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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3 Praise


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1.3 is quite an amazing patch. Although some may argue it should have been released with the game, I'm happy it's here now. It basically felt like the ultimate "polish patch". I thought the modding system was awesome at release but disappointed it wasn't actually viable at endgame. Also, searching for a group was tedious and I barely did any of the flashpoints. TOR has really come into its own now allowing players to fully customize characters with the complete modding system and the main systems such as group finder and ranked wz's are finally in. I feel like bioware can make more straight content now that the game feels complete. Post your good experiences with 1.3! Also the graphics look beautiful and the performance is much better :D! As you can tell, I'm very happy with the game now and the direction its going.
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Besides the DPS that for some reason thought they would get instant queues, I have heard mostly positive things.


My alts love all the new character perks and my main loves the field respec and repair droid perks.


Group Finder is awesome and working very well.

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the patch is not good if ur in 2+ hour LFG queues, and the perks dont rly help at all for the levelling purposes....im sure on the new transferred US/EU servers things are great but on the Asia Pacific servers its sucks, half them are dying
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1.3 is not worth praise. should of been live at the start , still performance issues with this game, losing sound, lag in ops/wz ect and balance is a joke. go dps as a merc/com in a wz or try to get into a rated wz with one (ugh so many wasted hours on that toon for nothing) so no praise here
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performance is VERY good. For me anyway. I love the new customization. Gives endgame gear a whole new thing to do with. It's coming into it's own now and I keep saying it's just going to get better and better as time goes on :)
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In complete agreement with you and very excited about the future of SWTOR.


1.3 evening number 1......once i looked at legacy and bought a few augmentation kits and tried it out i head to the lfg system and thoroughly enjoyed doing 3 fps that id missed on the way through, only had to wait a short while and ofc was pleased they were players on my own server.


Can't wait to run more and more fp's and even tempted now to get my alt moving and doing the fp's all on the way through.


HUGE THUMBS UP (performance and graphics improvements too AWESOME). Thanks guys

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DPS characters, you should expect queues. The whole point is the fact you can still play the game while queuing rather then randomly spamming chat for 2 hours. I had 5-15 min queues today as a DPS vanguard on Jung Ma, and if you are on the new integrated servers I don't see how queues could be unbearably long anyway.
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