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Did we get nerfed or something?


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Ok, all of a sudden I'm getting murdered by strongs. What heppened, yesterday I could take equal level Elites with little trouble. Now strongs are killing me.


What happened and when is the fix coming, can't play until this is fixed.

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You're on crack.


I spent a few mins redoing my talent tree and putting my relic/adrenal/stims back on my hotkeys.


Then went into a ranked WZ with some guys from the guild who have never practised organised PVP.


We lost after a ridiculous stalemate in alderaan mid where the other side finally capped it at 80 to go and I did 550k only beaten by a powertech on the other side who never died because their side was frankly better.


Then we did another one, we won and I didn't even manage 170k damage.


By the kind of logic being suggested... I must have been nerfed between those two WZ :eek:

Edited by Gyronamics
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My DPS against the dummy went up, by about 150 without any gear changes (other than the matrix cube upgrade). That's Rakata/BH geared with an emphasis on crit/surge. On PTS I switched out crit/surge enhancements for accuracy/power since we don't need crits anymore, but even though the ability DPS numbers shuffled around some the end result DPS was within 5 DPS of the crit build. Basically, at least for well geared PvE we got buffed. The new TV also makes heat management easier. We aren't back to 1.1 numbers, but we're a lot better off than in 1.2. Edited by XavinNydek
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i have a mix of bh and rakata. 1.2 was bad, but parsing the raids from last night with 3 new augmented slots. DPS was considerably lower. Arsenal spec merc is now the lowest dps class out.


This will force me to reconsider my subscription. My merc is my primary raiding character for the guild I'm in, and now I can either respec and try out healing, or give up all together. Bioware has really screwed this up. Merc arsenal was suppose to be the top of the class for dps, now we're the joke of the fleet.


Get your act together, or loose customers, your choice.

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i have a mix of bh and rakata. 1.2 was bad, but parsing the raids from last night with 3 new augmented slots. DPS was considerably lower. Arsenal spec merc is now the lowest dps class out.


This will force me to reconsider my subscription. My merc is my primary raiding character for the guild I'm in, and now I can either respec and try out healing, or give up all together. Bioware has really screwed this up. Merc arsenal was suppose to be the top of the class for dps, now we're the joke of the fleet.


Get your act together, or loose customers, your choice.


fact. +1

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i have a mix of bh and rakata. 1.2 was bad, but parsing the raids from last night with 3 new augmented slots. DPS was considerably lower. Arsenal spec merc is now the lowest dps class out.


This will force me to reconsider my subscription. My merc is my primary raiding character for the guild I'm in, and now I can either respec and try out healing, or give up all together. Bioware has really screwed this up. Merc arsenal was suppose to be the top of the class for dps, now we're the joke of the fleet.


Get your act together, or loose customers, your choice.


Ever consider Pyro? It's not that hard.

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i have a mix of bh and rakata. 1.2 was bad, but parsing the raids from last night with 3 new augmented slots. DPS was considerably lower. Arsenal spec merc is now the lowest dps class out.


This will force me to reconsider my subscription. My merc is my primary raiding character for the guild I'm in, and now I can either respec and try out healing, or give up all together. Bioware has really screwed this up. Merc arsenal was suppose to be the top of the class for dps, now we're the joke of the fleet.


Get your act together, or loose customers, your choice.


No idea how you saw *lower* DPS. On Tuesday, I didn't even get a chance to do augs in my gear, and saw a 200+ DPS increase on HM EC boss fights. BTW 2x War Hero or BM power relics > any PVE relic.

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