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Why are groups worse now??


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As a healer, I must say that the overall level of the tanks I group with has decreased considerably after the tool.


People must be getting some pretty bad healers as well, but I wouldn't know.



Still, I like the tool. Kinda challenging healing the full Recruit guy who doesn't know what Soresu is.

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Partying with ppl who dont know the instances is no problem stuff can always be explained easy. but worse are that almost always there are atleast 1 who dont understand english.


i had a group last night with 2 ppl that didnt understand english attacking CC and standing in AoE on bosses.


after that i had a group with one that said "i know is know god inglsh guys" and when i asked why he played on a english server i got "Me iz onli 11 an me no liv in inglsh land" ....

Your English isn't all that great either. Communication is a two-way street.
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I'm relatively new to the game but I had no idea green gear was looked down upon for Flashpoints. Is that only for hard mode?


I've done a few different Flashpoints with the LFG and though we had some wipes the groups have been very helpful and considerate. I saw one instance of a guy quitting because someone who hadn't done it before didn't want to space through the dialogue, but we were able to quickly replace them with the LFG tool.

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I'm relatively new to the game but I had no idea green gear was looked down upon for Flashpoints. Is that only for hard mode?


I've done a few different Flashpoints with the LFG and though we had some wipes the groups have been very helpful and considerate. I saw one instance of a guy quitting because someone who hadn't done it before didn't want to space through the dialogue, but we were able to quickly replace them with the LFG tool.


Its generally looked down on for everything. It does the job, but it makes the job harder. If you're level 40 and wearing a level 37 blue, its generally better than a level 40 green. So if you have a level 40 blue or purple...you are just doing your "role" better.

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Ok, can someone please explain this to me. How come I've had some of the worse groups in the past two days than I've had in the last year. I don't get it....we had server transfers and I've had some great groups, then we got LFG tool and all of a sudden we've got loot ninjas, people who don't know how to play, don't know the instance...anything you can think of...I dont get it because its the same group of people that have been on since the server transfers. What is it about LFG tools that make people loose their minds???


/rant off


maybe it's you, not the group

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THIS is the ONLY correct answer. Anything else by anyone else is just pure irrational Nerd Rage. A lot of people weren't able to get into FPs and Ops. Now they can so its going to be taking a step back for a little bit. But educate them nicely and you'll see the learning curve climb back up and then even have a greater pool of qualified people to draw from for harder FPs and Ops eventually.


As far as the ninjas go, put them on ignore. They don't get paired with you if on ignore, and that means enough people put these people on ignore and they will not be able to find a group.


As an addendum, I'd like to warn people to make sure someone is actually a ninja before you brand them as a ninja. Someone winning a single roll over you does not make them a ninja. The word gets applied to liberally.


Not that it really matters anyway; no one cares much for someone else's blacklist. In my opinion, you are more likely to be ignored for trying to tell everyone about a ninja than the person you are claiming ninjaed your loot.

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As an addendum, I'd like to warn people to make sure someone is actually a ninja before you brand them as a ninja. Someone winning a single roll over you does not make them a ninja. The word gets applied to liberally.


If a drop is better than what I currently have equipped on the toon I'm on, and I can use it, I will "need" for it. Everything else is greed or breakdown.

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To all those who screamed bloody murder when myself and many others called for a gear check:


Enjoy your failgroups.


Maybe you'll listen to us vets next time.


Funny, I don't seem to be getting those as often as you'd think.


Cleared FE HM twice and KuS HM with less than optimal groups.


Elitism is just a person's way to justify being a jerk :p

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The LFG seems to be working pretty well so far. However, I would like a debuff applied to anyone who decides to quit without any provocation or cause. It was just as we get to the last boss. The D7 run went perfectly with 0 wipes and we get to Mentor. Then we have a disconnect. One of the players is having issues so we need to wait about 10 minutes. Suddenly, one of the guy says ... "Let's do this quick cause I have to raid in a few". We are just about to rebuild the group when the impatient member jets out. He sends no tells and does not even apologize.


I mean come on ... 1 hour of work on a nearly silky smooth run ... and he throws it away. When I queue for a FP, I set aside at least 1.5 hours for it. People need to do the same or "pay the price" for "deserting".

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Funny, I don't seem to be getting those as often as you'd think.


Cleared FE HM twice and KuS HM with less than optimal groups.


Elitism is just a person's way to justify being a jerk :p


lol exactly. Why would such an elite vet need a LFG tool anyway?


Just group up with the other elite vets and talk each other up the entire time to reinforce how uber you feel you are.

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Simple ... the people that are flooding your server that you have a high probability to team with likely didn't do endgame hard content because of the lack of population on their old servers. Those are now the people that are blindly formed into teams on LFG. LFG is for people without friends/guild or for people doing easymode content where they can carry others.
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Funny, I don't seem to be getting those as often as you'd think.


Cleared FE HM twice and KuS HM with less than optimal groups.


Elitism is just a person's way to justify being a jerk :p


That's funny and i like it.


My first expireance with the LFG finder was quite funny. We were doing Essles HM, and I am a Rakata geared Shadow Tank and I was grouped with 3 other not so geared people. We were doing ok but the healer couldn't keep me healed. He ended up quitting and complaining about the other 2 people's gear. Well a new healer got automatically joined in (awesome) and he was ok geared. But not much more then the previous guy. We proceeded to steam role the rest of the FP. I laughed.

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lol exactly. Why would such an elite vet need a LFG tool anyway?


Just group up with the other elite vets and talk each other up the entire time to reinforce how uber you feel you are.


Because, anyone who spends countless hours in front of a PC playing a game to get gear that only exists as computer memory so that they can show off how great they are for having done so, could only be described as an uber elite winner.


Such players should only play with their own kind, the rest of us are unworthy to be in their very presence, or breathe the same air, or exist in the same reality, etc.


Of course, there are players who keep playing in a fail manner, think dying 20 times per mission is normal in an MMO, and any hint of advice to such a person is taken as a threat against their personal character.


Jerks are everywhere. You find them on both sides of any issue.

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Funny, I don't seem to be getting those as often as you'd think.


Cleared FE HM twice and KuS HM with less than optimal groups.


Elitism is just a person's way to justify being a jerk :p


Try doing LI HM with all the dps in recruit pvp gear like I did today and see how that go's.

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See I have the problem of not being able to do the Heroics, because I keep getting kicked because I do not know all the missions, I understand what my character is supposed to do, but I do not know all the attack patterns of every boss, so yes I screw up, but if I can't stay in a group I never get experience in them and wind up skipping the heroic quest, because everyone expects me to be an expert.


I think bioware needs a new lfg group options to match the skills levels. Such as someone like me who only has done the black talon, with someone running me through, am a noob, newbie, beginner, whatever you want to call. When I get in a group full of expert players the insults happened and then poof I am kicked out. So I can never learn. Having someone run me through, doesn't help me learn all that I am supposed to do.


But if I was able to find groups with my level of playing experience, then I think that would be a good thing. That way expert players can find other expert players, and beginners can group with other beginners. Also once in a heroic area/instance, make it where you can't be kicked out, inside the instance.



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And on the other side of the coin....


What's up with all the elitist jerks that I've been finding with the LFG tool? Did you guys forget that some people came from dead servers and probably have never done the FP? Or they (believe it or not) don't know that you have to be geared to play Esseles Hard Mode (It is the after all the easiest of the FPs). Instead of being quick to call them noobs and rage quiting the groups, how about telling these noobs what they're doing wrong. You expect these guys to get better if no one tells them what they're doing wrong?


Yesterday when doing the Black Hole Daily, we had a tank who raged quit because the dps kept messing up the pulls. Immediately after quitting you see "LF gear grouped who knows what they're doing for H4".

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I played several times up to level 30 or so, but never did any group quests. Now that I'm on a server that is actually populated I've decided to try some. I always say to the group when I do a quest I've never done that I'm new, and will basically just follow the group leader about. I haven't tried the new group tool b/c I don't see where you can say/add which group quest you'd like to do.

I've had good and bad groups. The "good" ones have been w/ those who have played and had the patience to tell me what they wanted me to do in terms of strategy etc.. and the bad ones are always the one's where there seems to be no leadership and everyone trying to go off in different directions. I guess what I would say is that if you create/form a group, it's helpful to know the mission, and if you are experienced at MMO's...patience w/ those of us that are not.

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And on the other side of the coin....


What's up with all the elitist jerks that I've been finding with the LFG tool? Did you guys forget that some people came from dead servers and probably have never done the FP? Or they (believe it or not) don't know that you have to be geared to play Esseles Hard Mode (It is the after all the easiest of the FPs). Instead of being quick to call them noobs and rage quiting the groups, how about telling these noobs what they're doing wrong. You expect these guys to get better if no one tells them what they're doing wrong?


Yesterday when doing the Black Hole Daily, we had a tank who raged quit because the dps kept messing up the pulls. Immediately after quitting you see "LF gear grouped who knows what they're doing for H4".


Ugh, I sympathize. I have had to PVP with those ragers since I started warzone pvp. There is no flipping way I will ever click the LFG button for that very reason. If I can't get a group of friends together to do something I would rather just skip it.

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