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Ranked PvP Experience So Far


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So my experience may be a little limited, but this is what I've noticed so far:


1) Getting into groups as a healer is super easy. Takes all of five minutes before I get an invite and many times I see people LF Merc Helaer in general chat.


2) Running with two merc healers is not a good idea. Heat becomes a real problem when you're trying to single target heal 6 other people. But if I get paired with a sorc or op the team becomes a force to be reckoned with.


3) DPS mercs can dish out some monstrous DPS. Having an organized team to stand behind makes the Arsenal/Pyro mercs really shine. This class seems to very much be a group class.


What about everyone else? What's your experience dipping your toes in the RWZ waters?

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So my experience may be a little limited, but this is what I've noticed so far:


1) Getting into groups as a healer is super easy. Takes all of five minutes before I get an invite and many times I see people LF Merc Helaer in general chat.


2) Running with two merc healers is not a good idea. Heat becomes a real problem when you're trying to single target heal 6 other people. But if I get paired with a sorc or op the team becomes a force to be reckoned with.


3) DPS mercs can dish out some monstrous DPS. Having an organized team to stand behind makes the Arsenal/Pyro mercs really shine. This class seems to very much be a group class.


What about everyone else? What's your experience dipping your toes in the RWZ waters?


As it is Merc DPS is all about the team 1v1 you might as well go afk. I have won 1v1 fights...but they were at a gear disadvantage or had some things to learn.


Im actually running ranked on my Jugg, but am now getting my gear sorted on my Merc hoping to give RWZ a shot in the next couple weeks.


I honestly think Mercs will fair alot better in ranked then Regular since team work is really the win button for ranked not gear...although thew full Warlord groups do have an edge sure :)


I can dish out very decent dmg as Pyro not to mention I can really mess with a team trying to cap...as long as I can stay out of focus. Still im hoping Merc will get some love since I really feel PT Pyro has several advantages over Merc Pyro.

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Played my first few ranked games as pyro, but it's not really worth it when the enemy team is filled to the brim with war hero sentinels and the like. You're better off giving that slot to a pyro powertech. Been heals since then as it's the most viable and useful spec we have in rated warzones atm.
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After seeing the numbers PT Pyros are putting up, and what my potential as Merc pyro will be at full WH its clear that the only Merc that should set foot in Rated WZ's is Bodyguard healer, and we need to be on a team with another healer as we cannot group heal at that level period...Our role is to focus heal basically.


Long story short I will not seriously run RWZ's on my Merc at all...I spent alot of time gearing towards DPS when Arse used to have some upsides, then the switch to Pyro which is fun...But just not viable at high levels with PT Pyro availible.


So heal or Reroll, or roll with DPS but dont expect to get on a competative team unless you know someone :)

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I'll agree with Soljin for the most part. Currently i'm sitting in Mostly WH gear (1900 aim (with stim), 1250 expertise)


I can pump out very decent DPS in Pyro, but only if i'm trying quite hard. I played PuG RWZ's yesterday and we were dominating. Merc Pyro still suffers however due to the fact that our survivability is nerfed, and our ability to kite is considerably borked. However, with a competent team to back you up, not all is lost. Play with a competent set of players, bring healers and tanks and don't be foolish in thinking you can ball carry or node defend by yourself :)


Just go with the pack, and hope to god you get healed. Otherwise, yeah, reroll, or learn to pillar hump... alot.


And as T-Assassin would say "be sneaky", because if you're standing out in the open, you'll die, fast. If you stand away, at range, and don't draw too much attention, you'll do great.

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