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Collectors Edition pain and bitterness


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I bought the collector's edition. But I always do that to a game I want to play if it has a collector's edition. Skyrim had one when I decided I wanted to play it. So, I bought the CE. Blizzard games often come with CE's. I buy them. When I get a game, I want it all. CE's often have art or story books, collector items, special in-game items, and other sorts of nick-nacks. "Tommy likey. Tommy want wingie."


I did not know about the in-game social items or special CE vendor. I didn't care. Besides, the items for sale there are rather expensive and I am saving my credits to buy Legacy features. Of course, I do want to buy the jukebox that plays Episode IV cantina music. Is that even a CE item? Eh, I don't care.


I spent my money as I wanted. I liked the CE and I like the game. For me, that is all that matters.


Didn't like what you bought? Well, it was your money you spent, wasn't it? Who twisted your arm to spend it? Uh huh.

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Obvious non CE owner is obvious. :D


obvious non-reader of posts is obvious. you would know i bought 2 copies of the CE because i mention it further down the page.


i just get tired of seeing these lame threads of people complaining about crap because of expectations they created for themselves so now their panties are in a bunch because things are not how they ASSUMED they would be.

Edited by SarinTabun
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Seriously the CE vendor needs some love!


I suggest putting some of those different texture imperial dancer outfits on it, the textures are already sitting there in the game files, I know you've made them! That way republic players could get the same outfit that currently only Imperial players with security vendor access can.


The all black one, the one with camo patterns on it. Those are so much better then the yellow/black one we currently have access to - release them to us!


Anyway to the topic, I bought the CE and personally I really like the imperial trooper armor that came with it. Now with adaptive armor, my medic pretty much runs around in it 24/7. The hutt droid that follows you is also the best looking pet imo, if only for the bug that when you log back in with a pet pulled out, you do a terminator-like standup from crouch like you just warped in from the future.

Edited by Tentou
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I just want to post and say how disappointed and truely ripped off I feel for having spent $150 to buy the collectors edition. The main reason that I did it was for the exclusive collectors edition vendor which was supposed to have some sweet loot only available to those who have the CE. That vendor is horrible.. IT he like 5 things on it and not one of them is any good.


Really I mean the statue is cool I guess but what did we really get? It was a real waste of money and Im bitter about that. Just wanted to vent

We got an RP lounge hidden from the masses, a cool 25 STAP for every toon, an authenticator right away and cheap fleet passes from the Security Key vendor. I bought the CE because I'm in it for the long haul. So I can chill until the CE vendor gets more shinies. Edited by GalacticKegger
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As someone who would never buy a collector's edition of a game, I salute you all for contributing to the financial success of SWTOR. No, I'm not being snide or sarcastic..lol. The items - physical and virtual - are by far the the part of SWTOR with the largest profit margins and your dedication to the game helps fund more content and new developments, so hats off to you all!:)
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The store will also have regular updates to give players incentive to keep coming back.


has this actually happened?


No. I think they added a couple of things with 1.2, but nothing noteworthy. As of today, I have bought exactly nothing from the CE vendor across my eight alts, despite having played the game since release.

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I have been quite happy with my CE purchase. Why anyone would buy this just for the CE vendor is beyond me though...


Now that social gear is adaptive, the Imperial Trooper and Republic Officer sets have gained much more value. I just rolled BH and Trooper alts to use both sets. The alts are only level 21 but equipped both sets with MK-6 aug kits so they never grow out of it. (Im 400 on all crafting skills so I can keep all mod slots filled with current level purples).


My only gripe with CE is the "exclusive" mouse droid has an almost exact clone available to anyone. I really wish this was more of a unique vanity pet.

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You would think with every patch we would see something new on the vendor. its not that hard to change a skin on a speeder or give us some cool looking armor. i do understand tha statue was the main thing but dont offer a 'store' and not update it.
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I know what you mean. I recently purchased a Ferrari 458 simply for the steering wheel, and I am incredibly disappointed. All of that money gone, and in reality it's just an ordinary steering wheel.


I feel jilted, alone, and confused.


Haha, nice.


Should've gotten a Bughatti. ;)

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I think many people bought the Collector's Edition because there were mystery items. They promised to add new exclusive items to the store in the future. There is a chance that they could release an item which ends up being the coolest vanity item ever. So if you didn't buy the CE, you might end up kicking yourself for it later.


If a bunch of a stuff is added as they promised, but it ends up being not as cool as people hoped, then they can't really complain about being ripped off. But if additions are promised and we basically only get 1 or 2 crappy items added, there is cause for discontent since they're only fulfilling the bare minimum of their commitments.


Of course they will make promises when they are trying to sell something but once it's sold they have no financial incentive to make good on their commitments.

Edited by Moozhe
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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is probably a dead thread, and my post will never be read, but i just had to say my piece. Let us all be honest. We may fool ourselves into believing that we spent money on the collector's edition for the figurine, or the cd, or the map, etc. etc.; however, what has really happened in many, many cases is that we spent the money to feel special, and to show the specialness off to others in-game by displaying the special "items" . A significant number have become a victim of their geek "egos". Hey, I'm guilty of it. No matter what title I unlock, I always use the Founder title. Why? Because I want everyone to know that I've been supporting the game from the beginning, that's why. I am a victim of my geek ego, and trust me, geeks can be as egotistical as anyone. So, what I see, is a lot of people complaining about

Not having enough cool stuff to show off to others and go "nyah nyah u cant have it!!! Im special". If your truly unhappy about your purchase of the collector's edition, maybe you should question your true motives for buying such an expensive product. And for what it's worth, I bought a collector's edition product key for $20. That was my solution for getting access to the CE vendor. Just check around on Ebay or Amazon. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just trying to shed some light on a common geek/nerd failing. :)

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I know this is probably a dead thread, and my post will never be read, but i just had to say my piece. Let us all be honest. We may fool ourselves into believing that we spent money on the collector's edition for the figurine, or the cd, or the map, etc. etc.; however, what has really happened in many, many cases is that we spent the money to feel special, and to show the specialness off to others in-game by displaying the special "items" . A significant number have become a victim of their geek "egos". Hey, I'm guilty of it. No matter what title I unlock, I always use the Founder title. Why? Because I want everyone to know that I've been supporting the game from the beginning, that's why. I am a victim of my geek ego, and trust me, geeks can be as egotistical as anyone. So, what I see, is a lot of people complaining about

Not having enough cool stuff to show off to others and go "nyah nyah u cant have it!!! Im special". If your truly unhappy about your purchase of the collector's edition, maybe you should question your true motives for buying such an expensive product. And for what it's worth, I bought a collector's edition product key for $20. That was my solution for getting access to the CE vendor. Just check around on Ebay or Amazon. I'm not trying to be confrontational, just trying to shed some light on a common geek/nerd failing. :)


i disagree. It was the figurine, the access to the store and the free game time. It was that neat stuff, not "ego". That would be ridiculous.

Edited by kirorx
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Now you all know where those extra box sales were.


There were also plenty of Diablo III collector edition's right next to the SWTOR ones going for about $85 and those are going for $200 on amazon. I don't know whats up with my Best Buy, it's like tons of people that shop there and they have been there for years but their PC and Console game sections are always dead.


Guess the Digital age is taking over.

Edited by DuckKing
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