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Yipee maintenance


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Another maintenance, another thread. It cuts into my play time too. Go do other things. Complaining about it on here accomplishes nothing, other than you have nothing better to do with your time. Read a book, go for a walk, go visit family/friends for drinks and/or cards, clean up the house/apartment, do dishes, cross-stitch, play a console game, play a different game.


The maintenance period is two hours. And it looks like it would most certainly be an emergency as there have been 3 servers that went down today, so obviously they found a stability fix that they need to apply before it starts happening to other servers as well.


Just suck it up and move on folks, there's more to life than just this game.


This sums up my thoughts. Coming here to complain about maintenance is a waste of time. Just do something else.

I didn't even bother to read the remaining posts on the thread.

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I find it truly sad that some people complain about maintence.. If they are fixing something.. What is the issue?? I am sure they don't do it for their own enjoyment and I know they are doing it with (WE THE PLAYER'S) best interests in mind..


Something is being fixed.. That all we need to know.. They should do maintenance whenever they feel it is required.. If you don't like maintenance then don't come in here complaining about bugs..


The issue isn't about them fixing bugs but rather the times they choose to bring the servers down.


When was the last time the US prime time lost a night from maintenance whether it was scheduled or unscheduled?


The point is that the weekly scheduled maintenance impacts Oceanic prime time and the UNSCHEDULED maintenace has impacted Oceanic prime time along with every other unscheduled maintenance.


If the bugs were so game breaking they would take the server down as soon as they had a fix and not WAIT until Oceanic prime time. Oceanic players pay to play too.

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and yet you say this while sitting at your own computer alone...


Personally, I do make plans for scheduled maintenance nights, but when they just slap one out with a few hours warning, yeah I sit here and browse forums while using social media and various steam games/movies.


oh did you take exception to my comment?


well good for you and I walk in the door after drinks with friends to find out its maintenance yet again so like you check forums before hitting the hay for work tomorrow ... ha yeah your comment is spot on

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well for me, i work nights and play a few hours after work 6am to around 12 noon ish (GMT) through the week , since 1.3 every weekday theres been a patch and servers down for the time i get to play,

firstly W T F is the test server for? if its broke on live game servers theres a problem!! ... it wasnt tested correctly, so why was it released?

secondly are the UK/EU subscribers second rate? as its always our daytime servers go down? if everyone around the world who subscribes pays the same then surely a rotation of maintenance times would be fair? it would be nice just once to see "maintenance servers down 2AM GMT till 6AM GMT".

thirdly, i want a free month subscription!!!!!


and this is what my ticket to them said :)

Edited by bloodsevennine
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Honestly, i think im at the end of my patience.


Dont get me wrong, im not going to be hysterical about it. Im just quietly pointing out that as a paying customer, i think the service is rubbish and im probably not going to pay for it after these 60 days are up (mid august i believe). Its just the absolutely dreadful relationship thats the issue here. Not only have the servers been down 5 out of the last 9 peak times for me, (which is rather appalling), several of those downtimes in no way required a hotfix. And finally, even though its hit oceanics every time there hasnt been a single genuine and sincere apology for the disruption to oceanics. Sure, generic token apologies for the "general disruption", but no apology at all (or consideration) for oceanics. It puts the dirty taste of red zoning back in my mouth.


Im a grown up, i can get by without playing the game. But 5/9 is dreadful. No serious justification as to why. And no attempt to placate the playerbase continually affected by it tells me im being treat like a mug.


The money isnt the issue, the downtime isnt the issue. Maintenance on a tuesday isnt an issue. Maintenance on a patch week isnt the issue. Poor correspondence and a complete disregard for an entire contingent of their playerbase is the issue. Im not going kickin and screaming, ill happily play the game until my times up, but once its done, youve lost me as a player. And truth be told, youve kinda lost me as a fan. When you say infinity, it will be with a heavy heart ill be repressing the word engine.

Edited by ippollite
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26th, 28th, 29th, 3rd, 4th


That is a record. I'm betting after 1.4 we'd have a full maintenance week.


EDIT:: BTW, I live in the red-zone.


rubbish Im sorry


put out an update or patch later if its not ready - why have a public test server ? would wait 100% of the time rather then 5 main nights in less then a week and a half


for NZ, OZ, SINGAPORE etc - PRIME TIME - really over it


BW needs to have seperate times for diffrent parts of the world and fast - its a priority


sounds like "convenience" is often used as the excuse - check posts that BW close and send here - convenience


how bout convenience for us ? the players ?

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The issue isn't about them fixing bugs but rather the times they choose to bring the servers down.


When was the last time the US prime time lost a night from maintenance whether it was scheduled or unscheduled?


The point is that the weekly scheduled maintenance impacts Oceanic prime time and the UNSCHEDULED maintenace has impacted Oceanic prime time along with every other unscheduled maintenance.


If the bugs were so game breaking they would take the server down as soon as they had a fix and not WAIT until Oceanic prime time. Oceanic players pay to play too.


good points


how bout sharing it around ? maybe some maintenance during US Peak times ? then Europe and so forth ?

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To schedule maintenance at different times depending on what time zone your in would require more than one maintenance team. Mythic had to take on Goa to run the European servers in Warhammer.


Even then people still felt the need to QQ about America getting fixes and content before us in Europe.

I guess putting aside when the game goes down for maintenance we all get the fixes and content at the same time.

Edited by shegoy
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Isn't this like the 8th time, in 2 weeks. What a joke. And i agree, start during it in other timezones. With all this downtime, I would say that they should give out another free month of playtime, because this is seriously cutting into our playtime... So ridicules.

I just keep getting more and more convinced, that they dont have the ability to think anything through.

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I'm fed up with it. I'd dearly love to support the one company that provides localised AU/NZ servers, and I enjoy the game, but there's honestly no point if they're constantly being taken offline.


Bioware is acting like software developers, not service providers. If your focus is pushing out the internal builds as rapidly as possible, in order to get the final release right, that's fine.


But SWTOR is a service. We paid for the software being developed when we bought the game in the first place. What we're paying $15 a month for now is ongoing access to their service.


Lets make it even simpler. Which services does any MMO have more in common with post release? Mass Effect & Bioshock multiplayer, or Farmville & Amazon.com?


IMO the correct answer is Farmville & Amazon.com. They're about providing consistent, reliable, quality service without constant unexpected breaks.


Single & small-multi player games like Mass Effect & Bioshock are much more finished products, without constant ongoing changes as hundreds of thousands of people alter the environment... they can be about one finished product being done right. An MMO is not like this. An MMO has more in common with Amazon.com or Farmville, where an hour's downtime is a broken product and they're constantly fixing the 'engine' while the 'car' is 'driving'.


That Bioware can't wrap their collective heads around this is just another symptom of the non-MMO mindset which the management of the company just can't seem to break free of.


PS. Signs you have a problem: when your customers don't even try to log in first, they just go straight to checking your dev feed because they anticipate yet more unscheduled downtime.

Edited by Lakhesis
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I just resubbed 1 week ago. ATM I played less then 50% of time I planned. I understand emergency, but I'm *********** student and don't have money to throw it away like this. I'm playing several MMO's and when they had to waste my day in WoW or Tibia they gave me 1 day refund to my sub/pacc.


To nice-wannabes who say to get out or do something other: OK. I'm doing something other, I have a lot things to do. But I don't *********** pay for SWTOR to read book or play other game, right?


I basiclly don't read those forums - too much idiotism, but this time I felt I have too...



Srry for my bad english.

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Since the maintenance is to fix server instability, surprised they didn't roll it out asap, since its more annoying for the server to crash whilst you are doing an op rather than not being able to login.


I still want them to do a patch in US prime time so we can see how much QQing they would do!

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Clearly a bunch of incompetants at BW.


1) PTS testers pleaded not to go live with 1.3 as it was BUGGY. They were ignored.


2) Every patch they nerf - and thus piss off whole swathes of players.

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I just resubbed 1 week ago. ATM I played less then 50% of time I planned. I understand emergency, but I'm *********** student and don't have money to throw it away like this. I'm playing several MMO's and when they had to waste my day in WoW or Tibia they gave me 1 day refund to my sub/pacc.


To nice-wannabes who say to get out or do something other: OK. I'm doing something other, I have a lot things to do. But I don't *********** pay for SWTOR to read book or play other game, right?


I basiclly don't read those forums - too much idiotism, but this time I felt I have too...



Srry for my bad english.


This is not a regular situation. It may be usual after patch releases but most of the time we have the weekly scheduled maintenance and you have the remaining days of the week to play. I guess you just had bad luck this time.

In my country we use to say "no money, no vices". If money is a problem you should pick less subscription based games. On this one you pay $15/month which makes 50 cents a day. As maintenance don't take all day, you're losing a few cents every down time. Also, if you are a student you shouldn't play so many time consuming games but that's just my opinion and it's your call.

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I am getting sick of this Bioware get your stuff right this is not good enough this breaks into New Zealand and Australian prime time you ripped us off last week and now your doing it again why not do it at 5pm USA time they can suffer this time your game will die and it's on a very thin line the team behind swtor are very poor and what they do now D3 done some major damage now GW2 and WoW are gonna blitz it.


Another sub being dropped.


MMORPG. It is normal. Anyone that is playing should know that.

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Isn't this like the 8th time, in 2 weeks. What a joke. And i agree, start during it in other timezones. With all this downtime, I would say that they should give out another free month of playtime, because this is seriously cutting into our playtime... So ridicules.

I just keep getting more and more convinced, that they dont have the ability to think anything through.


Actually, the "joke" is that there are still people that do not understand that maintenance and minor patches are normal every time a game, any MMORPG, patches in content.

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Clearly a bunch of incompetants at BW.


1) PTS testers pleaded not to go live with 1.3 as it was BUGGY. They were ignored.


2) Every patch they nerf - and thus piss off whole swathes of players.


None of this is really correct. Any item not attended to was merely lower on the priority list. They do not just ignore anything. LOL It would not be in their best interest.


The only players that they are "pissing off" are those that refuse to understand this.

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Actually, the "joke" is that there are still people that do not understand that maintenance and minor patches are normal every time a game, any MMORPG, patches in content.


Things like this (especially after their make or break 1.3 patch) will cause them to bleed subs. And tragically its on one of the most vocal regions of the game. Oceanics aint quiet. And they love a moan. They will walk, and you can enjoy the silence (with the other 300,000 people that "get it") every tuesday when maintenance only affects those odd people playing at 4 in the morning.

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It's maintenance. It's how they sort out problems with the game. Would you prefer that they left it as it is (and don't witter on about how bugs shouldn't be about, it's an MMO, they happen, now, in games a lot older than this one. Nature of the beast I'm afraid) or would you prefer that they take care of these problems? Yes, they might be cutting into your prime-time, but I would imagine that they do this because it is affecting the least amount of people. They have to do it sometime, and it's simply not practical or cheap to have a team in each different time zone across the globe deal with it seperately. They're not doing it just to wind people up, they are left with a lesser of evils situation. Unfortuantely for you, you happen to be that 'less', probably due to subscriber numbers.

I haven't been able to play this morning (I'm in England) but I understand the whys behind it all. I pay a subscription knowing that some of my time is going to be cut into by maintenance. Yes, this particular bout of fixes has been digging into quite a few days in a row now but that's what happens sometimes I'm afraid. Depite what people may think, this isn't a regular occurence. If memory serves this is the first time since launch that we've had to deal with anything of its like, and this coming just after a major social-based patch. Due to the nature of the recent additions, maybe this was always going to be the case. I don't know, I'm not a developer, and I'm guessing that neither are 80-95% of the complainers. Let them get on with the job of fixing the bugs in this game and making it better for the community as a whole and please stop acting like this is some kind of personal attack.

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It's maintenance. It's how they sort out problems with the game. Would you prefer that they left it as it is (and don't witter on about how bugs shouldn't be about, it's an MMO, they happen, now, in games a lot older than this one. Nature of the beast I'm afraid) or would you prefer that they take care of these problems? Yes, they might be cutting into your prime-time, but I would imagine that they do this because it is affecting the least amount of people. They have to do it sometime, and it's simply not practical or cheap to have a team in each different time zone across the globe deal with it seperately. They're not doing it just to wind people up, they are left with a lesser of evils situation. Unfortuantely for you, you happen to be that 'less', probably due to subscriber numbers.

I haven't been able to play this morning (I'm in England) but I understand the whys behind it all. I pay a subscription knowing that some of my time is going to be cut into by maintenance. Yes, this particular bout of fixes has been digging into quite a few days in a row now but that's what happens sometimes I'm afraid. Depite what people may think, this isn't a regular occurence. If memory serves this is the first time since launch that we've had to deal with anything of its like, and this coming just after a major social-based patch. Due to the nature of the recent additions, maybe this was always going to be the case. I don't know, I'm not a developer, and I'm guessing that neither are 80-95% of the complainers. Let them get on with the job of fixing the bugs in this game and making it better for the community as a whole and please stop acting like this is some kind of personal attack.


and again... this is all beside the point. Its not about the PURPOSE of having a maintenance (though have a look at the last 5 and ask yourself exactly what was so important that it required THREE hotfixes outside normal maintenance times. None of those things affected me, and they appear to have only affected a very small minority of the playerbase, so according to your logic - affect the least people - they were unnecessary if i might be so bold).


People UNDERSTAND the need for maintenance. Its a straw man to claim that theyre mad because maintenance exists. The main issue here is actually the poor customer service in their regard for one specific group of players. There has been absolutely no attempt to discuss the necessity of these fixes, nor has there been any significant attempt to placate this playerbase even with a small apology acknowledging that they are disproportionately having to carry the majority of the downtime and maybe even explaining why that is (workers on shift, i assume rather than "affect the least number possible - which really only applies to scheduled maintenance)).


Its the wall of complete silence and utter disregard (a tacit "suck it up") thats likely irking the majority. Though i shouldnt really try to put words into peoples mouths. The point though is this. If youre paying for a subscription, and you dont get to use it when you expect (within reason of course, no one asks for the gym to open especially for people who are up at 2am and fancy a workout), youll probably look for somewhere that might appreciate your cash a bit more. This is the cold hard facts of the matter. It doesnt matter if "mmo- maintenance happens noobs!". What matters is if you feel like youre not getting value for your money or more pressing, the service you PAID for. And right now, im fairly certain theres a massive number of people who are feeling that (whether you think they are right or wrong, or are simply too impatient). If they walk, it cant exactly be good for the game, can it?

Edited by ippollite
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well for me, i work nights and play a few hours after work 6am to around 12 noon ish (GMT) through the week , since 1.3 every weekday theres been a patch and servers down for the time i get to play,

firstly W T F is the test server for? if its broke on live game servers theres a problem!! ... it wasnt tested correctly, so why was it released?

secondly are the UK/EU subscribers second rate? as its always our daytime servers go down? if everyone around the world who subscribes pays the same then surely a rotation of maintenance times would be fair? it would be nice just once to see "maintenance servers down 2AM GMT till 6AM GMT".

thirdly, i want a free month subscription!!!!!


and this is what my ticket to them said :)


after i posted this i immediately got a forum warning for the "wording" in my signature .... pathetic they read a post of my troubles and only decide to pull the comment in my signature strip. weather its its admins,mods, devs,monitors who run the forum. they dont respond to a thread like this helpfully they just go out and just piss ppl off more !




ah well another one cancelled after gametime runs out.

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