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From Sage To Marauder HELP !!!


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Right .. After playing a sage to 50 and finally getting war hero gear i thought i would roll an imp alt to bump up my legacy .. i have to say i absolutely love him but the learning curve is much higher which is nice, but at the same time im so used to my sages range, dot cleanses, heals that i just dont know what i should be doing in warzones ..


hence i ask the all knowing community for some pointers/tips, Now before i go ahead i am only level 18 and i know this is in no way a representation off the class in the long run but my survivability just seems non existant, even with my shields up i seem to get smashed down pretty fast ..


So basically as a melle who should i be hounding, healers .. squises, dive into the fray sabers first and zerg around like a lunatic .. ? any help would be most apreciated ..


A Complete Marauder Noob :D

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Sage healers are your #1 target, followed in order of priority by... Sage healers, Sage healers and Sage healers.


But seriously, the abilities that make the Marauder and Sentinel awesome PvP machines all come later in your level progression, and the skill points required to turn those abilities from good to great are also dependent on having a higher level to unlock the skills.

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