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Yipee maintenance


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Also, i was of the understanding that most of the time the maintenance started at midnight over there?

I mean seriously. "Oceanic Primetime"? Ok, Sure.


Primetime is when most people are on, that is usually between 7pm and 10/11pm.

Midnight is NOT primetime.


And if anything, the people getting the short straw are actually eastern europeans who have servers down from 10AM-2AM.

I would be highly surprised if more people played from 12AM-2/4AM in Oceanic than played 10AM-2/4PM in Europe.










Which is exactly what you did when you told me since I played on Ebon Hawk this forum wasn't for me. You were consdescending to me and then you get upset when someone gives you the same treatment.


And as far as the time schedule you are making it primarly an Australian matter when it isn't. There are quite a few people that are not on the Oceanic time schedule that play at that time that might understand your view if you would stop making it a specific time zone.


My simple question was since this mainteance has to do with server stability and this is an issue everyone has been complaining about they are trying to fix this particular problem, why complain. Yes maybe the time could be better for some people but whether we like it or not bioware has chosen this time period.


There was no need for you to be so condescending and tell me that this forum isn't for me since I play on Ebon Hawk. If you hadn't been so condescending to me then I seriously doubt some of the others would have done it to you.


If you don't want people to be condescending to you then don't do it to someone else.


Really, after having posted so much about it, your still talking the same stuff aren't you?! YOU CHOSE to play on the Ebon Hawk. If you happen to be on the second or third or whatever shift when YOUR serber goes down, sure it affects YOU. but not the majority on the server.


On the other hand, in an AUSTRALIAN server, the MAJORITY are being affected by this downtime. I am not going to be here complaining and moaning if I was doing a night shift, rolled on an Oceanic server and Bioware happened to be doing their maintenance during these off times, during which I would hypothetically then be playing.


Make sense? OK GOOD!


And please don't tell me I told you these forums were not for you. Its there for everyone to see. I said that this thread was not addressing the issue you thought it was. The forums are all yours mate. Knock yourself out.

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and it does in fact eat into --and often through-- our prime-time.


That is an understatement. We are loosing at least 1 or more days of PT every week. What was it.. like the last time maintenance actually ended before 10:30pm would've been a week ago.



Ok, you said "you need to please as many people as you can with what you have", meaning mainly NA I'm guessing, so your logic supports my point.


Anyways, what time would be good for every time zone? As you seem to think there is a perfect time to fix problems.


There is no one perfect time... they need to alter the time for the APAC servers.. located in Australia... to Australian times.

Enough trolling from you. Seriously. I'm sick of trying to prove a point made many times before just because you have nothing better to do.

Edited by Aedey
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I dont understand all these people saying that "US Office hours so they do it then".... they actually do it in the middle of the night their time.... if they did it during their own office time, it would make it around 4 am AEST.


which would be perfect!

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Pacific users should start a Class action against bioware because the disservice is intentional and damages in an asymmetrical way always the same population of customers.

Moreover is very easy for you to spread the word since you are just 3 servers.

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Pacific users should start a Class action against bioware because the disservice is intentional and damages in an asymmetrical way always the same population of customers.

Moreover is very easy for you to spread the word since you are just 3 servers.


I personally wouldn't take it too far. Just some results that could please the APAC masses would be nice. It can't be that hard to implement something that when the code goes for the other servers to go down, it will start a 14 hour timer or something. Then when that is done the shutdown sequence begins.

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Whinge whinge whinge. Just be thankful that you're a part of a game that actually does maintenance!


tbh a lot of us here would love that rather than 5 of the last 8 nights of it.

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Hello everybody!


We have just removed several posts from this thread for being disruptive and off topic. We understand your sentiments on the current scheduling for downtime and are free to discuss it here but we please ask that your posts be constructive and remain on topic.


As a gentle reminder to everyone, please remember the following:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
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  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


Thank you!

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Hello everybody!


We have just removed several posts from this thread for being disruptive and off topic. We understand your sentiments on the current scheduling for downtime and are free to discuss it here but we please ask that your posts be constructive and remain on topic.


As a gentle reminder to everyone, please remember the following:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
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  • Report, Don't Respond - Utilize the Report Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


Thank you!


You know its great that someone at BW is reading this but is any of it getting through to the right people?

You must admit its starting to upset a lot of people..

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Thanks BW for cleaning the topic up! :rolleyes:


Yeah. Honestly after an update if the server is down more than up for some people... I mean is there a point in updating until they can do things a bit more flawlessly?

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I usually don't get frustrated over maintenance times. But I just thought I would voice my dissatisfaction for having maintenance on July 4th, even if it is late. Most people have time off on the 4th. I was looking forward to playing tonight before the holiday.
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Relax, its only 2 hours. I feel the pain as I am in California and work a later shift so the midnight shutdowns hit me mid gaming session. With that said the game today is far more stable and runs more smoothly then ever for me so it seems like BW is working on things and I can accept the patching needed to accomplish this.
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Hello everybody!


We understand your sentiments on the current scheduling for downtime and are free to discuss it here but we please ask that your posts be constructive and remain on topic.


So, if you understand our sentiments, can you tell us what is being done to rectify the situation, or do I have to cancel my sub, hate the game and never want to come back before anything gets done?

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Guys, isn't 3-4x mantenance per week a littble bit too much? And now, ToFN server is down even before mantenance time without any warning or msg on Twitter. BW, i can't play which i'm paying for.


From morning to afternoon - maintenance. Evening and night - queues. Person who go to work must be very frustrated, don't you think?

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Did it occour to any of you that this might be to implant some type of new world event to celibrate?




Quote from the maintenance note:

"We will be performing an unscheduled maintenance this Wednesday, July 4th, 2012. This maintenance will increase server stability. After the maintenance, there will not be a new patch to download."

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I love how they close every thread attempting to get any real answers, and redirect it to this useless thread, by closing our threads, then they don't post a single response in this thread explaining why they are shutting down servers ON THE US HOLIDAY for 2 hours ... clearly they wish to declare their Independence from our subscription money.
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Quote from the maintenance note:

"We will be performing an unscheduled maintenance this Wednesday, July 4th, 2012. This maintenance will increase server stability. After the maintenance, there will not be a new patch to download."


Yeah no. Nothing new, unfortunately. I would LOVE an event. But It won't come, if it does quote me & I shall admit my failure. ;)


& honestly I think this downtime could serve some use. Maybe the Americans will realise how annoying it is to want to play but not be able to. Especially on a national holiday.

Edited by Aedey
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Listen up guys It is maintenance for july 4th.... Did it occour to any of you that this might be to implant some type of new world event to celibrate? I am most likly wrong;howver they could surprise us. Edited by hakkafusion
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i saw this maintence coming yesterday, there were complaints about an important feature not acting as it should, so no suprise when i read the servers are coming down once again. i do agree there is to many maint cycles recently but then again its not like i am on all the time, so because i saw it coming i had already planned in advance.
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Its only 2 hours. I'm sure most people would be at work by then. Yeah it can be annoying when you got plans or wanna play but at least they tell us. I want them to fix this game, they cant do it when servers are online
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