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Can you Rename your Character?


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Long story about why I have a long hyphenated name at the moment but now that I have met up with my Guildmates & such I would like to drop the later portion of my characters name.


Is it possible to rename your character after creation and if so, how?


Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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  • 3 months later...

I am bumping this old thread, as it seemed more appropriate than creating a new one.


I've used the name XViper on many games over many years. It has always been my primary alias.


When I named my character during creation, everything displayed appropriately. However when I got into the game, it had dropped the second capital; now displaying 'Xviper' (This looks stupid!).


At this time, I was just running the weekend trial. I've since purchased the game and a subscription. I had thought from the start that I could simply put in a request to have my name changed to XViper. This seems like an extremely trivial and simple change. However I was knocked back, saying only 1 capital letter is allowed. (I understand this, but an exception to allow 2, surely wont cause problems?!)


So I decided to request something else. Thinking that maybe x'Viper or xViper would work. Still not what I wanted, but better than the current name.

I was given the excuse that I can't change my name because it doesn't break any of the naming policies. So because I've done the right thing, I don't get to option to fix it.


I am so incredibly disappointed in SWTOR. I understand there need to monitor ingame names, and keep the game sensible, but why am I being punished? There are people running around with 'lolswtorsux' and 'wowisstillbetter', but they won't let me have the name I've used in games for over a decade. :(

Edited by XViper
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Character naming convention in this game is the first letter is always capitalized so xViper wouldn't be possible. Same as that "other" game, too. It's unfortunate that they didn't update it with this game. We also can't use ascii characters. but at least we can use the " ' "
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Character naming convention in this game is the first letter is always capitalized so xViper wouldn't be possible. Same as that "other" game, too. It's unfortunate that they didn't update it with this game. We also can't use ascii characters. but at least we can use the " ' "


Thanks for clarifying that the first letter is always capitalised. I'm not sure why Bioware/EA couldn't tell me that?


I certainly understand their need to have restrictions on naming, so people don't make stupid ALL CAPS names, or OmGiAmSo1337 crap.


However I sincerely hope a representative will see this thread and address my questions. Why can perfectly mature, responsible and suitable names not be allowed? I was hoping they would show the courtesy of assisting a paying customer with a very polite and well written request, but instead got shot down by what seemed like a copy and paste response.

Edited by XViper
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We also can't use ascii characters.


This is on purpose, I'm sure. I've seen way too many WoW characters with names you can't type on a US keyboard because they're full of accented characters.


Why can perfectly mature, responsible and suitable names not be allowed?


Because it's against the current naming policy/conventions (names start with a capital letter, only one capital letter allowed).


I think the idea is that it's supposed to be an actual 'name', not your personal handle, and in the SW universe apparently All Names Start With Capital Letters.


I've never seen a direct developer response to suggestions, but I do know they read the forums, and if there are a lot of complaints they may change the naming policy. You might try over in the Customer Service forum as well.

Edited by matthiaskotor
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its possible, but you need a good reason ie unintentionally 'offensive' name is what i used to get rid of 'crackshot', which was just a dumb, middle of the night week 1 ah man my dude is stuck in place really bad, ill go try a smuggler name pick. then i fell in love with scoundrels and stuck with it, and needed a name that didnt make me flinch.
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  • 2 months later...
yeah i really want to cus i had a name (avner if you must know) and when the server transfers came my name was taken. so i changed the first "a" to "å" figuring that just like in...the other game...it would automatically capitalize the first letter even tho its accented. now i look like a 1st grader running around without a capitalized 1st letter...
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Since this got necro'd I will add a tip if you haven't yet x-fered and don't like your name. Go to the destination server and create a new character with the same name. When you x-fer your original the name will conflict and you will have to change it. Ta-duh! ;)
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unless thats how the problem happened in the first place was by xfering

You misunderstand my comment. I was just adding a note how to get a free name change for anyone checking this thread, not how to fix misspellings.


I'm sorry you had the misfortune of not using a capital letter. I'm fairly certain paid name changes

will become available when paid server transfers are offered.


As an idea for you get someone to report your name. It could get flagged for changing.;)

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  • 1 month later...
I'd like to add to this so that future players can see the naming policy in action. I too was caught out by the automatic capitalisation of the first word during character creation. I've gone by the moniker "iZach" for the past few years, and during character creation there seemed to be no problem with the capitalisation of the second letter instead of the first. However, it wasn't until I hit about Level 10 that I realised my name appeared to others as "Izach". This was reeeallllly annoying, because it just looks like I can't use my shift key properly. I asked if I could change the name (to something completely different, as I understood capitals couldn't be inserted later on) but was denied. Very frustrating!
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omg when i tried to name my character rTard it capitalized it and made it Rtard, and that just looks stupid. I can't figure out to delete my character and start over or just man up and live with it. Someone help before I lose my mind... oh wait :eek:
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Why do we have to have unique names, no spaces, limited sets of letters, no special characters, only one Capital letter?


Look back to Ultima Online for the answer to these and other naming questions!


Many of the naming conventions we see in modern MMOs are a direct result of developer fear, due to what they saw occuring in Ultima Online. A game in which you had near unlimited options when naming your character. One of the common types of griefing, called Noto Pking, was to name your character...


a Chicken


Just that. "a" space "Chicken". That was the most popular. How it worked was that you'd name your character, level it up, become a "mage", then use a spell to turn it into a chicken (which would turn your character grey), you would then wander around town and wait for a newbie to attack you, at which point the newbie would become grey to the mage meaning that the mage could then attack the newbie right under the noses of the guards.


There were many other Griefing schemes involving naming conventions, but this is the one I've remembered over the years.


I actually miss the naming conventions of UO, after all, in real life I don't have a unique name, why should I be the only "Ted" "Bill" or, "Ikeelunow" on the server?

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