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1.3 MM very easy to waste energy.


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With all these changes, i am wasting tons of energy. Even a 1,5 cast after sniper volley + sos. Puts me into 100% easily. I feel like a lot from sniper volley just goes to waste. May be i should drop the 10 energy skills and take alacrit..
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I noticed the same, much easier to get capped on energy. After a couple hours I've gotten into the habit of doing something like this after SoS->Sniper Volley->SoS: then EP -> get out and into cover for an instant Snipe -> FT -> OS


Pending more testing, don't like that FT is delayed that long.

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It seemed like it was very easy to stay at high energy last night. I only had time to do 1 False Emperor HM.... which ended up taking a hour and a half to complete after 5 wipes (DPS queing tank/dps and then not being great tanks because they meant to queue just DPS.. topic for a different discussion). Using the new sniper volley was pretty nice. I haven't had a chance to use it in PvP much, but it seems like it's going to be better and worth keeping in my spec.


On a side note, since I didn't check out the PTS at all... all the sound changes were throwing me off. Followthrough and Take Down were the most noticable. New animation and new sounds.... kinda like it.

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In that part of my rotation I use SOS> OS> Sniper Volley> Ambush>FT>SOS

Here's why. I have OS specc'd for 45 s cooldown. Sniper Volley is 45 s cooldown. They both are up at the same time. You also can start positioning your OS reticule in the middle of the first SOS, because it doesn't start to cast till you drop the reticule.

Throwing Ambush and FT in there helps to get them out there since they are up

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