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Healing is fine, they said. Just gear up, they said.


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you cant buff healers without nerfing guard...




They need to rethink how healers work with the help of others. Currently healers are like God-mode with the appropriate help but helpless without it. This is stupid. It would be better if they made healers a bit more self-sufficient even if it means nerfing or changing how guard works. They could remove the damage mitigation and have guard allow X number of interrupts to be avoided over Y amount of time or something similar. This would make guard still useful but not create this huge gulf between guarded and un-guarded healers.


I know BW won't listen, however. They seem content to ruin their own game. Personally, I'm sick of the PVP in this game and just bought Secret World to tide me over until GW2 because PVP in this game as a pure healing Sage is not fun at all unless you happen to be on a dominating team to support you. I think jamming a spork in my eye would be more fun. This game is on the fast track to F2P garbage.

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All right, you go ahead and tell me what I should do. I'm not getting my 8 medals, but I'm topping 300k healing in a game, the most healing on both sides including the winning team.

You seem to have all the answers, why do you go ahead and tell me how my lack of skill can be overcome and I can get more medals in a match.

Have hand picked a few medals for you that should allow you to gt a minimum of 8 medals per WZ:

Medic - 2.5k Single Heal

Healer - 75k Healed

Savior - 300k Healed

Quick Draw - 1 Killing Blow

Defense Basic - 1k Defender Points

Defense Bronze - 3k Defender Points

Defense Silver - 5k Defender Points

Defense Gold - 7.5k Defender Points

Defense Platinum - 10k Defender Points

Defense Diamond - 15k Defender Points

Offense Basic - 1k Attacker Points

Offense Bronze - 3k Attacker Points

Offense Silver - 5k Attacker Points

Offense Gold - 7.5k Attacker Points

Offense Platinum - 10k Attacker Points

Offense Diamond - 15k Attacker Points

Oh, additionally, I wasn't aware PuG WZ was the equivalent of the national team in a sport. My mistake... how presumptuous of me to think that I should be able to play casual games a few days a week and have fun. What was I thinking!?

That exactly is the problem. Since there is no national team, or if you can handle one more metaphor, to few matches for the pro's (not claiming to be one of them). That forces the pro players to go down to your local back yard court to play among the PUGs. The reality is that there is no casual PVP at lvl 50. Either you roll with the big guys with the good gear and try to addapt, but that doesn't sound like your cup of tea. Or if you really want to get back to the casual PVP you have to reroll and start over from 10-49 WZs. On the other hand, if you were to just PVP you would be able to keep yourself busy for quite a long time just doing PVP to lvl considering your online times.

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Yea well, I've got almost all my BM pieces now for just shy of 1100 expertise. I'm still getting destroyed... it feels no different than when I was in full recruit, in which I had about 950 expertise, so I guess that's not terribly surprising. Still, I figured I'd take their word for it and get the gear and as expected, no difference.


I'm still constantly getting hit for 5k crits, sometimes two in a row. One crit for almost 1/3 of my life (yes, I only seem to get 16k hp in BM gear...). The highest crit I can do, thanks to Trauma, is about 3800 and that takes 2.5s of uninterrupted cast time. Why, exactly, healing get a 30% debuff but DPS is free and clear I'll never know. And that's from just a single DPS. Pre-shielded with my HoT up I still die in a single 4s stun from two DPS focusing me, which is pretty common since I'll almost always have a giant icon over my head for 99% of a WZ screaming, "Hey, this guy is a super squishy healer, kill him for free points!" On the move I've got one shield every 20 seconds, a 500 heal from cleanse, and a 1100 heal from my HoT application. This is post 1.3 with the supposed burst nerf. If someone is hitting for 1/3 of my life in a single, instant-cast ability, something is wrong.


Really BW, this needs to be looked at. Enough people are posting data and commenting on it that you've gotta start paying attention. That post by your employee saying it was a L2P issue was way off base. When you die that quickly there's nothing you can do... you're just fodder for the masses except when you get lucky and nobody pays attention to you, then you can delay the inevitable slightly.


Now, trolls, don't get ahead of yourselves... nobody is asking for invincible healers. What we're asking for is useful healers, and what we have right now is useless healers. I can go DPS and contribute way more than I ever could as a healer. Why? Because I can do more DPS output than I can do healing output, so the numbers not only cancel each other out, but greatly tip to the other side.


In the meantime, I'll be playing my Pyrotech alt which noobishly cuts through the masses like a hot knife through butter with minimal skill and effort. Balance in this game is insanely messed up.


TL;DR: Damage is too high, healing is too low. This game is a gib-fest and healing has no place in it.


I am a healer and I do not die easily. There are 3 reasons for this.


1. I have excellent gear.

2. I have a team that knows how to peel DPS off me, guard and taunt etc.

3. I KNOW HOW TO PLAY MY CLASS. I stand in a position that makes it difficult for the opposing team to kill me, and I know how to cycle my cooldowns effectively.


If you want proof, I only died 3 times and put out 1.1mil heals in a rated just last night. Notice the KDR and the amount of protection my team does. Its not ezmode, but its also not difficult to stay alive if you play right.




So no, healers are not squishy. Instead, they are just good in the hands of a good player.

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Have hand picked a few medals for you that should allow you to gt a minimum of 8 medals per WZ:

Medic - 2.5k Single Heal

Healer - 75k Healed

Savior - 300k Healed

Quick Draw - 1 Killing Blow

Defense Basic - 1k Defender Points

Defense Bronze - 3k Defender Points

Defense Silver - 5k Defender Points

Defense Gold - 7.5k Defender Points

Defense Platinum - 10k Defender Points

Defense Diamond - 15k Defender Points

Offense Basic - 1k Attacker Points

Offense Bronze - 3k Attacker Points

Offense Silver - 5k Attacker Points

Offense Gold - 7.5k Attacker Points

Offense Platinum - 10k Attacker Points

Offense Diamond - 15k Attacker Points


I'm guessing you missed the part where the other team was crushing us, eh? But it's cool, I should be able to get 15k attacker and defender points in a game where we're getting slaughtered, 'cause that's what pros do, am I right?


I'm not even going to bother to reply to the senseless drivel in the rest of your post. Having a major gear advantage doesn't make you pro.


By the way, to the guy who never game back... here's a couple of screens of me taking huge damage. I'm only 2 pieces short of full BM now, btw. I also have 5 slots augmented.




Floating text stays up on your screen for what, a second? That guy unloaded 10k of damage on me all in one go. Mad skillz... man, I must be a noob to get hit that hard in that short amount of time. Clearly outplayed.

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I am a healer and I do not die easily. There are 3 reasons for this.


1. I have excellent gear.

2. I have a team that knows how to peel DPS off me, guard and taunt etc.

3. I KNOW HOW TO PLAY MY CLASS. I stand in a position that makes it difficult for the opposing team to kill me, and I know how to cycle my cooldowns effectively.


If you want proof, I only died 3 times and put out 1.1mil heals in a rated just last night. Notice the KDR and the amount of protection my team does. Its not ezmode, but its also not difficult to stay alive if you play right.




So no, healers are not squishy. Instead, they are just good in the hands of a good player.


Firstly, you are a different healer than I am... we've established over the last 20 pages that apparently merc healers don't get hit as hard as sorc/sage. Secondly, see the following...


1. You should not need excellent gear to even stand a remote chance of survival. See the above for the amount of damage I'm taking. I'm two pieces shy of full BM now, missing only the chest and an implant.


2. I shouldn't require the full attention of a team to be able to contribute. I'm glad you have a team to baby sit you, sadly I do not. DPS has no such requirement. If healers have to be saddled with being such high maintenance, DPS should also. Instead, they get to mash a few buttons and watch massive numbers appear on their screen, laughing all the way to the bank.


3. I know my class and my cooldowns. There is no way for me to prevent people leaping to me, or pulling me into the fray. I LOS as much as I can, keep my bubble and HoTs up, and slow/interrupt/stun where appropriate. People seem to think I just stand around and twiddle my thumbs. Every game I'm top heals and get a ton of MVP votes as a result. There's always room to improve, but I'm not as terrible as you make me out to be, so stop dismissing these concerns. They're echo'd a few pages back by someone in full WH gear who has the same problem.

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Firstly, you are a different healer than I am... we've established over the last 20 pages that apparently merc healers don't get hit as hard as sorc/sage. Secondly, see the following...


1. You should not need excellent gear to even stand a remote chance of survival. See the above for the amount of damage I'm taking. I'm two pieces shy of full BM now, missing only the chest and an implant.


2. I shouldn't require the full attention of a team to be able to contribute. I'm glad you have a team to baby sit you, sadly I do not. DPS has no such requirement. If healers have to be saddled with being such high maintenance, DPS should also. Instead, they get to mash a few buttons and watch massive numbers appear on their screen, laughing all the way to the bank.


3. I know my class and my cooldowns. There is no way for me to prevent people leaping to me, or pulling me into the fray. I LOS as much as I can, keep my bubble and HoTs up, and slow/interrupt/stun where appropriate. People seem to think I just stand around and twiddle my thumbs. Every game I'm top heals and get a ton of MVP votes as a result. There's always room to improve, but I'm not as terrible as you make me out to be, so stop dismissing these concerns. They're echo'd a few pages back by someone in full WH gear who has the same problem.


Very fair points, however I have to disagree with #2. This is a team game, and if your DPS and tanks dont know how to peel you properly then they are not doing their job.


DPS rely on healers to keep them alive, and healers rely on DPS to peel them. Everybody babysitting around here. If you indeed know how to play your class well, I would talk to the best tanks/dps you encounter in WZ's and ask them to group with you.

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Very fair points, however I have to disagree with #2. This is a team game, and if your DPS and tanks dont know how to peel you properly then they are not doing their job.


DPS rely on healers to keep them alive, and healers rely on DPS to peel them. Everybody babysitting around here. If you indeed know how to play your class well, I would talk to the best tanks/dps you encounter in WZ's and ask them to group with you.


I understand that a certain element of team play is involved, and even required. I have no problem with this. What I have a problem with is that unless my team is baby sitting me and doing everything they can to keep me alive, they'll lose me inside a 4s stun. Your average PuG just doesn't give a crap, and that makes my gameplay experience extremely unsatisfying. By contrast, DPS players are the ones doing that insane level of damage. They're being effective because they're killing people, and they're doing it without help.


Healers will make them last longer, but most of them come with defensive cooldowns and abilities to prolong their life. I get heals, but I can't use them because they get interrupted and even if I could, I die too quickly for them to make a difference.


So as I said, if the name of the game is that healers require their team to assist them, DPS should require the same element of team play. They should get zero interrupts and they should have a flat damage reduction that can only be boosted by an ability from another player. In the same way that I'm crippled without a tank and a team peeling from me, they are as well.


Now I can tell you exactly why that won't happen... it's because it wouldn't be very fun. So folks need to start seeing it from the sorc/sage shoes... getting popped in a 4s stun while you can do absolutely nothing to prevent it isn't very fun. It's a game balance issue and it needs to be addressed.

Edited by Tathais
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Very fair points, however I have to disagree with #2. This is a team game, and if your DPS and tanks dont know how to peel you properly then they are not doing their job.


DPS rely on healers to keep them alive, and healers rely on DPS to peel them. Everybody babysitting around here. If you indeed know how to play your class well, I would talk to the best tanks/dps you encounter in WZ's and ask them to group with you.




I play a Lightning Sorcerer and the first thing I do with my class when I notice I am getting healed is watch my healer. When I see my Healer is getting hit on by a Sent/Mar I immediately work towards getting them down while my Healer keeps him healed. If the rest of our team learned to play, they will begin having one or two more guys help out to keep them off of us.


If they didn't learn to play, they let the healer die if I cannot DPS the one, two, or three guys on him and then he goes down and then I go down and then we fail the warzone.


I am by no means some amazing player, I would rank myself as average to maybe below average. However, I know my job in relationship to my healer and my tank and they (hopefully) know their job. As far as I am concerned, no class spec is 100% self-sufficient without another team member helping them.

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I play a Lightning Sorcerer and the first thing I do with my class when I notice I am getting healed is watch my healer. When I see my Healer is getting hit on by a Sent/Mar I immediately work towards getting them down while my Healer keeps him healed. If the rest of our team learned to play, they will begin having one or two more guys help out to keep them off of us.


If they didn't learn to play, they let the healer die if I cannot DPS the one, two, or three guys on him and then he goes down and then I go down and then we fail the warzone.


I am by no means some amazing player, I would rank myself as average to maybe below average. However, I know my job in relationship to my healer and my tank and they (hopefully) know their job. As far as I am concerned, no class spec is 100% self-sufficient without another team member helping them.


Hey that's great, thank you for being a team player. If I ever see you in my WZ helping me out I'll be sure to MVP you.


That said, what you're missing is that I'm not asking to be 100% self-sufficient. I'm asking to have a chance. Everybody seems to be missing that I just get destroyed so utterly quickly that this isn't about me wanting to faceroll god-mode against three DPS. This is about me wanting to be able to survive a single DPS and have a chance to be effective.

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I'm guessing you missed the part where the other team was crushing us, eh? But it's cool, I should be able to get 15k attacker and defender points in a game where we're getting slaughtered, 'cause that's what pros do, am I right?


I'm not even going to bother to reply to the senseless drivel in the rest of your post. Having a major gear advantage doesn't make you pro.

It is about time you stop with your superiority act and actually start reading what ppl try to tell you,you are deliberately misinterpreting their posts just to get your point across. I believe I was pretty clear on the fact that I was using a metaphor. On the other hand my post was reluctant to the fact if you would be able to grasp it, obviously you didn't.


Even if you do remove the extremes on attack and defense. You are still left with about 10 medals that should be easy for you to come across.


I understand your frustration and it must be hell for you. But please stop acting like it is te general experience of Seer Sages in lvl 50 PVP, because it isn't. You have (by a rough calculation, I am sure you will go through each post just to give me the exact numbers as a way of discredit me) about 50% agreeing with you and 50% disagreeing with you.


I am totally fine with how my Seer performs in PVP and I do not want the Devs to change (buff) our survivability, because then we will become OP and the top tier (ones again, not counting myself as a top tier player) players will be unstoppable on their sages. You have to realize that when you balance something around the casual player, it generally affects the competitive players negatively, creating a huge unbalance at "the top".

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Sooo... I did about 10 wz's last night. Rated and normals and took screenshots if you want of the top dps and top healer


You know who had the highest crit 9 times out of 10? The healers.


Top DPS had a 5k crit maybe once if I remember correctly? In 10 games, 1 dps in full augmented WH (PT pyro or Mara i cant remember) got a 5k crit.


Yea.. so stop spreading rumors that 1 dps is hitting for multiple 5k+ crits and killing you in 4 seconds before you can do anything.


Had a sorc healer with 14k hp(alt) do top healing in a Rated novare coast last night as well.

Edited by Khoraji
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It is about time you stop with your superiority act and actually start reading what ppl try to tell you,you are deliberately misinterpreting their posts just to get your point across. I believe I was pretty clear on the fact that I was using a metaphor. On the other hand my post was reluctant to the fact if you would be able to grasp it, obviously you didn't.


Even if you do remove the extremes on attack and defense. You are still left with about 10 medals that should be easy for you to come across.


I understand your frustration and it must be hell for you. But please stop acting like it is te general experience of Seer Sages in lvl 50 PVP, because it isn't. You have (by a rough calculation, I am sure you will go through each post just to give me the exact numbers as a way of discredit me) about 50% agreeing with you and 50% disagreeing with you.


I am totally fine with how my Seer performs in PVP and I do not want the Devs to change (buff) our survivability, because then we will become OP and the top tier (ones again, not counting myself as a top tier player) players will be unstoppable on their sages. You have to realize that when you balance something around the casual player, it generally affects the competitive players negatively, creating a huge unbalance at "the top".


The whole premise of your argument is that I'm a bad and am not playing correctly... who's the one with the superiority complex? The bottom line is, you're ignoring the fact that my team is getting crushed, that's why I'm not getting medals. I suppose it's not worth my time to tell you I am... it just depends on the game. When your team gets crushed, you don't max out medals either. I do my best and I think I do all right... I'm not a top-tier player either, but I know what I'm doing.


It's a fact that damage is out of control... maybe it's better if you're in full WH and purple augments, but you shouldn't have to have the maximum level of gear just to have a chance. Most of the folks disagreeing with me in this thread are DPS or non-sages. I was originally under the impression that it was all healing and that damage was too high against everyone, but maybe it's just me. It looks like a lot of sages save yourself and maybe one other are saying the same thing.


Finally, with guard and peels we're mostly ok but we shouldn't be so completely dependent on these things, especially when everybody else isn't so crippled without them.


Sooo... I did about 10 wz's last night. Rated and normals and took screenshots if you want of the top dps and top healer


You know who had the highest crit 9 times out of 10? The healers.


Top DPS had a 5k crit maybe once if I remember correctly? In 10 games, 1 dps in full augmented WH (PT pyro or Mara i cant remember) got a 5k crit.


Yea.. so stop spreading rumors that 1 dps is hitting for multiple 5k+ crits and killing you in 4 seconds before you can do anything.


Had a sorc healer with 14k hp(alt) do top healing in a Rated novare coast last night as well.


I took screenshots for you too, head back a few pages to find them. A marauder unloaded 10k of damage on me in about 1 second, maybe 2. There's no way I can keep pace with that level of damage. My gear is even better than it was when I first started this thread and I'm still getting crushed. My largest heal is still critting for about 4k. Bear in mind that you're a different healer than I am, your heals work differently. Deliverance is a 2.5s base cast, easily interrupted.


So no, it's not a rumor... it's happening. I took the screenshot you asked for to prove it.


Finally, I'm not saying we can't put out good numbers when left alone. I took a screenshot earlier of my first ever rated where the enemy team didn't touch me and I got just shy of 600k healing. That doesn't chance the fact that damage is still too high. Those numbers on the scoreboard don't say anything about the DPS who died while you were healing them, nor do they say anything about how utterly destroyed we get under any kind of pressure.


I told you I wasn't making this up. You asked for proof, I gave it to you. You still persist in calling me a liar. I don't really know what you want, man. If healers are so OP with guards and peels, that only suggests that guards and peels need to be toned down, then damage also needs to be toned down. This game is too much in extremes.

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I took screenshots for you too, head back a few pages to find them. A marauder unloaded 10k of damage on me in about 1 second, maybe 2. There's no way I can keep pace with that level of damage. My gear is even better than it was when I first started this thread and I'm still getting crushed. My largest heal is still critting for about 4k. Bear in mind that you're a different healer than I am, your heals work differently. Deliverance is a 2.5s base cast, easily interrupted.


So no, it's not a rumor... it's happening. I took the screenshot you asked for to prove it.


Finally, I'm not saying we can't put out good numbers when left alone. I took a screenshot earlier of my first ever rated where the enemy team didn't touch me and I got just shy of 600k healing. That doesn't chance the fact that damage is still too high. Those numbers on the scoreboard don't say anything about the DPS who died while you were healing them, nor do they say anything about how utterly destroyed we get under any kind of pressure.


I told you I wasn't making this up. You asked for proof, I gave it to you. You still persist in calling me a liar. I don't really know what you want, man. If healers are so OP with guards and peels, that only suggests that guards and peels need to be toned down, then damage also needs to be toned down. This game is too much in extremes.


Sorc healers can crit for more than 5k more regularly than a mara or other DPS can crit for 5k. period. I see it all the time and I play way more than you do so my experience > yours.


I couldnt find your screenshot. I see you claiming that you cant take screenshots, and then proceed to post a video showing a mara that takes 10-15 seconds to kill bads.

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DPS rely on healers to keep them alive, and healers rely on DPS to peel them. Everybody babysitting around here. If you indeed know how to play your class well, I would talk to the best tanks/dps you encounter in WZ's and ask them to group with you.


I'd disagree with that although to be fair that is how it SHOULD be. DPS need healers, healers need tanks, everyone needs the trilogy to be effective.


Most DPS have one defensive cooldown or another that is far more effective than healing (undying rage for example). Outside of rated DPS don't give a stuff for healers and I don't honestly blame them. They either kill or be killed, and most of them last long enough as it is. In rated they care slightly more, but probably not as much as they do about killing the enemy


Pocket healing a Mara on my operative tonight, if they don't being me down (which from 8 deaths in 12 warzones isn't easy) the Mara is near godly. If they do, the Mara is still damn near unstoppable anyway. Mara could care less either way ;)


Bottom line is BW (hell I almost typed Mythic there, must be having some crazy deja vu or something) have no idea how to balance this game at the top end. Reminds me of WAR. Right now operative healers are damn near unkillable in the right hands and I play one myself. Very good healer and very good tank will take heaven and earth to kill.

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Sorc healers can crit for more than 5k more regularly than a mara or other DPS can crit for 5k. period. I see it all the time and I play way more than you do so my experience > yours.


I couldnt find your screenshot. I see you claiming that you cant take screenshots, and then proceed to post a video showing a mara that takes 10-15 seconds to kill bads.




Floating text stays up on your screen for what, a second? That guy unloaded 10k of damage on me all in one go. Mad skillz... man, I must be a noob to get hit that hard in that short amount of time. Clearly outplayed.


It was a few back. That marauder was unloading massive crits on people. Same as the guy in the game with the screens I took. And yea, I was having trouble taking them, I'm not sure what happened. It seems to work sporadically.


Anyway, 10k damage floating on my screen from one guy. He didn't even do that in a stun, it just happened... I was at 2/3's life and then poof, dead. This isn't a l2p issue, there's nothing I can do about it. This particular fellow had it out for me all BG. I would keep him at range using all my cooldowns, then he'd leap in and do that. I didn't get a screenie so you'll have to just take my word for it, but he crit me for 6700 earlier. I'm not making this up... it's happening.


Finally, in full BM sorcs aren't hitting 5k crits except under obscure circumstances, like relic procs or healing a shadow tank with their +heal ability popped. We get that ability that gives us two auto-crits, the maximum I've ever done is 4200. Maybe WH sages hit that hard, but as I've been saying all along we shouldn't need the maximum level of gear to stand a chance. It should give an edge, but not such a massive advantage.

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Yea well, I've got almost all my BM pieces now for just shy of 1100 expertise. I'm still getting destroyed... it feels no different than when I was in full recruit, in which I had about 950 expertise, so I guess that's not terribly surprising. Still, I figured I'd take their word for it and get the gear and as expected, no difference.


I'm still constantly getting hit for 5k crits, sometimes two in a row. One crit for almost 1/3 of my life (yes, I only seem to get 16k hp in BM gear...). The highest crit I can do, thanks to Trauma, is about 3800 and that takes 2.5s of uninterrupted cast time. Why, exactly, healing get a 30% debuff but DPS is free and clear I'll never know. And that's from just a single DPS. Pre-shielded with my HoT up I still die in a single 4s stun from two DPS focusing me, which is pretty common since I'll almost always have a giant icon over my head for 99% of a WZ screaming, "Hey, this guy is a super squishy healer, kill him for free points!" On the move I've got one shield every 20 seconds, a 500 heal from cleanse, and a 1100 heal from my HoT application. This is post 1.3 with the supposed burst nerf. If someone is hitting for 1/3 of my life in a single, instant-cast ability, something is wrong.


Really BW, this needs to be looked at. Enough people are posting data and commenting on it that you've gotta start paying attention. That post by your employee saying it was a L2P issue was way off base. When you die that quickly there's nothing you can do... you're just fodder for the masses except when you get lucky and nobody pays attention to you, then you can delay the inevitable slightly.


Now, trolls, don't get ahead of yourselves... nobody is asking for invincible healers. What we're asking for is useful healers, and what we have right now is useless healers. I can go DPS and contribute way more than I ever could as a healer. Why? Because I can do more DPS output than I can do healing output, so the numbers not only cancel each other out, but greatly tip to the other side.


In the meantime, I'll be playing my Pyrotech alt which noobishly cuts through the masses like a hot knife through butter with minimal skill and effort. Balance in this game is insanely messed up.


TL;DR: Damage is too high, healing is too low. This game is a gib-fest and healing has no place in it.


Healing is fine. Placing 2-3 healers on a team makes for a quite powerful team. If you get focused and die, you die like everyone else.

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It is like we all realize this game is very hard when you are unsupported. Unfortunately, that is the case much of the time for many players.


Sincerely, 1200 valor Medicine Operative. FTR I am pretty much unkillable versus 5 players for ~15 secs with cooldowns.

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I was originally under the impression that it was all healing and that damage was too high against everyone, but maybe it's just me. It looks like a lot of sages save yourself and maybe one other are saying the same thing.


Finally, with guard and peels we're mostly ok but we shouldn't be so completely dependent on these things, especially when everybody else isn't so crippled without them.

There is more than one Sage agreeing with me, just as there are quite a few experiencing the same thing you are.


The bottomline still is: Can't increase Sage survivability for the casual player as it will make top tier Sages OP and the new FOTM.


You keep claiming that your performance shouldn't be dependent on others, well... You know PVP WZ is a 8v8 Team effort. You are not alone against te other team. And you are supposed to play TOGETHER. If you do not like that play style, change to a class that can act more independently. I thought we who rolled Healers did that for the team aspect, or did you roll it with the sole intention of jut healing yourself?

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Perhaps by rather than making it a permanent active effect, make it some type of short duration ability on a cooldown that can be strategically used to combat short term burst. But this may also make tanks less desirable in warzones either way.


like taunt? ;)

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Finally, in full BM sorcs aren't hitting 5k crits except under obscure circumstances, like relic procs or healing a shadow tank with their +heal ability popped. We get that ability that gives us two auto-crits, the maximum I've ever done is 4200. Maybe WH sages hit that hard, but as I've been saying all along we shouldn't need the maximum level of gear to stand a chance. It should give an edge, but not such a massive advantage.


Tbf I agree and disagree with you.


Ive hit 6k max on my big heal plenty of times pre 1.3, since 1.3 landed I can do a 5k every WZ top being around 5.5k.


On the flip side I totally agree with you on DPS. I get hit for 5k all the time and my jugg in BM/WH hits for 5k on sorcs all the time.

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There is more than one Sage agreeing with me, just as there are quite a few experiencing the same thing you are.


The bottomline still is: Can't increase Sage survivability for the casual player as it will make top tier Sages OP and the new FOTM.


You keep claiming that your performance shouldn't be dependent on others, well... You know PVP WZ is a 8v8 Team effort. You are not alone against te other team. And you are supposed to play TOGETHER. If you do not like that play style, change to a class that can act more independently. I thought we who rolled Healers did that for the team aspect, or did you roll it with the sole intention of jut healing yourself?


playing smear the healer sucks, it's boring and stupid. it's not even the team aspect, it's you getting focused by 3/4 people while you run to distract them for 10 seconds. leap - ravage - ranged execute - done. i love seeing two sabers fly at me knowing that while i managed the range correctly and escaped, i'm still gonna die because mdps in this game can murder me at any distance.


also, to all you ops saying you're unkillable, i hope they destroy your class so you really understand what's going on. i've talked to enough wh geared sorcs that have op alts - their advice was to stop the sorc on 3/14 wh (including mh and soon offhand) and just level the operative.


gear up, rofl. we have light armor and all 3 of our big heals are interruptable and take 1.5-2.5 seconds or are channeled. many classes can do the same or more damage as our main heal in the same amount of time, or have enough interrupts and cc or healing debuffs to cover all of them.


the only viable healing build for sorc is innervate + cc stun bubbles. burst is so stupidly high in this game that the damage mitigated by cc is much better than any class can heal. i bet 20 dollars they nerf that before mara.


btw, i regularly top wzs for healing, including rated, with 3/14 wh and the rest augmented bm. it's stupid and not fun to play a game where the strategy is one healer keeps me up while i run around, cc, and pray to freecast while our dps sees if they can kill the enemy dps before they kill me.

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playing smear the healer sucks, it's boring and stupid. it's not even the team aspect, it's you getting focused by 3/4 people while you run to distract them for 10 seconds. leap - ravage - ranged execute - done.


also, to all you ops saying you're unkillable, i hope they destroy your class so you really understand what's going on. i've talked to enough wh geared sorcs that have op alts - their advice was to stop the sorc on 3/14 wh (including mh and soon offhand) and just level the operative.


gear up, rofl. we have light armor.


the only viable healing build is cc stun bubbles. burst is so stupidly high in this game that the damage mitigated by cc is much better than any class can heal. i bet 20 dollars they nerf that before mara.


btw, i regularly top wzs for healing, including rated, with 3/14 wh and the rest augmented bm.


So you want to survive focus fire by half the enemy team by yourself?


L2 team play with a tank that guards and taunts, cc peels. and try not to face tank them.

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So you want to survive focus fire by half the enemy team by yourself?


L2 team play with a tank that guards and taunts, cc peels. and try not to face tank them.


no, i want mechanics that make it not suck to play. read harder. it's essentially smear the healer and it sucks so hard.


face tank isn't what i call cc stun bubbles + force shackles + jolt. it's the fact that when i do escape the range, even when they're rooted and outplayed, they can execute me from a distance.


do you think i top wzs as hybrid facetanking?


like it matters, talk to good sorc healers with op alts and they'll tell you what to roll. turreting interruptable heals that take forever to cast on a squishy class - sounds great. really.

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no, i want mechanics that make it not suck to play. read harder. it's essentially smear the healer and it sucks so hard.


face tank isn't what i call cc stun bubbles + force shackles + jolt. it's the fact that when i do escape the range, even when they're rooted and outplayed, they can execute me from a distance.


There are mechanics like that. They are called guard and taunts --> you take 20% damage. What do you want, complete invulnerability ?


Don't forget cross healing.Cuz you know, stop being the only healer in the group.

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There are mechanics like that. They are called guard and taunts --> you take 20% damage. What do you want, complete vulnerability ?


you still have to heal the tank because that redirects damage. usually then one goes on the tank, who does no damage and gets destroyed, and you get 5 other seconds to live.


no, i want fun mechanics that don't involve the tank and healer being completely farmed.


you're acting surprised like there isn't a reason most people only bring one sorc - stun bubbles! stun bubble bot is a very fun spec.


i want mobile heals that can't all be interrupted and a defensive ability to get away. aka op healing.


so what you've described with cross healing is that i get healed by an op while a tank keeps me up and we run around playing smear the healer until enough people drop that i can freecast. you're right, this works very well, but not with another sorc healer, who will get smashed too quick.


but those sound like excellent team dynamics. compelling and strategic pvp.

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