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What are the levels of government in the sith empire?

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What are the levels of government in the sith empire? do you kill to get promoted?


i could be wrong but i think the order goes,




sith lords

moff's of the empires army's

sith apprentice's

then empire soldiers in rank of order, similar to how earth ranks would work

citizens of the empire



i'm not sure if the emperors hand, and the emperors voice, and the wrath of the emperor. come into this somewhere or if they are like secret service and so are not part of the list they just do what thy want.

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Voice of the Emperor

Wrath / Dark Council

Emperors Assistants such as hand






Military ranks ect


Fixed it. Well, it's a little more complicated...


The Voice is not a person on his own. It is a host for the Emperor. When the Voice speaks, it is the Emperor speaking through the Voice. So you could place the Voice (as a person), on the bottom of the list, like a slave. Or you can put it on top, because it basically is embodiment the Emperor.


The Wrath and the Dark Council have a strange relation. The Emperor is the direct superior for both of them. The Wrath carries out the Emperor's direct will, but most Sith answer to the Dark Council. The Dark Council governs the Empire.


Grandmoff Kilran seems to be a direct subordinate to Malgus and probably has Sith under his command (at least an Apprentices, but probably also Lords.)


I would place Moffs higher than apprentices. Apprentices rarely make their own decisions and I know no apprentice who has a Moff in their power base.


And the Emperor's hands... They are personal slaves of the Emperor. No council member would take orders from them. But on the other hand they are closer to the Emperor than the Wrath sometimes.



I think the Empire is better understood not as a hierarchy, but as different power bases. For Example:


A Moff might be part of the powerbase of a council member. He answers to the council member directly. For him it is:


Emperor (embodied through the Voice)

Dark Council member

Moff himself

his subordinates


But he could also be part of the power base of a Lord, so it would be:


Emperor (embodied through the Voice)

Dark Council member



Moff himself

his subordinates



Or look how it is for Jaesa Wilsaam, a mere apprentice:


Emperor (embodied through the Voice)


Jaesa herself


She is as close to the Emperor as a Darth, despite her rank.



So in the Empire, you just have to know whom you answer to and who answers to you. It's called cronysm, I think.



do you kill to get promoted?


As a Sith: yes, but you have to be smart about it. You either have to cover it so noone knows you are responisible. Or you have to be powerful enough that your knew superiors think you are more valuable to them if you are not charged for murder. Technically, it's against the law.


(Your superior can also promote you to every rank just beneth his own. A Darth can promote an apprentice to Lord, for example.)


As military: better not. Sith see you as disposable, so you will be executed for this. You will get your promotion:


1) through being a good soldier

2) corruption, patronage, family members etc.

Edited by Maaruin
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