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SWTOR PvP. I enjoy the objectives and the scenarios they can create.


IMHO, swg had better objective pvp.


In terms of balance? SWTOR all the way.


Of course, swg had lots of stuns and crowd control all over the place /sarcasm.

If you think CCTOR is balanced, you gotta be kidding.

Edited by Jonoku
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I would have to argue that SWG has had the best PvP of any MMO I have played. The reason for that is that it took place in the open world. Unlike instanced PvP, world PvP gives you something to actually fight for. I remember camping out at Rori Rebel Outpost or in Cornet and and sending a message to the Imps to bring it. It seemed like you actually had something to fight for (especially for the little while when static bases were first initialized). When I win in a warzone, or even when I lose, there is nothing gained nor lost. The next round is not the guy I just killed calling in 15 members from his guild, it another random group of 8 peeps (maybe even people from my own faction). In addition, world PvP allowed for much larger groups (huge battles organized at placed like the Blue Leaf Temple on Yavin or even in Restuss).


And best of all... Clone zerging TKMs in hawt pants.

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I would have to argue that SWG has had the best PvP of any MMO I have played. The reason for that is that it took place in the open world. Unlike instanced PvP, world PvP gives you something to actually fight for. I remember camping out at Rori Rebel Outpost or in Cornet and and sending a message to the Imps to bring it. It seemed like you actually had something to fight for (especially for the little while when static bases were first initialized). When I win in a warzone, or even when I lose, there is nothing gained nor lost. The next round is not the guy I just killed calling in 15 members from his guild, it another random group of 8 peeps (maybe even people from my own faction). In addition, world PvP allowed for much larger groups (huge battles organized at placed like the Blue Leaf Temple on Yavin or even in Restuss).


And best of all... Clone zerging TKMs in hawt pants.


Absolutely. This instanced pvp with zero perks for any half hearted world pvp gives no ownership, no sense of accomplishment, other than, 'Oh my dailies are done'. Or 'Need a few more tokens to get a piece of gear'. So yes I agree SWG pvp is better than SWTOR pvp any day. And besides we had wookiees..:w_rolls_eyes:

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Absolutely. This instanced pvp with zero perks for any half hearted world pvp gives no ownership, no sense of accomplishment, other than, 'Oh my dailies are done'. Or 'Need a few more tokens to get a piece of gear'. So yes I agree SWG pvp is better than SWTOR pvp any day. And besides we had wookiees..:w_rolls_eyes:


And in the CU transdoshans that couldn't wear foot armor or gloves, so if you hit them with scatter hit/shot you had a chance of hitting them in an unarmored area... lol. Good times.

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Balance: SWG > TOR

Enjoyability / Flexability: SWG


Reasons for point one:

- TOR has the best class balance in general, yes. Everyone is almost a mirror to each other.


- TOR suffers from a ton of stuns, much, much more than SWG's Spy class ever had. This mixed with more stuns from other classes, going through many PvP matches here and being stunned with many stacks is not PvP.


Reasons for point two:

- For SWG it was open world and then when space combat, and then low atmospheric combat was pvp...well...I don't think I need to say more actually...


- TOR, it's restrictive and just flat out dry...in SWG almost anything could happen and there was a true feeling of PvP...in Restuss watching Imperials take the city, then rounding up 50 or so Rebels on the server to go and take it back and have hours of non-stop PvP....yeah I like that a lot more to be honest. Real battles, not mini games...which TOR eventualy had "Battlegrounds" which was a flop.

Edited by Eillack
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They both have their good things.


SWG was open world, but was extremely imbalanced from a PvP standpoint.


TOR has "ok" balance and fun objective based games, but too much CC and you can almost never be punished for using it at the wrong time.



TBH I would take pre-Trammel UO, pre-ToA DaoC and vanilla AV before that stupid reinforcements crap/ Southshore vs Tarren Mill over either of them anyday.

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sometime i dont' understand bioware. They steal designers from warhammer to develop pvp for this game and didn't adopt the same addictive RVR that they had there..... if they would have done that they would have had a lot more customers thats for sure. Scenerios open world RVR in the middle of PVE. How can you go wrong? Well for us in RVR/PvP servers it would be like heaven, getting valor/renown from players 10 levels below you. It would be great I tell ya, just great.... Minus the bug of course..;):D Edited by Roadblck
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SWG beats SWTOR PVP hands down, no exceptions.


1. No PVP gear requirement bullcrap - gear was gear - no credit sink rubbish there.

2. Open world, nothing else needed be said

3. Objectives , so much more fun.

4. Player cities / open world pvp / bounty hunting

5. Balance - like any MMO always being tweaked, sure a couple of profs got OP like smugglers near the end, but they had been Under powered for so long they sorta deserved it.

6. Restuss worked. Ilum/Tatt/Corellia failed in open world pvp

7. Loot from PVP (the jinsu saber hilt) was something to fight for

8. mass PVP, so many people you were confused in battle sometimes, more realistic.

9. SWG had Space PVP & free space flight, cmon bioware pull your finger out.

10. It kept me playing SWg for 8 years. SWTOR bored me to tears in 6 months and I can't bare to login anymore.



SWTOR Advantages to PVP:


1. Can't think of any.

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Gotta love the children here who claim to play the game. The video in the OP contains 1v1 DUELS.



  • Ridiculous rows of Buffs were practically a pre-requiste if you wanted to PvP otherwise you will get stomped.
  • Macros. Nothing says pro than pushing 1 button and letting your rotation run itself.


In SWG, if they were more than a dozen players PvPing in Restuss it can drop your connection simply because the game was unstable and unoptimized. What I find funny, is that the player who posted the video in the OP made a video on how he felt on SWG overall. A lot of his points cover what I say above, but unfortunately the account he had the video on was closed by the user and now all that remains are videos of him defeating other players as they threw tantrums at how "bad" he was on his new channel. Which shows how much hatred there was inside the community that makes WoW's community look like a nice place to sit and chat with another.


And as much as I would love to turn on Fraps and show people the truth behind this game. :eek: Oh, that's right. SWG was shut down due to dwindling population as shown by this chart.


And if instability isn't enough to show you how "great" SWG's PvP was I haven't even told you about the imbalance between professions. 1 word: "lolspai." As I mention above how Buffs are the deciding factor regardless of skill is because the infamous "lolspai" fully buffed can take down a single player faster than you finishing this sentence. Then they will recloak, rinse, and repeat.


I could go on about this, but I think I've said more than enough to at least get an image in your head as to how terrible this game was.


"Star Wars: Galaxies - 'Most Disappointing Game of the Decade' (2000 - 2010) GT.com"

Congrats SOE :tran_grin:

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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SWG beats SWTOR PVP hands down, no exceptions.


1. No PVP gear requirement bullcrap - gear was gear - no credit sink rubbish there.

2. Open world, nothing else needed be said

3. Objectives , so much more fun.

4. Player cities / open world pvp / bounty hunting

5. Balance - like any MMO always being tweaked, sure a couple of profs got OP like smugglers near the end, but they had been Under powered for so long they sorta deserved it.

6. Restuss worked. Ilum/Tatt/Corellia failed in open world pvp

7. Loot from PVP (the jinsu saber hilt) was something to fight for

8. mass PVP, so many people you were confused in battle sometimes, more realistic.

9. SWG had Space PVP & free space flight, cmon bioware pull your finger out.

10. It kept me playing SWg for 8 years. SWTOR bored me to tears in 6 months and I can't bare to login anymore.



SWTOR Advantages to PVP:


1. Can't think of any.

Hey, I remember you! Weren't you that guy who unsubscribed 3+ months ago? I guess you must've purchased the 1 year plan like every other "unsbscriber" yes? Oh, but wouldn't that mean they refunded your remaining time and that your sub should have ended a long time ago? Hmm. :rolleyes:

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Gotta love the children here who claim to play the game. The video in the OP contains 1v1 DUELS.



  • Ridiculous rows of Buffs were practically a pre-requiste if you wanted to PvP otherwise you will get stomped.
  • Macros. Nothing says pro than pushing 1 button and letting your rotation run itself.


In SWG, if they were more than a dozen players PvPing in Restuss it can drop your connection simply because the game was unstable and unoptimized. What I find funny, is that the player who posted the video in the OP made a video on how he felt on SWG overall. A lot of his points cover what I say above, but unfortunately the account he had the video on was closed by the user and now all that remains are videos of him defeating other players as they threw tantrums at how "bad" he was on his new channel. Which shows how much hatred there was inside the community that makes WoW's community look like a nice place to sit and chat with another.


And as much as I would love to turn on Fraps and show people the truth behind this game. :eek: Oh, that's right. SWG was shut down due to dwindling population as shown by this chart.


And if instability isn't enough to show you how "great" SWG's PvP was I haven't even told you about the imbalance between professions. 1 word: "lolspai." As I mention above how Buffs are the deciding factor regardless of skill is because the infamous "lolspai" fully buffed can take down a single player faster than you finishing this sentence. Then they will recloak, rinse, and repeat.


I could go on about this, but I think I've said more than enough to at least get an image in your head as to how terrible this game was.


"Star Wars: Galaxies - 'Most Disappointing Game of the Decade' (2000 - 2010) GT.com"

Congrats SOE :tran_grin:


Ironically SWTOR was the biggest dissapointment I've ever played in my 30 odd years of gaming.


SWG had flaws sure, but population dwindled mainly due to the NGE, but it still lasted for 8 years, SWTOR will not last 8 years if they keep this up.


Hey, I remember you! Weren't you that guy who unsubscribed 3+ months ago? I guess you must've purchased the 1 year plan like every other "unsbscriber" yes? Oh, but wouldn't that mean they refunded your remaining time and that your sub should have ended a long time ago? Hmm.


I sub 1 month at a time for all my games, lol who would pay for a year ? I havent found a game to keep my interest that long in a LOOOONG time.


I got a free month, so I was biding my time on that and will hang around the forums until I see a decent change for the better in this game.


I started playing at Early access, I have given this game more time than it deserved, and money (buying digi upgrades etc) My sub has only just run out. I'd appreciate you take your head out of the dark place it's in.

Edited by Talarchy
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Ironically SWTOR was the biggest dissapointment I've ever played in my 30 odd years of gaming.


SWG had flaws sure, but population dwindled mainly due to the NGE, but it still lasted for 8 years, SWTOR will not last 8 years if they keep this up.




I sub 1 month at a time for all my games, lol who would pay for a year ? I havent found a game to keep my interest that long in a LOOOONG time.


I got a free month, so I was biding my time on that and will hang around the forums until I see a decent change for the better in this game.

Free month ended a long time ago. So, what's keeping you here? $15 fall in your lap and you decide to spend it on a game you apparently despise so much? :rolleyes:


Ironically SWTOR was the biggest dissapointment I've ever played in my 30 odd years of gaming.


SWTOR is a big disappointment to YOU. I think GT has a better standing.


SW:TOR amassed more subscribers than SWG had in it's 8 years of life. The only reason SWG was not shut down after it took a big hit from NGE is because SOE from that point on never added any more content and never optimized the game. Basically, not spending any more money on that disaster of a game. And if you refer to my chart once again. Their population fell at a constant rate never once gaining more subscribers.


I'll never understand how any true fan to Star Wars can play SWG with the lore atrocities it committed and now because SWG was an official SW game almost everything inside SWG is now CANON.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Gotta love the children here who claim to play the game. The video in the OP contains 1v1 DUELS.



  • Ridiculous rows of Buffs were practically a pre-requiste if you wanted to PvP otherwise you will get stomped.
  • Macros. Nothing says pro than pushing 1 button and letting your rotation run itself.


In SWG, if they were more than a dozen players PvPing in Restuss it can drop your connection simply because the game was unstable and unoptimized. What I find funny, is that the player who posted the video in the OP made a video on how he felt on SWG overall. A lot of his points cover what I say above, but unfortunately the account he had the video on was closed by the user and now all that remains are videos of him defeating other players as they threw tantrums at how "bad" he was on his new channel. Which shows how much hatred there was inside the community that makes WoW's community look like a nice place to sit and chat with another.


And as much as I would love to turn on Fraps and show people the truth behind this game. :eek: Oh, that's right. SWG was shut down due to dwindling population as shown by this chart.


And if instability isn't enough to show you how "great" SWG's PvP was I haven't even told you about the imbalance between professions. 1 word: "lolspai." As I mention above how Buffs are the deciding factor regardless of skill is because the infamous "lolspai" fully buffed can take down a single player faster than you finishing this sentence. Then they will recloak, rinse, and repeat.


I could go on about this, but I think I've said more than enough to at least get an image in your head as to how terrible this game was.


"Star Wars: Galaxies - 'Most Disappointing Game of the Decade' (2000 - 2010) GT.com"

Congrats SOE :tran_grin:


It not that SWG was balanced (it wasnt and spys could be annoying at times lol), its the open world pvp that was fun. If SWTOR had more open world objective based PvP then SWTOR would be win, but that is just not the case.


PvP IMO and for that situation did not need to be balanced IF you did open pvp with your group, for instance my officer 1v1 was terrible (my LSJ was awesome) but he offered alot to the group and played a critical roll in fights.

The fact that you could respec your class at anytime meant if you did not like a particular roll, you did not have to play it. Which was conveniant.


Hopefully something will change for the better here and open pvp will be worked on, but some aspects just are not going to be possible since the planets are in a frozen state due to the storylines, we cant conquer bases or planets because they have to remain static for the story. So i am unsure what their plan will be.

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I think both games bring something to the table.


SWG had great open world PVP and bounty hunting, and space PVP. Structured objective based PVP in SWG was ok at best. SWG never really had much balance to classes, it's almost funny when people say it did.


I think TOR has potential for greatness, but without real open world PVP, player bounty hunting and space PVP, people will always look back and remember SWG rather than focus on whats ahead.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Never played SWG, but here PvP is a kind of joke.


* World PvP is nearly non existent because half of the maps separate Republic players from Empire.The notable exception is Tatooine which I found it's layout excellent, resembling Arathi Basin battleground from WOW. Two faction at opposite sites, whole map to kick (or get kicked). Which I add: Why creating PvP servers when half or more of the maps do NOT allow interaction between factions... Fail Fail Fail.


* Warzones -> nicely created, and varied. Found them very entertaining.


* World auto PvP zones. Places where you get flagged automatically. Would be nice if they get a daily or some event on the planets they are available, to increase player participation.

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