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Open-world PvP greifing must stop


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Sorry to hear this happened to you, but coming from a pretty much lone wolf player on pvp servers both here and in wow, this is the work around. Its simple and effective. Log to a different toon and do something else.


If you are outgunned don't get upset, simply do something else. Its that simple.


On Thendys Noori, it was mostly Imps, I have many imps. However, I also have two Repubs. During the rakghoul even I had a lvl 21 sage on repub side. I thought this will be a very good time to play this toon again. I knew tattoine was gong to be hard. It was. Nothing would suck like fighting your way thru that corridor clearing each and every bs mob to get to the crash pod at the end of the alley for the daily and being in combat with the pod spawns and then have a lvl 50 imp one shot you. However, rather than get upset, I woujld simply log to another toon. I laughed as I figured some kid sat their waiting to grief me.


Even on a lvl 40 imp, I would get the occasional repub 50 trying to gank me. What would be funny is that sometimes I could get away. Ditto for outlaw's den duing recruit loot box farming. Seriously if you are a lvl 50 and you can't kill a non 50 you suck and you probably need to gank non 50s because you need to work on your skills.


Lastly, you did roll on a pvp server to pvp right? It does add to the excitement, right? If they do manage to catch you, just don't freak out. Do something else.



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