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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Bump... Just read through more than a MONTH of replies, COULD WE PLEASE GET SOME KIND OF RESPONSE?


This game should be the first MMO that I will give a *&%$ about anything besides PVP in, and truly, it is. But if this issue is not fixed I suppose I will have to spend my time playing Battlefield 3 for no monthly fee.


Just bought a 560 ti and an SSD to see if I could improve anything on my end and to my dismay it has not changed at all. Still have excellent performance on all planets, hell, even IMP fleet is doable. But as soon as I load into a Warzone my FPS plummet to below 10 (60-80 everywhere else).


I understand BW's reluctance to acknowledge this as that was the beginning of the end for other games like Warhammer but come on..... Guess I'll go level my crafting....

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This is becoming total...pardon my language, but total Horse ****. I have probably a peak computer for the times. It kills the requirements for the game and it shows. PvE, questing and just roaming around just fine I have no issues. The moment I'm brought into a setting such a PvP or even wandering around the station my FPS goes from a solid 100 FPS to a mere 17.5/23 FPS. This is extremely frustrating because I enjoy this game very much and like a bunch of other's thrive in PvP. However I'm unable to do so due to laggy response times, terrible frames and not being able to play how I should.


We've not been addressed on when a fix is coming, or if one ever is. This is a slap to the face yet again when it comes to the way BW has handled this. Like hell I HATE to say this but WoW had issues like this and it was fixed ASAP. Even other less known MMO's that failed like your guys Warhammer. This game had so much hype and still has so much potential but BW you guys are screwing up bad. From bugged quests, companions, Frame rates, graphical glitches etc. Yes, I understand it's never perfect. All of us who PAY to play your game understand that. But we also understand as your customers we deserve to know exactly what the hell is going on.


Just let us know what in GODS name is going on with this because like myself and I gaurnte others. I want to keep finding reasons on why I should keep playing. But if you guys can't even fix the one part I actually enjoy which is PvP I will have to use this game as yet another coaster and just wait for a game that gets it right.


Rant over. Please just fix this I wan't to PvP properly and not like a whale out of water.

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Its absolutely ridiculous. I meas seriously how many threads do they need about this issue before they at least address it to the player community. PvP is my favorite thing to do and if they can't fix this I'm gonna have to pack up and head back to WoW. I'm very disappointed the BioWare seems to basically be ignoring the request of it's player base. The PvP issues are being slammed not only on our forums but also on every othe:mad gaming site and forum I can think of. I am seeing captions like "SWTOR is a great game BUT..."; I'm serious they really need to fix this immediately. At this point the message I get from BioWare to it's player base is " We have your money, you can take your lag and like it peasants"!
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I was running the game on a system that was just at the recommended specs (maybe slightly above) and I lagged like hell in WZs; it was literally unplayable.


I recently upgraded to a Intel i5 2500 3.3G CPU, 16 GB of DDR3 ram, a new LGA 1155 Intel P67 motherboard, and a Geforce GTX 560.


Warzones now run smooth as butter on max settings. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade?

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I was running the game on a system that was just at the recommended specs (maybe slightly above) and I lagged like hell in WZs; it was literally unplayable.


I recently upgraded to a Intel i5 2500 3.3G CPU, 16 GB of DDR3 ram, a new LGA 1155 Intel P67 motherboard, and a Geforce GTX 560.


Warzones now run smooth as butter on max settings. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade?


People that have far above the requirements suffers from this, how do we know that even the new stuff we buy is enough? Bioware intentionally made relatively bad graphics so we didn't need to buy the latest stuffs, yet here we are. I can run WoW on max settings in battlegrounds without prolems. In Swtor, I can't even run them on LOWEST settings. I run Skyrim with max settings without problems too. This is just too much.

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I was running the game on a system that was just at the recommended specs (maybe slightly above) and I lagged like hell in WZs; it was literally unplayable.


I recently upgraded to a Intel i5 2500 3.3G CPU, 16 GB of DDR3 ram, a new LGA 1155 Intel P67 motherboard, and a Geforce GTX 560.


Warzones now run smooth as butter on max settings. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade?


16 GB is not necessary and i5 is not best you can get. GTX 560 is average at most. But glad you got rid of the problem/

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Terrible FPS in Warzones for me too. The rest of the world runs fine.


Windows Vista 64

AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition


Geforce 560 Ti 1gb DDR5


Depending on where I am in the world I get from 20-80 fps and probably more in space. I know I get around 110 while waiting in a queue lol. But joking aside I get single digits in Warzones with all setting to high except bloom is off and shadows are off.

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I can play BF3 on ultra with 60fps solid. When I join a warfront, lord help my computer. I sure am glad I love spamming my keys to get my abilities to finally work. I would love to just know that they are working on some type of fix. I didn't have this probably in Beta really o.0
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same issue, i run 60-80 fps anywhere else, and even in the main city i get a steady 35-45 fps, but man these Warfront, i drop to 20-35 (35 when no action going on) This really needs to be fixed, its killing my enjoyment of the game. And the ability responses are another thing
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This was the main reason I just canceled my sub. I will gladly hand them my money when they acknowledge these major issues that have a dramatic impact on enjoyment.


Awesome game, but needs some real fixes before I can make it a fixture. All I know to do is cancel sub and post here why. :(

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I was running the game on a system that was just at the recommended specs (maybe slightly above) and I lagged like hell in WZs; it was literally unplayable.


I recently upgraded to a Intel i5 2500 3.3G CPU, 16 GB of DDR3 ram, a new LGA 1155 Intel P67 motherboard, and a Geforce GTX 560.


Warzones now run smooth as butter on max settings. Perhaps it's time for an upgrade?




You clearly have not seen the people that have replied to this post saying there specs. They are WAY over requirements, and there should be no need for lag anywhere in the game. Take your ignorance somewhere else.

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I have little FPS issues in Warzones, but I have certainly noticed the strange input lag for abilities, despite having 50ms latency. I love PvP, more than PvE, and this is a major issue for me as it ruins the experience completely. Makes me want to play WoW again... amazing PvP, perfect combat system.


Hopefully BW figures out its pvp zone ability lag issues and gives WoW a solid run for its money! So far they have in the PVE department... amazing storyline system, its cool to feel like you're playing a single player game, but its an MMO. PvP is certainly lacking though, big time.


Cheers for the thread

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well ty now since i can't pvp,and is one of the main reason i got this game,i have to go back to wow for pvp really i mean,when you release a game after 130mil ect ect,you think it would b pro pvp wise,everything else is cool but i'm not here for cool i'm here for pvp,i lag like crazy 100fps in worl down to 15 to 5 when fighting players in pvp i mean really lol fail less next time you release a game.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you, I thought I was the only one.


I've tried lowering resolution, everything suggested, forcing AA etc. etc all to no avail.


I am getting 35-45 fps (and >80 in some areas) in single player but as low as 11fps in PvP making it unplayable.


I'm cranky, as I love PvP, but am so glad it's not just me!!!

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People that have far above the requirements suffers from this, how do we know that even the new stuff we buy is enough? Bioware intentionally made relatively bad graphics so we didn't need to buy the latest stuffs, yet here we are.


I'm actually pretty interested in how Bioware managed this. ToR looks like total *** in comparison to other games but somehow manages to be so demanding.


Tera for example, manages to look quite beautiful and totally dwarfs ToR graphics wise.


...but it's also far less hardware intensive at the same time?

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Nvidia hardcore

Nuff ram etc bla bla blaaaa


Basically my PC is bad@ss, game runs smooth, max graphics in world, all effects On/high including shadows etc BUT!!!!


I enter a warzone and its GG. fps below 20, feels like im playing with 500ms as if im downloading pr0nz or something.




So ofcourse I had a look at the engine..... and taaaadaaaa, I found out whats the issue.


You see, unlike in the world, the engine actually generates the ENTIRE warzone map/sandbox for you, where as while questing it simply only loads the surrounding area (like in wow) THIS means, that unless you really just bought your PC yesterday and spend LOADS on cooling, ridicules amount of RAM, coolers etc your PC will NOT be able to substain the ammount of CPU and RAM usage which is required for warzones. The main flaw here, is actually that is also loads the effects/lightnings/shadows and other world generated useless crap which no one cares about.


One flaw is that even though you disable shadows (which through generations ALWAYS sucked your ram/cpu) it wont matter, because the world shadows and lightning remains active. So take a warzone such as the Civil war, you wanna know why you lag? Its because your PC has to load ALL the world shadows and lighting + the effects from the turrets that constantly fire + the explosions on the capital ships and THEN all the effects generated by yourself, other players and your abilities.

In the huttball warzone, what drains your PC is actually the sightrange just like in the other warzones (for some reason it is UNLIMITED which is utterly ridicules) but mostly its all the effects from the lights on the walls AND the fire pits.


Have you tried changing graphics from high to low? You will actually notice that there REALLY isnt that much of a large difference, and for some reason, anti-analising is NOT included. The difference is minimal to be honest, but one thing I noticed was that ALL the lightning effects like blasterfire or force lightning, lightsaber swings remain THE SAME! Sure, they no longer generate smoke, but the effects are still there. Its no biggy when in a group but when your PC has to generate 16 people spamming random abilities it simply kills it.


Ergo, the best battleground/warzone is actually the Assault type. Least lightning effects from world, least longdistance view, and no bloody turrets, firepits or large flashy sounds, that one is actually playable if you lower your graphics down to minimum.


But I cannot help but wonder.............?


Why are the graphic options soo limited?

Why is the support for ATI radion graphics so limited (not that I care, I use Nvidia, but I still sympathize with those of you with ATI)

Why are we NOT able to disable/reduce:

Flashing signs

Fire effects

Turret effects

View distance

Lighting effects ( i dont speak of Sith thunderlol here, I refer to actualy light effects within the game.... but why is sith lighting purple/pink? Its blue in all the movies AND the previous star wars games.... oh well, nvm)

Sandbox/world shadows

Player effects

Create/npc models


Currently, you do NOT play this game on a laptop, do so and you will lagg yourself to death and basically overheat the laptop giving it a suicidal meltdown in 4months.


All I can say..... I hope they fix this, I do NOT require flashing turret effects, being able to see enemy players 10 miles away or crazy lighting effects generated from a 10 mile distance .... I just want to smoothly smash sith scum, how flashy their death is DOESN'T MATTER TO ME BIOWARE! They will die in shame regardless, just like Sean Bean in all his movies. (poor fellah)


PS: I cannot imagine the pain of being melee in a warzone with that stupid error message flashing "target out of range" even though you are right ontop of it >_> Someone made a huge godd@amn mistake with this warzone graphic design.

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I think you make it out to be too much of a big deal. They will fix these things. The bigger picture stuff is what matters at launch and also to survive the drop off after the three month honeymoon period ends with MMOs. Tweaking your shadow effects so that you save on a five dollar fan are not the first month big picture items that need attention in my opinion.

The war zones are fun, playable and need lots of tweaks and new content to stay fun - that's pretty standartd.

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