but bare in mind that if we had a more detailed view of what was happening at that time we might say that it would of only been a matter of time before the dark siders did something terrible.


of course lucas canon if your in to that is dark is evil. personally i try to ignore everything lucas says about the universe beyond the 6 movies.

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The dark side of the force is pretty much legitimately evil. It's virtually impossible to practice it and remain a good person. I know it's possible in TOR to a degree, but the good sith warriors and inquisitors are very much not the norm when it comes to dark side users. They come dangerously close to being an impossibility within the starwars lore.


That said, this is one of the earliest conflicts in the entirety of the Star Wars universe and it's unlikely that the jedi in the era of TOR would have reacted so violently.


But let's be real, force users are *****. They're a bunch of special children with superpowers mucking things up for the rest of the galaxy.

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The issue here Lucases defnition dosent work well with the EU beacuse its not ment to, theirs no way that the order would have survived that war without being corrupted but as always the Jedi get away with mass Genocide without any repercussion however one person murders some one and falls, its utter nonsence.


If that war never happened their would be no ultra corrupted force users due to the lack of a thousand generations being raised to the idea that the jedi will stop and nothing to eradicate them fueling their hatred

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