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Which WH relics?

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Does anyone actually have the damage comparison numbers for proc vs power relic?


PvP is about doing the most damage in the shortest period of time.


What is going to give you more burst damage? 131 power (Augmented) or... a trinket that has a 30% chance to give you 184 elemental damage or 264 kinetic damage.


131 power gives you 32 extra bonus damage to your force attacks (which is every attack but a single rage builder)


I'd rather have the 131 power versus a 30% chance to proc an ability that crits for less than 400 damage. Not to mention that the proc suffers from the Damage Reduction of expertise. The power trinket is miles ahead.

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PvP is about doing the most damage in the shortest period of time.


What is going to give you more burst damage? 131 power (Augmented) or... a trinket that has a 30% chance to give you 184 elemental damage or 264 kinetic damage.


131 power gives you 32 extra bonus damage to your force attacks (which is every attack but a single rage builder)


I'd rather have the 131 power versus a 30% chance to proc an ability that crits for less than 400 damage. Not to mention that the proc suffers from the Damage Reduction of expertise. The power trinket is miles ahead.


Yet... the damage proc relics also deal more damage via expertise as far as I can tell - I've seen killing blow combat logs from which I've had my Internal damage proc relic deal 619 damage (I assume this was a crit, mind you - and even with 78.2% crit multiplier, that wouldn't be possible unless something else is factoring in for its damage).

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PvP is about doing the most damage in the shortest period of time.


What is going to give you more burst damage? 131 power (Augmented) or... a trinket that has a 30% chance to give you 184 elemental damage or 264 kinetic damage.


131 power gives you 32 extra bonus damage to your force attacks (which is every attack but a single rage builder)


I'd rather have the 131 power versus a 30% chance to proc an ability that crits for less than 400 damage. Not to mention that the proc suffers from the Damage Reduction of expertise. The power trinket is miles ahead.


The first line is about the only somewhat legit thing you said.


Depending on how much extra damage per ability, the proc trinket could potentially add more burst than the power. (because the proc's damage is in one hit vs the power's lower amount of damage added but affecting each ability)


Why are you using 131 power instead of 112?


In my current gear set, 112 power adds 77 damage to annihilate (my hardest hitting ability), and keep in mind that annihilate damage is further mitigated by armor.


The trinket damage may get mitigated by expertise, but every other ability does as well, so I'm not even sure why you're mentioning it.


So, like I said before, it'd be nice to have a legitimate damage comparison for the proc vs the power trinket, because the damage will likely be pretty close.

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