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Group Finder for Parties?


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I'm sorry if this has been answered already, but I was unable to specifically find the answer I was looking for so I thought I'd start a new thread...


I often party up to help my son to progress through his story, but I was curious if there is a way to use the LFG tool while in a party? Or will we both just have to "join queue" and then hope that it matches us? Or decline until we get lucky enough to get matched up. We like to run the Flashpoints so wondering if this is possible?


If anyone knows if this is possible or how to accomplish this I would appreciate it.



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awesome... We haven't been able to test this since the update as a group. I was able to run a FP Tuesday for the Battle of Illum, but I was solo. I'm sure we'll get to team up some this weekend so I wanted to ask. Will we both have to join queue or just the party leader will control it for both of us?
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That's great news!! We had been on a dying server so we really hadn't been able to run any of the flashpoints prior to our server transfer. It's great to be on a server with hundreds in the fleet again... :)
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Whoever is the party/group leader has to queue the group up. But yeah you can do it.. Three of my friends and I did it the other night. It transports you to the instance, but not back to where you were.
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