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10 Good
  1. And that's why BW - in my opinion - should update it asap with free space mode and pvp content. Shouldn't take so long as it is just "another" pvp game then, and much more fun to play. OK, in my wet dreams I think about a class story line build around a pilot character to lvl up doing space combat, I confess :-) Oh yea, the rest of the game rocks bigtime ofc.
  2. Did you look at the movies? Deathstar destruction? power generator shot to pieces? Rings a bell?
  3. If it were any other MMO, i would agree. But this is Star Wars! It deserves more love in space.
  4. I originally wanted a simple yes/no forum about open space pvp combat, but BW won't allow it. So here it goes... First off, this MMO is great, BW did a fantastic job with bringing the voice acting and storyline into MMORPG. The only thing that - in my opinion - needs major improvement is the gameplay in space. Just think about the movies, 50% (SW1, SW4, SW6) have an ending involving a major space assault mission such as blowing up the deathstar, blowing up the second death star (:-)), or effectively destroying the power generator which results in shutting down the imperial troops on Naboo. With this in mind, I hoped that this MMO would be more balanced between ground and space combat. Obviously, ground combat won bigtime (and is really engaging and fun to play) while leaving space with a one dimensional arcade game where you don't even control the direction in which you fly. Also, it makes no sense to fly to a hostile planet without any space defence systems, or some tie fighters or distroyers in orbit to shoot me down. Obviously, open space (off rails) and pvp combat in space are logical steps in the right direction. However, the game really stands out in terms of story line. This got me thinking, why not create a class story line around a pilot (e.g. Han Solo)? Before everyone starts shouting EVE, I'm not suggesting to turn this game into a space SIMULATOR with a steep learing curve. I'm more thinking along the lines of wing commander I-II-III (people above 30 years old will remember), wing commander prophecy, privateer, or freelancer. All of those games had fantastic personalized storylines, they were essentially role playing games in space. Check for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freelancer_(video_game) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_Commander_(video_game) Pleasse note that these games were highly appreciated and highly rated in their time. Importantly, the space combat interface used in all of the wingcommander and freelancer series is really intuitive, and involves using a mouse and/or WASD buttons, so there is a very easy learning curve for players who start out at lvl 1. I'm sorry that i insist on making this thread, but to me SWTOR doesn't feel finished without space combat beyond the optional arcade game. I do realise that the actual implication would be very serious in terms of investment, voice acting, reprogramming space as it is, etc. However, this was also true for the MMO part and it resulted in a game that is original and highly appreciated. Also, just as the combination of MMO with the RPG element brought in players from both groups, the development of a class story line in space will certainly appeal to all the space combat lovers out there.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=277341
  6. It's very ironic to see that almost everyone disagrees with the above statements. Fortunately, i'm a big fan of irony. Maybe loanstar used reversed psychology to get this thread about open space pvp combat going Great job, loanstar
  7. Will there be open pvp space combat in the future in addition to the "on rails" experience? Would be very cool
  8. Yesterday (monday) evening, for the first time, I could play PVP with minimal lag. I'm now sure it's server related as I didn't change a single thing of my soft/hardware setup. I am hoping BW has fixed some issues related to pvp... BTW, it was not perfect abillity wise and stuff, but for the first time i got a decent fps (something above 20 ish instead of 10).. Anyone else also experienced this change?
  9. OK, I believe it will take BW a lot of time to develop a free space combat sim. However, BW, please please please do it! Even make a class story around it! It is the wet dream of every person who ever played wingcommander, privateer, freelancer (I'm not mentioning EVE on purpose, since it is more technical and has lower ratings!). We are waiting since 2005 to get a proper space combat sim, and pvp in space would be an awesome expansion. I'm sure you'll get a whole new player group sucked into the game! Take freelancer as a startingpoint :-): By the way, that game was mouse controlled! Star wars...thus...we want some war between the stars, not just on the planets with space modelled as an arcade game. OK if it costs so much to develop, make it an expansion pack, I'll happily pay extra for it. Those who do not want it can leave it alone and keep on playing the on rails experience.
  10. I love SWTOR except for the on rails space combat. Of course, BW should not make something similar to EVE, that would be dead boring. I'm hoping that they take the greatest space combat games like privateer, freelancer, wingcommander as a reference. Let's think about it, keep hyperspace as it is (otherwise it would take very long to get from x to y). But in addition, put some nav points, bad guys and astroid fields around those planets, or better yet, a blockade! Then make a story around a new class as a privateer in space and you'll have a great expansion pack!
  11. Do we need more of the same posts? Well, I'm having the same problem. FPS are 20-50 in normal game, no problems there. Also, the Flashpoints are without problems and very playable (im lvl 27 now ). But then the warzones...5-10 fps...ssss, Bioware, I want to hit something, not look at a powerpoint presentation of starwars . You all know the story. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to...cancellation of subcriptions... First it didn't annoy me so much. But now, i really miss the possibillity to get one or two extra levels out of PVP play before moving on to a next planet. Bioware, please fix this problem...I will peronally send you a protocol droid message when you do . If not...
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