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Commando healing - augments how to optimize?


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im about to get my first wh piece (yay!).. anyways. somone told me to just buy wh helm and put it in my currently gear. oO ? can anyone confirm this. or what are ppl doing to optimize wh gear 100%?


atm im using the advanced reflex 18 aim/ 12 endurance augment. not sure is 18 power / 12 endurance is better?


thx in advance

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As a Commando healer I do a mix of Overkill Augments (Power and End) and Reflex (Aim and End).


It all depends on how much aim you have without any buffs (Stims included). You want to get around 1550 Aim unbuffed and then start to Augment for power.


Hope that helps a little?

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"Taking Primary Stat over Power Augment means: 0.012% loss to Bonus Damage, 0.089% loss to Bonus Healing, 1.37% gain to Crit (In % change terms)"


Its your choice. There is only a little difference in bonus healing between your main stat and power augments and a big difference in crit chance.


As a healer in would always prefer main stat augments, but it may vary with your playstyle and role.

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Main stat adds to damage and crit chance as stated above. Basically, add aim until your crit chance is 35% without buffs. 35% crit without buffs is what a point of diminishing returns in that department. Thas is post 1.2.


Once crit is where you want it add power. Power has no diminishing returns. Adds a small amount more to damage/healing than the main stat. Additionally, you could add surge as well although I am not certain of the point for diminished returns for surge.

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I know that everyone says for end game power > aim, however, if you have Ironsights (+9% to aim), that will offset and the bonus to healing will make aim (with ironsights) > power. the math was something something like aim = .16 healing, power = .17 healing, but with ironsight it is .174 healing.


Does anyone have any toughts/info on this? especially since every medic will have ironsights anyway.

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Honestly I'm running aim/end in my main pieces (chest boots pants gloves helm cannon and power generator) and end power in everything else I've also heard the wh eliminator helmet mod is best for maxing power while only loosin 12 ish end and 15 or so aim
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