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1.3 Ranked PvP | Death of DPS Mercenaries


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One thing you'll never hear for ranked is: "We need to get a DPS merc on our team"


- Sustained and burst damage: Mercs pretty much equal to Sorc and Sniper in this category.

- Off-heals: Sorc does it better, their quick heal doesn't have a CD.

- Snares: Sorc does it better, they can cast a snare while the Merc has a chance to proc a snare only in one spec.

- Roots: Sniper does it better, with multiple ways to root people. Merc doesn't have a root.

- Interrupts: Both Sniper/Sorc do it better, Merc doesn't have one.

- Stuns: Sorc equal to Merc here, both have a ranged stun. Sniper has a melee stun.

- Team buffs: Sniper does it better, with their team damage reduction bubble.

- Survivability: Both Sniper/Sorc does it better than Merc. Sniper has immunity to leaps/pulls/interrupts passively, and immunity to all CC on demand. Sorc has bubble, speed buff, roots. Merc just has heavy armor and one knockback (maybe 2 if specced).

- Mezzes: Sorc/Snipers do it better. Sorc can have an instant cast mez, Sniper's mez is instant cast and AoE. Merc always single target and always a long cast time.


The conclusion is, there is absolutely no reason to bring a Mercenary for ranged DPS over a Sorcerer or Sniper. There isn't one ability the Merc has that one or both of the other classes don't do better.

Edited by N_inja
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And no reason to being a sorc if a sniper is available...especially if that Sniper has a name that starts with Ginger-.


On another note, I can't imagine that Sorc pulls will be much of an advantage in ranked Huttball because every competent team will, or atleast should, immediately burn down a sorc in a pull position. Hence, I'd rather have a sniper that can lock down mid, act as a defensive barrier and crit +4K back to back.

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You are mistaken... Non of the ranged dps'ers are viable for rwz's. A dps sorc will be bursted down so quickly that not even 5 healers could keep him alive against the warrior zerg teams (which will be the most common). Mercs are just a joke as well. Snipers got good cd's, they might have a future, not a bright one tho. WELCOME TO THE AGE OF MELEECRAFT
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Most, if not all the top teams will have 3+ marauders, 2+ jug/sin (maybe a good dps jug), 2 heals(maybe 3 if they stack marauders)...



until marauders finally get a nerf... or healers get on even grounds.

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as a pyro spec'd merc, i have to grudgingly agree with the OP. anything i can do, sniper or powertech can do it better.


i still do alright tho, but there is no doubt in my mind that if i was a sniper or powertech i would be way, way better.

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One thing you'll never hear for ranked is: "We need to get a DPS merc on our team"


- Sustained and burst damage: Mercs pretty much equal to Sorc and Sniper in this category.

- Off-heals: Sorc does it better, their quick heal doesn't have a CD.

- Snares: Sorc does it better, they can cast a snare while the Merc has a chance to proc a snare only in one spec.

- Roots: Sniper does it better, with multiple ways to root people. Merc doesn't have a root.

- Interrupts: Both Sniper/Sorc do it better, Merc doesn't have one.

- Stuns: Sorc equal to Merc here, both have a ranged stun. Sniper has a melee stun.

- Team buffs: Sniper does it better, with their team damage reduction bubble.

- Survivability: Both Sniper/Sorc does it better than Merc. Sniper has immunity to leaps/pulls/interrupts passively, and immunity to all CC on demand. Sorc has bubble, speed buff, roots. Merc just has heavy armor and one knockback (maybe 2 if specced).

- Mezzes: Sorc/Snipers do it better. Sorc can have an instant cast mez, Sniper's mez is instant cast and AoE. Merc always single target and always a long cast time.


The conclusion is, there is absolutely no reason to bring a Mercenary for ranged DPS over a Sorcerer or Sniper. There isn't one ability the Merc has that one or both of the other classes don't do better.


I agree on everything you said here. It is a real shame when bioware does this to a class that had so much potential. *sigh* Well I'm thinking it's time to re-roll my Commando as a Vanguard. :(

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