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WAY to over powered Republic


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This is so funny....yesterday, start of 1-49 Alderaan WZ I head west to bother pubs cap....killed 2 sents with my Mara alone before getting my ***** shot by a gunslinger.... guess they'll cry Mara's more powerful than sent?
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I have no idea what the OP is talking about...but many people have said what you said Lovia...and they were wrong before. There have been a number of MAJOR differences between Imp and Rep mirrors. Some were animation things, Mortar Volley, Ex Probe and some were bugs such as the Flashbang OPs had going for them.


Who says the classes are mirriored and balanced? Bioware? That is only their intent, that doesn't make it reality, no matter how many times someone types it on these forums. People have been spouting that same stupid line over and over again, before and after Bioware changes one factions class to match the other one. There are still numerous bugs between the classes and animations. Here is a fun one...try and sort out the difference between a sniper and gunslinger when it comes to weapon gearing. Mirror classes right? Then why is an OH token drop for a GS just s good as a MH drop and not that way for a sniper?


TL:DR The classes do not match up and in some cases one faction has an advantage over the other. Don't discredit people and mouth off like a Biodrone until you know.


Weapon gathering isn't really a class issue. The same thing happens with Mercs vs commandos. Or sents/mara vs guard/jugg. This is just something BW overlooked and doesn't really effect class performance.


I play these mirrors







Are there minor differences? sure. do any of them impact MY impact when playing? No. I'm equally effective on both sides.

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