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How does Carnage work?


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I'm about level 43 and I've played Annihilation throughout most of the leveling process. I've seen ALOT of Carnage Maras lately so I decided to give it a go, but I've come into a bit of a problem. I don't know how to play it! I'm so used to the basic concept of "Keep DoTs up and use Annihilate when possible" that this spec is completely foreign to me.



So if there are any Carnage players out there willing to give me a few pointers, I'd appreciate it :)

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Hey just wanted to respond to your question... I am a level 50 marauder and I played Carnage through all of the leveling process and did a lot of PVP at 50 with the Carnage build (1.2 spec that is recommend) . I just recently switched to Annihilation and I can say the difference between the two is with Annihilation you have a little more survivability because of self healing and you do less "big hit" damage but it is more sustained dps. With carnage, you will have less survivability but be able to do more "burst" damage. The rotation I would use is Force charge, battering assault, gore, massacre, ravage, and finally force scream. The key is to react first and get the drop on the opponent so you can drop their health quickly. You will probably find yourself dying faster in say a PVP with no healer around so it is critical to get that drop. Also, use gore and massacre as much as possible. Whenever beserk pops up from built furty, use it and then just keep using massacre to mow down your opponent. With carnage every hit counts so it may feel like you are doing a little more work with button hitting but if you stay on your target when possible you should drop him fast. Hope this helps!
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Carnage lacks survivability in PvP whereas Annihilation can not only survive but can, when paired with another Annihilation Marauder, take stress off of a healer's job.


Carnage has an advantage, however, because the burst is *********** astronomical compared to Annihilation. It also brings the utility of having two resolve-ignoring roots available AND an 80% movement speed that is applied to the entire ops group. Camo under annihilation may give you an extra 20% speed and last a couple seconds longer, but under Carnage it will break you out of snares and roots. Annihilation really doesn't have a rotation, Carnage does. It has two, and those can be customized to do maximum damage to whoever you're fighting. 9 Rage > Massacre > (Wait for GCD to finish) > Gore + Ravage > Force Scream works best against heavy armor targets and is equal to the other one against medium armor targets. This is because Gore makes a mockery of Heavy armor classes' primary defense: Their Armor. Your other rotation involves using Berserk with at LEAST 7 rage to spam Massacre 6 times in 6 seconds. You can have gore up for half of it. This works best against light armor targets and is equal to the other against medium targets. Most light amor targets don't rely nearly as much on armor so 100% pen isn't doing you nearly as much good though it still hits hard.


*Note: Assassins and Shadows fall outside these rules, because of the strange way their defense works being Light armor AND a Tank. They counter Carnage pretty hard.

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I appreciate the feedback, it really helps. I've noticed I have some more burst but going back to questing in between WZs I feel like a glass cannon. I can't say I'm disappointed though so I'll keep playing it out until I decide that Rage is worth another try.
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