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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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I just recently bought a m14x. I get about 60 FPS everywhere in the game except warzones. Its GOD awful in there. I can't do anything. My FPS averages about 5. Im glad I found this forum, cuz I was freaking out. This laptop is a bad mother!!! and It can't play a simple grainy little pvp part in the game. What is also messed up is I have an old old XPS 710. I think its an Nvidia 520ish. And it runs warzones fine on low settings. WEIRD. Also If they don't fix this I'll probably be canceling SWTOR too.
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Pretty clear that the problem in Alderaan is the completely unnecessary cannon-fire and burning warship animations overhead. With all those fireworks going on, the performance hit is huge.


Just eliminate those animations entirely. They're there purely for flavor and cause a huge performance hit.

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Pretty clear that the problem in Alderaan is the completely unnecessary cannon-fire and burning warship animations overhead. With all those fireworks going on, the performance hit is huge.


Just eliminate those animations entirely. They're there purely for flavor and cause a huge performance hit.


i doubt that is the problem, i dont have lag till first death inthere, then when i respawn it just takes off with the massive slideshow of lag :s

also i do pretty decent on the other warzones, but outside of warzones i got no lag what so ever with all graphics maxed out, it makes no sense

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Pretty clear that the problem in Alderaan is the completely unnecessary cannon-fire and burning warship animations overhead. With all those fireworks going on, the performance hit is huge.


Just eliminate those animations entirely. They're there purely for flavor and cause a huge performance hit.


That is what I was thinking as well. Huttball runs smooth for me ~ 15 FPS (better than VS and alderaan at 7) The cannon fire only needs 1 blast every time the score changes.

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That is what I was thinking as well. Huttball runs smooth for me ~ 15 FPS (better than VS and alderaan at 7) The cannon fire only needs 1 blast every time the score changes.

This is misconception that some people spread and claim they have smooth warzones. 15fps is NOT smooth. If your FPS drops below 30 on regular basis it is NOT smooth. One could argue that 20fps is enough for a human eye but I disagree. As far as I can tell anyone can notice a difference between 20fps and 30fps. I personaly can instantly see a difference between 30 and 50 as well. But all wishes aside, 30fps average is IMO the line from which we can call game running smooth.

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I just hit 50, and was excited to dive into PvP. I thought my comp was having issues. I'm glad to see it's not just me. However, I'm very disappointed in the apparent lack urgency from Bioware. Fixing existing content is obviously not a priority for them.


I guess I'll level an alt for now until the game becomes boring. How unfortunate...

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just installed crysis and ran it with all settings on very high. Not an ounce of lag.


Yet my comp cant handle swtor warzones with 2.7 ghz quad core . nvdia 560 ti and 8 gigs of ddr 3.


This makes no bloody sense


I feel your pain. My sytem can handle BF3 64 player in ultra, BlackOps on best settings, SC2 on ultra... I could live with crowded areas on the fleet being laggy. I have lag and ability delay as well as fps problems on all three maps but alderran is the worst of them. I can even sometimes tell an enemy player is around because I start getting choppy, oh look there is an operative.

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Ive suscribed to this thread and i will keep bumping it until a yellow post acknowledges us. The customer service is horrible, you know i had a ticket in for two weeks before they closed it with no response. You guys are treading thin water. For those of us who solely pvp this issue is huge. It may not be a priority for you guys but i for one will be cancelling my suscription and going back to wow if this isnt addressed by the end of the month until you do address it. Im not saying i wont come back, im not saying i will either. I am saying if i cant play this game then i will move on. Your going to end up just another mmo. The sad part is that you had potential but chose to ignore the ones paying your bills. Its going to be ashame to see this mmo fail. I had high hopes for it. A word of advice though, if you dont have these problems fixed by the time gw2 is released your player base is going to take a huge hit. Youve got to establish that foundation at the start or people will simply move on. Good luck guys.
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Yesterday (monday) evening, for the first time, I could play PVP with minimal lag.

I'm now sure it's server related as I didn't change a single thing of my soft/hardware setup.

I am hoping BW has fixed some issues related to pvp...


BTW, it was not perfect abillity wise and stuff, but for the first time i got a decent fps (something above 20 ish instead of 10)..


Anyone else also experienced this change?

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Its server related don't listen to any other reason! You can see it in the GTN (ah) you'll click on items and see massive delays, checking your mail massive delays these are FPS nuetral so standing there with a 100ms ping and seeing massive delays just clicking on Mail,GTN, or even mounting on your speeder is ALL server related!




You can simulate the same thing by trying to run a Diablo 2 or Half Life server while defragmenting or running an antivirus scan.




It needs immediate attention get better servers boost your bandwidth output, do something!

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Its server related don't listen to any other reason! You can see it in the GTN (ah) you'll click on items and see massive delays, checking your mail massive delays these are FPS nuetral so standing there with a 100ms ping and seeing massive delays just clicking on Mail,GTN, or even mounting on your speeder is ALL server related!




You can simulate the same thing by trying to run a Diablo 2 or Half Life server while defragmenting or running an antivirus scan.




It needs immediate attention get better servers boost your bandwidth output, do something!


I have to agree with you. In PVP on Alderann with over 50 people my gpu is dropping to 0-15% utilization. My CPU is hovering around 22% utilization and my ssd is barely getting read. I think it's somehow server/ui related. I mean look when you open your character equipment screen and you get that lag, if you hit hit multiple times in a row you can drop the game to .1fps.

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I'm sure there is plenty more people posting on the forums about this problem. I have updated my drivers, forced AA (Anti - Aliasing) on my graphics card. Favored Performance>Quality. Nothing works. Lowest graphics settings, shadows off. Still terrible FPS. Did some searching on the forums and I'm not the ONLY one with these problems. As for the ability lag, warzones play as if I'm on 500 MS latency,when I'm only on 70-100.


Bioware, I don't want any links on "how to fix latency and FPS issues". I want a CONFIRMATION that you guys are aware of this warzone problem and are working / plan to work on it soon, because when this game is launched fully, there is NO excuses for such a problem to be happening.


Please, if you are having the same problem I am having, post your issues here. I want BW to see that there are tons of customers here that are very pissed off that they can't even play PvP (which is what I'm concerned about, and sure others are to) on a game they just spent $60 on and plan on paying $15 a month for a while. If problems like this persist, this game will be free to play and down in the sewers before you can say "fix the dang warzones already". It's a great game with great potential, espcially in PvP, but not with such extroadinary problems like this persuing. It needs to be fixed. Very, very quickly.


Dont have any fps issues in Wz's on 4 diffrent computer setups, only on Ilum with 30v30 battles, upgrade/fix/yourcomp/ISP...

Edited by mordredz
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In regards to the Alderaan WZ cannons decreasing fps. I realised last night that the blaster bolts from the scripted shootouts between NPCs in Coruscant also decrease my FPS a bit even if I'm the only player alone.

When doing a Flashpoint and have 3 players and a few NPCs exchanging blaster fire, there's no FPS decrease due to the projectiles.

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In regards to the Alderaan WZ cannons decreasing fps. I realised last night that the blaster bolts from the scripted shootouts between NPCs in Coruscant also decrease my FPS a bit even if I'm the only player alone.

When doing a Flashpoint and have 3 players and a few NPCs exchanging blaster fire, there's no FPS decrease due to the projectiles.


I've noticed these decreases too, on Balmora there are guards constantly firing near one of the bases, so whenever i pass by my FPS drops significantly.

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