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Yipee maintenance


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May I ask a stupid question.


Everyone has complained about the server stability and now when they are trying to fix it you complain that they are working on something people complained about.


If they don't fix the problem you complain and then if they do you complain.


No matter what way they go there is someone going to complain.


I don't understand all this complaining about fixing something everyone was complaining about. It makes no sense.


Exactly what do you want them to do? Ignore the problem or fix it?


Have they provided any information on what they are going to fix? - Not that I could see with a quick look.

Is it something that should have been fixed on the normal Tuesday maintenance? - With no information, can't tell. The past few unscheduled maintenances have been minor crap that should have been done in their usual window. With that in mind, they should have just extended yesterdays maintenance further and fixed it then. That way they ruin the one night when people expect it, instead of ruining peoples nights to fix minor crap.


If they were a bit open about what they were going to be trying to fix (like the time the servers went down and they told us it was to fix an unnamed exploit), I think you would get quite a bit less people complaining. Well, unless it was to fix something like an item not displaying properly or some minor crap like that which they have been taking Aus prime time out for lately.

Edited by Raekor
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Have they provided any information on what they are going to fix? - Not that I could see with a quick look.

Is it something that should have been fixed on the normal Tuesday maintenance? - With no information, can't tell. The past few unscheduled maintenances have been minor crap that should have been done in their usual window. With that in mind, they should have just extended yesterdays maintenance further and fixed it then. That way they ruin the one night when people expect it, instead of ruining peoples nights to fix minor crap.


If they were a bit open about what they were going to be trying to fix (like the time the servers went down and the told us it was to fix an unnamed exploit), I think you would get quite a bit less people complaining. Well, unless it was to fix something like an item not displaying properly or some minor crap like that which they have been taking Aus prime time out for lately.


What you may consider to be minor fixes, may not be so minor for other players.

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This is really starting to become a major frustration, I understand that maintenance must happen to fix bugs and make for a better gaming experience overall and that the downtime is only for a few hours each week (normally) and as far as losing money ...well its minimal at 8 cents per hour of play, or lost play time...but for those of us who do not get much time to game due to family and work , it is as i said very frustrating. Can we not have maintenance done at alternate times, at least the unexpected ones. So far I have lost out on playing 5 times in the past week and yeah i could go watch tv or play another game...which is probably what i will do, but thats like eating brussell sprouts when you wanted ice cream. :mad::mad::mad:
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Have they provided any information on what they are going to fix? - Not that I could see with a quick look.

Is it something that should have been fixed on the normal Tuesday maintenance? - With no information, can't tell. The past few unscheduled maintenances have been minor crap that should have been done in their usual window. With that in mind, they should have just extended yesterdays maintenance further and fixed it then. That way they ruin the one night when people expect it, instead of ruining peoples nights to fix minor crap.


If they were a bit open about what they were going to be trying to fix (like the time the servers went down and they told us it was to fix an unnamed exploit), I think you would get quite a bit less people complaining. Well, unless it was to fix something like an item not displaying properly or some minor crap like that which they have been taking Aus prime time out for lately.


the dev post said server stability. as of 1.3 the servers have been crashing randomly so its probably to fix that issue.

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You play on THE EBON HAWK. This thread is not for you.



1. I pay for my account so the forums are open for me no matter what. And as such I can ask questions and post on any forum that is open to the subscribers whether you agree with what I said or not.


2. You don't know my work schedule and what times I play.

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Have they provided any information on what they are going to fix? - Not that I could see with a quick look.

Is it something that should have been fixed on the normal Tuesday maintenance? - With no information, can't tell. The past few unscheduled maintenances have been minor crap that should have been done in their usual window. With that in mind, they should have just extended yesterdays maintenance further and fixed it then. That way they ruin the one night when people expect it, instead of ruining peoples nights to fix minor crap.


If they were a bit open about what they were going to be trying to fix (like the time the servers went down and they told us it was to fix an unnamed exploit), I think you would get quite a bit less people complaining. Well, unless it was to fix something like an item not displaying properly or some minor crap like that which they have been taking Aus prime time out for lately.


What the dev's posted:






Maintenance: July 4th, 2012



We will be performing an unscheduled maintenance this Wednesday, July 4th, 2012. This maintenance will increase server stability. After the maintenance, there will not be a new patch to download.


This evening, we will be bringing down the game servers and SWTOR.com for a brief maintenance period for two hours from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8 AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) until 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than two hours, but could be extended.




Date: Wednesday, July 4th, 2012




All game servers and SWTOR.com will be offline during this period. This game maintenance is expected to take no more than two hours.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Ah, speed reading FTL.


Besides a bit of ability lag I hadn't noticed any stability issues on Dalborra. And they seemed to be a lot better after Tuesday. Anybody else on the Aus servers notice they were crashing?

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Its happening between 3am - 5am eastern standard time and 12am - 2am pacific standard time. If this is during "prime time" for you then jump on MMO made in your country. But it makes sense Bioware does maint. during the times they choose.
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Its happening between 3am - 5am eastern standard time and 12am - 2am pacific standard time. If this is during "prime time" for you then jump on MMO made in your country. But it makes sense Bioware does maint. during the times they choose.


this MMO is made in "my country" and those hours are during my normal prime time....... i haven't complained about the maintenance because those are the hours BW have been using for maintenance since beta.


i just find your post funny because you seem to assume every one works the same hours you do. you do know jobs have these things called shifts right? some people work second shift some work third shift. second shift would put people getting off work and coming home about 12-1 am EST so that would put maintenance right in their prime time.


i am just pointing this out because from some of the responses i have seen in this type of thread it seems some people think when they log off to go to bed the world stops till they log on again.

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***, i get the idea of having to maintain the servers but i have tomorrow off form work due to the holiday so i can play late tonight and we have more maintanance. this really sucks :(
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1. I pay for my account so the forums are open for me no matter what. And as such I can ask questions and post on any forum that is open to the subscribers whether you agree with what I said or not.


2. You don't know my work schedule and what times I play.


You just answered your own questions on your first post. In any case, if you had actually read some of the discussion, you would not have had to ask these questions in the first place.



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Actually all these maintenances, esp on holidays, really is obnoxious. Unless its super-duper emergency, there is no reason for this.


I think there is reason for maintenance. I can't imagine the huge database etc that would be behind it but it would need maintaining and the only time that it could be done properly is when everyone is off. It just the timing. In Australia this is prime time. Tonight might be only 2hr but last Friday, a FRIDAY!!!! was 4-5 hours. Then Tuesday as 5hrs last Tuesday was 5hrs. For ppl working that means 3 days out of the week we cannot play unless we wanna stay up til all hours of the night....!!! WOW have their maintenance around 10pm, sometimes earlier. Surely the SWTOR ppl could adjust the times by a few hours.....(say 5)....

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You play on THE EBON HAWK. This thread is not for you.


Since when is forums restricted? I believe forums are open to anyone that has an active subscription.


May you need to read what they say about posting on the forums


Community Overview


BioWare provides the Star Wars™: The Old Republic community forums for its players to chat, exchange ideas, and submit feedback. Posting on the Star Wars: The Old Republic community forums requires an account. Only members are allowed to post on these forums, but anyone can read them. Please note that you must adhere to the Forum Guidelines if you wish to post on the forums.


So telling someone that a forum is not for them you cannot do. Whether or not you like someone's comment or opinion doesn't negate the fact they can post on any forum they choose to.


In addition you seem to think it only affects your server or your region and that is not the case. Not everyone works day jobs . Some work night jobs and this is affecting their play time as well. Bioware needs to fix things and fix the server stability and yes it may be an inconvience for a lot of people but I would rather them fix the server stability and enable things to run smoother than for them to ignore the problem.

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Bioware needs to fix things and fix the server stability and yes it may be an inconvience for a lot of people but I would rather them fix the server stability and enable things to run smoother than for them to ignore the problem.


So lets do it now then if it is so important. Oh wait I don't think these forums could handle the QQ if it was done in US prime time.

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So lets do it now then if it is so important...


This is what I was saying last week. If an emergency maintenance is needed, then it should be done there and then. If it can wait 12 hours, it can wait for the next Tuesday maintenance.

Edited by Raekor
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I work the night shift so when they do server maintenance it's when I wanna play. I understand they have to do maintenance, but they just did it yesterday. From the forums I've read what it comes down to not fully testing patches. If they need testers, I live about 3 hours away from Austin. I would gladly take a job testing SWTOR, and drinking on 6th St. BW If a patch is not ready wait a week and fix it. You seem to make more problems with these patches instead of fixing problems we've had since Beta. Also listen to the feedback from the PTR forum. Those guys knew their were problems with the patch. I almost wish I could control my sub by the day. I would stop the sub for 2 weeks when the next patch comes out so I don't waste my sub time not playing because of "maintenance".



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This is what I was saying last week. If an emergency maintenance is needed, then it should be done there and then. If it can wait 12 hours, it can wait for the next Tuesday maintenance.


BW don't give a **** about us so why should we give a **** about them.

This is why they are loosing so many subscriptions...

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26th, 28th, 29th, 3rd, 4th


That is a record. I'm betting after 1.4 we'd have a full maintenance week.


EDIT:: BTW, I live in the red-zone.



I have to admit to being quite annoyed at there being more maintenance again this week but after reading it's only going to be around 2 hours I still wasn't very happy but may kill that time with a linux install on my other box plus I have tomorrow off for the holiday so it's not the end of the world

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That's what they're trying to do. Do you think they would just take the servers down to piss people off? Also, Punctuation.


I'm merely of the opinion that they should strive for getting it right the first time. So far, it doesn't look like they've even heard of the concept, let alone actually attempt it as a goal.

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Sadly no one is gonna listen, if it was 30 minutes people would still QQ about it.

Yah we kind of have a right to QQ when we pay for this crappy service. Especially when it cuts into our prime playtime. It's getting quite annoying, and I think the QQ is warranted this time.


Go pay for something yourself (not on your mom's credit card) and then have them tell you that you cannot use it 3-4 nights a week.

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