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pvp seems much better


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What do you guys think? I'm not topping the dps charts but I seem to hit a lot harder.. I moved some gear around to get the 15% crit to TM on the rekata set bonus and still maintain most of my expertise. I seem to hit like a truck now.
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In all honesty Choff, the changes didn't do much of anything. sure we got an "ok" damage boost, but it's not enough to resolve the fact that most classes can still drop us in 4 hits regardless of expertise amount (i'm exaggerating slightly here) I will agree however that the damage has definitely improved over 1.2, of course.


All in all, if they don't get re-tuned hard, there's going to be plenty of unhappy players around.

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Yeah as far as utility we are about the same. Any decent melee player will toast us in a 1v1.. But I seem to be doing much better against sorcs/sages and snipers 1v1. But I try to avoid 1v1 anyway. The merc just isn't good 1v1 at all. But at least now we can light people up who are focused on other targets. I think we are basically "snipers" that have to keep moving and out of direct combat. Plus the changes really mostly affect arsenal. So if you don't pvp in that spec I don't think your going to see much of a difference at all. I was just really impressed with the burst uptake for arsenal and now I don't have a problem with people healing through the burst because it all comes at the same time. Not doing more just all at the same time. I even think kiting is easier for arsenal because after you get three TM on them all your big damage hits can be fired on the run (except unload of course).
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@t_assasin ... So are you off the 'mercs are fine' Band wagon? Have you switched to powertech? I started leveling one but you were the one who had me convinced mercs were fine Edited by Choffware
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@t_assasin ... So are you off the 'mercs are fine' Band wagon? Have you switched to powertech? I started leveling one but you were the one who had me convinced mercs were fine


naw...i'm still palying it...and, i do just fine...


problem is, I do just fine. i still top the damage, kills, and fewest deaths...


and in non-ranked PvP, that is enough.


in RANKED pvp, where a majority of the PvP'rs are working together, have voice comms, and are generally better geared, i do DECENT.


difference is, since 1.3, WZ groups i've faced have 2 heals per objective...no relics removes my 'burst' i use to kill healers, when getting help.


problem i had last night, i couldn't quite get the healers past the last 20%...the helaers were good, and once they killed our healers (with a cadre of tanksins, marauders, and 2 healers), the dps turned on me.


i'm slightly undergeared to be serious about ranked WZ's, atm...and i believe that is PART of my issue...


but, in comparison to PT, i'd take a PT/VG dps over a Merc/Comm...just simply because they can burst healers/dps better. in RANKED...


non-ranked, effing around against ur avg pvp'r...yeah...we're fine.

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I'm seeing an improvement in PvP to. Perhaps I was right about expertise and Mercs and Bioware decided to fix it?


With the added AIM and Power from the relics and augs on top of the other changes, i was expecting to see a bit more ooomph in the way of RS and Unload. RS seems to be hitting a bit harder, but what is surprising me is Thermal Det. For some reason it seems to be hitting for alot less. Seems like I'm lucky if I get it to crit for over 3k on equally geared players, when before the patch I was seeing well over 3-3.5k+ pre patch. Hell, even popping a relic and WZ adrenal, I would see plenty of 4k+ on WH geared players and the occasional 5k on recruit or slightly better players. Am I crazy or are others noticing this as well?

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