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Sentinels as Difficult as a Shadow?


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I have a 50 Shadow, that I loved, kind of like my rogue in WoW but very different at the same time. He became a little difficult to play, so I made a Guardian. I love him, he's pretty much my main now, with the focus dps tree.


I'm very interested in a Sentinel, for two reasons. One my KOTOR character was always a dual saber, and two i love pure dps classes. My question/ concern, is that a lot of people are saying the Sentinel class is a little difficult to master. Is it just as difficult, or easier than a shadow to master? Is there a major difference in a good focus tree guardian/ focus tree sent, or should i go with the watchman spec?

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I have a 50 Shadow, that I loved, kind of like my rogue in WoW but very different at the same time. He became a little difficult to play, so I made a Guardian. I love him, he's pretty much my main now, with the focus dps tree.


I'm very interested in a Sentinel, for two reasons. One my KOTOR character was always a dual saber, and two i love pure dps classes. My question/ concern, is that a lot of people are saying the Sentinel class is a little difficult to master. Is it just as difficult, or easier than a shadow to master? Is there a major difference in a good focus tree guardian/ focus tree sent, or should i go with the watchman spec?


I had more trouble with my shadow, but that might be because it was my very first character. Sentinels aren't terribly hard, but require a lot of management, watchman especially. I roll with combat myself, though watchman is quite good. I don't particularly care for focus but that's a matter of taste, not a knock on the spec itself.

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I have a 50 Shadow, that I loved, kind of like my rogue in WoW but very different at the same time. He became a little difficult to play, so I made a Guardian. I love him, he's pretty much my main now, with the focus dps tree.


I'm very interested in a Sentinel, for two reasons. One my KOTOR character was always a dual saber, and two i love pure dps classes. My question/ concern, is that a lot of people are saying the Sentinel class is a little difficult to master. Is it just as difficult, or easier than a shadow to master? Is there a major difference in a good focus tree guardian/ focus tree sent, or should i go with the watchman spec?


Focus tree tends to be a better fit with guards usually do to some vigilance tree though still works with a Sentinel. That said AOE smash bombing doesn't serve a whole lot of purpose in pve and is a better number-padding spec then objective completing one other then perhaps voidstar.



For the Watchman spec hard is a relative thing. It feels quite automatic when you've played the class awhile, just as with any. That said you do have a fair number of things to pay attention to such as making sure to always apply overload saber when its up, maximizing use of centering, when to best utilize your defensive Cds, positioning (to minimize knockback/kiteability), etc.



For me while I don't use a gaming mouse I still have one with two thumb buttons, having overload and zen tied to those two buttons helps quite a bit to make it a bit more streamlined.

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I learned the game as a Shadow, and I do Ops as a Sentinel...they're pretty different.


The Sentinel has a more rewarding learning curve, in my opinion. Once you figure out what's going on in each tree, you're able to do some really cool stuff. Shadow has more rewards for controlling a situation, and that doesn't usually show up in the numbers.


In the end, it's a matter of which is more enjoyable for you. I'd say that Sentinel does have a steeper learning curve, but is a blast to play. Also, the class story is pretty fun.


If you're having trouble with Shadow for some reason, check out the stickied guides in the Shadow forums. I read up on those and actually switched my Shadow over to a PvP tank and found that REALLY enjoyable.


Don't know if that cleared things up or made the issue foggier, but there ya go.

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