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Rakata set bonus should move with mods.


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Is there a plausible reason why Bioware decided to allow Campaign ONLY gear(armoring/mods) to be moved over?

Do you folks have a clue on how many people(including this guy)are vexed over putting some decent looking gear on themselves and not getting punished for it by losing their set bonuses?

This decision goes against everything you guys have been adamant about giving the player choices and customization concerning gear.


Campaign gear only? Really? What is that like..2% of the Swtor population that gets the PRIVILEGE to move their set bonuses and put it on a bloody piece of gear they actually enjoy?


Real classy move Bioware. Like most things it seems you really thought things through here..

It makes ZERO sense and is completely disappointing.


I'm tired of wearing silly looking gear in this game, and being punished for attempting any customization whatsoever.


Please reconsider.



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The thing that annoys me most about this is that way back in 1.2, they said anything obtained post 1.2 could have the set bonus transferred. Just tested it on my Rakata chestpiece, which I know for a fact was post-1.2. No bonus. What's all this about then? Clearly they can take that ability off of the armoring mods retroactively, so why can't they ADD it retroactively!? They say it's all kinds of difficult to program that in there, but since very few people have moved their mods out of their tier pieces, I call shenanigans!
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The better solution here is to add the Campaign Set Bonuses to Black Hole gear/mods, and make them transferable. I agree that Having a set between Rakata and Campaign without set bonuses doesn't really make sense. I know most people just pull out the black hole mods to keep their Rakata armor bonuses, but now you have a full tier of armor that people don't really wear. I can also understand that Bioware did this to try and make it so people that do Denova HM can actually standout. I personally play a Marauder and don't have the need for the set bonus, but the Black Hole gear is ugly green. So I use a custom look between crafted orange and Rakata.
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It's not Campaign only.

War hero ones can also do the same.


Campaign and war hero are the same rank (I only just found that out myself a couple of days ago from conversations between guildies)


Ralata is the same rank as Battlemaster.

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PvE vs PvP. There is not a set between Battlemaster and War Hero, so this is completely a separate issue. Anyone can solo their way to Conqueror and get the gear. Anyone can spend a long time and work their way up to Black Hole gear, with no set bonuses. But it takes 8 well geared people to earn Campaign gear.


I spend most of my time questing and making money wearing PvP gear since I play on a PvP server. The only time I wear my PvE gear is FPs for daily/black holes, and when I raid. So I would say that PvP gear is more important to me at times.

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And the fact Campaign bonuses are the very same old bonuses as the rest of the lower tiered gear, and not transferable makes about as much sense as..well the rest of the silly decisions Bioware seem spew out on a quarterly basis.

Model your design after WoW, try to play catch up, fail miserably at it.

Love the game guys, but there's a reason the sub roster keeps getting lighter as time goes on, use some common sense already or this deal is gonna just go down in flames.

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The thing that annoys me most about this is that way back in 1.2, they said anything obtained post 1.2 could have the set bonus transferred. Just tested it on my Rakata chestpiece, which I know for a fact was post-1.2. No bonus. What's all this about then? Clearly they can take that ability off of the armoring mods retroactively, so why can't they ADD it retroactively!? They say it's all kinds of difficult to program that in there, but since very few people have moved their mods out of their tier pieces, I call shenanigans!


No they said sets added after 1.2 would be transferable. They did not say that items bought after 1.2 would be.


That said, I cannot understand why they did not make the change retroactive. Woulda made a lot of people happier.

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Or they could add appearance tab, and avoid to spend more time trying to add customization with orange gear and fail for the vast majority of player, just like they did for the last 4patches.
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They need t restat the armorings first.


My AC's Campaign set has ONE Mainstat heavy armoring, the rest are endurance heavy (Gunslinger). I'm ranged so I should be out of most mechanics that are gonna screw melee there and I want damage, no hitpoints. At least the tank sets are done logically with all endurance heavy armorings so they can throw it in whatever gear they want. In fact even with BH gear I have no way to get my 4 piece and full load up on mainstat heavy armorings (since campaign armoring will overwrite the shell's setbonus so if I throw an enforcer piece into my rakata field tech it overrwites the field tech)


But they should find another way to move the set bonus over on pieces since they already stat out gear by throwing darts at a board (need at least 2 or even more of some pieces to get the correct mods and enhancements for your stats). Then add an appearance tab.

Edited by PariahMessiah
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Is there a plausible reason why Bioware decided to allow Campaign ONLY gear(armoring/mods) to be moved over?

Do you folks have a clue on how many people(including this guy)are vexed over putting some decent looking gear on themselves and not getting punished for it by losing their set bonuses?

This decision goes against everything you guys have been adamant about giving the player choices and customization concerning gear.


Campaign gear only? Really? What is that like..2% of the Swtor population that gets the PRIVILEGE to move their set bonuses and put it on a bloody piece of gear they actually enjoy?


Real classy move Bioware. Like most things it seems you really thought things through here..

It makes ZERO sense and is completely disappointing.


I'm tired of wearing silly looking gear in this game, and being punished for attempting any customization whatsoever.


Please reconsider.




I think he could have said it a bit nicer but I completely agree that the Rakata set bonus should transfer over to our customizable gear with the armoring mod. Even though it would be a lot of reprogramming, I hope the developers take this into consideration as a lot of people would greatly appreciate it.

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My intention was not to be mean, this is just pure frustration in the people running this game.

And i don't buy the whole reprogramming thing at all, i sense much laziness and lack of wisdom in this one(Bioware)due to their track record thus far.


Whoever is green lightning these silly decisions and unneeded limitations onto the very design they intended for players to have options(gear customization)and yet they seem to take great pleasure in punishing the player for wanting to actually USE their design.


Again, the decision to limit this to Campaign only makes ZERO sense.

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NO. Absolutely not. Just no way.


Right now, combining tier 1 shells with black hole 61 armourings is the only way to achieve BiS while maintaining set bonuses for some ACs. Unless Bioware changes their itemisation, this would be horrible.

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I think he could have said it a bit nicer but I completely agree that the Rakata set bonus should transfer over to our customizable gear with the armoring mod. Even though it would be a lot of reprogramming, I hope the developers take this into consideration as a lot of people would greatly appreciate it.


That's the thing. It really wouldn't be much reprogramming. They already have the code for the armoring-bound bonus. All they need to do is put in some simple mechanic such as a character that will trade out the old pieces for the new ones, so long as all the mods are still intact (to prevent a flood of the mods and such). Problem solved.

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NO. Absolutely not. Just no way.


Right now, combining tier 1 shells with black hole 61 armourings is the only way to achieve BiS while maintaining set bonuses for some ACs. Unless Bioware changes their itemisation, this would be horrible.


I agree with this. I MUCH prefer having my set bonuses tied to shell over having them tied to armorings.


I'd MUCH rather they tie set bonuses to codex and you simply choose the set bonuses you want, where the codex unlocks after obtaining 2 and 4 pieces of the appropriate set.


An appearance tab is also a good idea.


Both of those would be preferable to the current system, but keeping my rakata set bonuses tied to the shell is preferrable to having them on the armorings since BW is HORRIBLE at itemizing armorings.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I dont really understand why they are so set against apearance tab. It would make it alot easier than how they handled it in my opinion. This whole problem would be a moot point because you just get the gear for the set bonus and just use whatever armor you wanted.
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I dont really understand why they are so set against apearance tab. It would make it alot easier than how they handled it in my opinion. This whole problem would be a moot point because you just get the gear for the set bonus and just use whatever armor you wanted.

Appearance tab seems like a pretty cool idea. It'd also save a lot of money that would be spent from moving armorings, mods, enhancements, and augments.

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