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Chapter 1 end boss fights a turn off


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This is where this game probably failed if it wanted to compete with the market leader.


Its not the first person that complains about the dificulty lvl of the bosses, if its solo content then it should be soloable, specialy since its our story. Not everyone is skilled enough for them.


I did the last boss with help. thus I never felt heroic when i defeated him.


I was not on purple mods, and my healer companion was in like lvl 44 green gear. And i wasnt much better, probably with lvl 46/48 blue mods.


One of my friends quit the game after complaining many times about how hard it was, and doesnt intend to return.


I will stay, I love this game - but if the aim was to get 8 mill subscribers, or more, well, it may be too hard to atract the casuals or less skilled players.


It IS Soloable. You just need to have appropriate level greens or higher, be the right level, have stims and med packs, and know your class. Your companion should also be geared up.

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Players like me? You mean people who have a life? And yeah mmo is constantly getting better gear... Its why end game is a dead end. I get better gear as i level up. Bosses that required too much effort and time prevent that process. Im not going backwards through content im bored of as i just spent the last 30 lvls there to 'gear up' just for one boss. And you know what scaleable gear with xp boosts were the best thing that ever happened to wow. Made leveling alts fun and less grindy. You dont like it? Dont buy the gear. Hate to tell you buddy but not everyone who plays mmos want to make a job out of it. I actually play this for fun... To swing a lightsaber and use the force... Be a bounty hunter and blow things up and track marks... Be an imp agent and spy on people. Why? Because its fun.... Dieing multiple times for a single fight just to progress is not fun... In fact its doenright frustrating which defeats the purpose of playing this game to relax and for fun...


There is no fun in a cakewalk. In WoW, you just have to look at enemies and they die. Where's the fun in that?


I play this game to have fun, not to be bored.

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There is no fun in a cakewalk. In WoW, you just have to look at enemies and they die. Where's the fun in that?


I play this game to have fun, not to be bored.


Hence why i said they should tier the boss fights with normal modes and hard modes.

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I've completed act 1 on all 8 classes, and not a single one of them had a hard boss fight at the end of act 1. You are likely undergeared, underleveled, or very simple, and i'm sorry if i offend you here, but not skilled in any way.
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I just finished the chapter 1 boss for my trooper. It was funny, because I survived with 1 hp. It was fun as heck, though. I don't think it was too hard, I started the fight without thinking about what abilities are on cooldown, and didn't heal all the way back up.
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They can be difficult if you try to rush through the planets as fast as possible and end up underleveled and undergeared. It's tempting to get about half way through alderaan and try to just hurry up and finish your class story and then race ahead to complete the last part, but doing so will leave your with the type of roadblock the OP is experiencing. However, these fights are not overtuned. They are meant to push you. They are meant to challenge you and if you think that is too much to deal with, you're playing the wrong genre.


Take some time to run some flashpoints, get some gear upgrades, get another level or two and maybe track down some purple crafted gear (or make them yourself).


Not everyone plays games for their 'toughness'


Not everyone has to play an MMO.

Edited by ViperI
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They can be difficult if you try to rush through the planets as fast as possible and end up underleveled and undergeared. It's tempting to get about half way through alderaan and try to just hurry up and finish your class story and then race ahead to complete the last part, but doing so will leave your with the type of roadblock the OP is experiencing. However, these fights are not overtuned. They are meant to push you. They are meant to challenge you and if you think that is too much to deal with, you're playing the wrong genre.


Take some time to run some flashpoints, get some gear upgrades, get another level or two and maybe track down some purple crafted gear (or make them yourself).


Not undergeared or leveled... Just not in it for the challenge. Not everyone wants to be 'pushed' while playing games. If i want challenge id play more end game and nightmare modes. It annoys me that everyone things you 'have' to play a certain way or else. Im in it for fun and fun only. I dont like a challenge. My rl job is a challenge. When i come home i just want to blow stuff up. Why should i be denyed that? Some people want a challenge other people dont, and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyone who says otherwise is just arrogant and nieve. Hence my suggestion of heroic and normal class quests. Those who want a challenge and better loot... Its all yours... Those who want to just level and have fun with less quality loot, we can be happy to.

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Not undergeared or leveled... Just not in it for the challenge. Not everyone wants to be 'pushed' while playing games. If i want challenge id play more end game and nightmare modes. It annoys me that everyone things you 'have' to play a certain way or else. Im in it for fun and fun only. I dont like a challenge. My rl job is a challenge. When i come home i just want to blow stuff up. Why should i be denyed that? Some people want a challenge other people dont, and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyone who says otherwise is just arrogant and nieve. Hence my suggestion of heroic and normal class quests. Those who want a challenge and better loot... Its all yours... Those who want to just level and have fun with less quality loot, we can be happy to.


Like I said, they're not that challenging once you're of the appropriate level and gear status. They might make you use more than 2 abilities and throw in an interrupt here and there, but they're nothing like raid level difficulty. I'm curious to know what class you are because I've one-shot all of them on the republic side as well as the IA. The only one to give me any problem was the JK when I played through during EGA and was, admittedly, trying to push through it undergeared and underleveled so I could get my legacy name (I 1-shot it in beta when I was appropriately geared/leveled). Fun is subjective, that's why there is a lot of variety in gaming. Perhaps you should find something more your level like words with friends or angry birds.

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Agent operative... The fight is a ranged fight tuned for snipers. If you get anywhere near mellee range to do any interrupts or melee dmg you die quickly.


And as for your last comment about types of game... Thats ridiculous. I am not going to be pidgeon holed into crappy games because arrogant hardcore players think they rule the roost. Games (especially mmos) need to cater to everyone. I happen to enjoy star wars very much. Hate to tell you champ... I pay the exact same amount of money as you do and am more than entitled to play thegame the way i like.

Edited by Razdek
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Agent operative... The fight is a ranged fight tuned for snipers. If you get anywhere near mellee range to do any interrupts or melee dmg you die quickly.


Extreme spoiler



I joined the Lord Jadus, so I must've had a different end fight for chapter 1.


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Extreme spoiler



I joined the Lord Jadus, so I must've had a different end fight for chapter 1.



i didnt join him... Had to kill him three times... And use 3 different computer consoles... All te while trying to interrupt and use los to escape his one hit kills and interrupt his heals... It is ridiculous to solo.


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Awesome, this is why I love this game. There are so many ways for the story to branch out. I was obviously on a totally different path than you. I've even discussed it with guildies that have played the same class, and so far mine has been unique. I know there are others who probably went on the same path, but I haven't met them yet.
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Awesome, this is why I love this game. There are so many ways for the story to branch out. I was obviously on a totally different path than you. I've even discussed it with guildies that have played the same class, and so far mine has been unique. I know there are others who probably went on the same path, but I haven't met them yet.


And this is why some are harder then others... It is cool that there are many different paths. But pending on your AC and the options that you choose some are much harder than others. As ive said previously, my bh shield tech and a healer companion = no problems for any fight.


This just shows that all the fights need to be tuned to a 'reasonable' level no matter the path or companion you have or the ac or skill tree for that matter that you choose to play with. Im not wrong in saying that some fights are too hard and some are easier then others.

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As i said if i wanted raid worthy skill and difficulty id raid... Which I do... Only when im in the mood for a challenge and you do not solo that stuff. I enjoy leveling solo. It should be quick and painless.


The corollary to your statement would be "if I wanted an easy game where I didn't have to do anything, I'd just watch a movie". Both your statement and that statement are equally idiotic.


Your elitism is astounding. Just because you're a raider, you want difficulty and any semblance of challenge to be taken away from us solo players who do not commit to a raid group? Just because you're the main tank of your raid group with your Powertech? I'm sure you get your fix of being high and mighty by taking down powerful raid bosses. But the rest of us want to feel awesome in our class story. And there's no better to immerse us into the universe by having our nemesis, the enemy which was built up through the entirety of the Chapter 1 story, actually be as powerful as he seemed in the cutscenes. He should not bend over and die in 5 seconds with no difficulty at all just because WoW players like you view levelling as a chore.


For the rest of us story-lovers, the class storyline and the leveling experience IS the game. And believe me, this is a story-driven MMO. Don't try to impose your elitist viewpoints on the rest of us.


I have to admit this thread is a whole new level of head scratching. I've seen hundreds of awful nerf threads, but this has to be the first one where the reason is "Because I'm too damn good to bother with this content it should be nerfed. I don't even want to try because only MY playstyle, the raiding one, is the right one". Talk about entitlement and arrogance.

Edited by Jenzali
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I have finished Chapter 1 on Trooper, BH, JK, Smuggler, Agent and Inquisitor. Also Chapter 2 bosses on all of those except for Smuggler.


None of them were particularily difficult - the "hardest" was the Trooper boss, but that's mainly because he took forever to kill as a tank Vanguard with a Healer companion and it was the first time I fought a Chapter boss, so I was still learning. That's kind of the point though. They should be challenging, because it's rewarding to beat them.

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The corollary to your statement would be "if I wanted an easy game where I didn't have to do anything, I'd just watch a movie". Both your statement and that statement are equally idiotic.


Your elitism is astounding. Just because you're a raider, you want difficulty and any semblance of challenge to be taken away from us solo players who do not commit to a raid group? Just because you're the main tank of your raid group with your Powertech? I'm sure you get your fix of being high and mighty by taking down powerful raid bosses. But the rest of us want to feel awesome in our class story. And there's no better to immerse us into the universe by having our nemesis, the enemy which was built up through the entirety of the Chapter 1 story, actually be as powerful as he seemed in the cutscenes. He should not bend over and die in 5 seconds with no difficulty at all just because WoW players like you view levelling as a chore.


For the rest of us story-lovers, the class storyline and the leveling experience IS the game. And believe me, this is a story-driven MMO. Don't try to impose your elitist viewpoints on the rest of us.


I have to admit this thread is a whole new level of head scratching. I've seen hundreds of awful nerf threads, but this has to be the first one where the reason is "Because I'm too damn good to bother with this content it should be nerfed. I don't even want to try because only MY playstyle, the raiding one, is the right one". Talk about entitlement and arrogance.


Lol... Just lol. Not once did i say i am toogood for this content... In fact just the opposite. I am far from being an "elitest". You have taken everything out of context and tried to twist my words around into who knows what... Try reading everything properly before making silly posts like this.

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Agent operative... The fight is a ranged fight tuned for snipers. If you get anywhere near mellee range to do any interrupts or melee dmg you die quickly.


And as for your last comment about types of game... Thats ridiculous. I am not going to be pidgeon holed into crappy games because arrogant hardcore players think they rule the roost. Games (especially mmos) need to cater to everyone. I happen to enjoy star wars very much. Hate to tell you champ... I pay the exact same amount of money as you do and am more than entitled to play thegame the way i like.


It's possible to solo it on an operative. Of course, that requires two things you're apparently not willing to do......bother to gear your character and companion decently, and be willing to slightly outlevel the content if you're having major problems. Frankly, I outlevel the content a lot of times because I like to use companions that are not optimal for the classes I play because I like to run with the eyecandy guys. So I actually did this fight with Vector. But I'd bothered to put both Vector and myself in decent gear, and if you have a toon with the ability to raid at endgame, this should not be a problem. Money is easy to come by, and shopping the GTN is just as easy. I've been playing MMO's for 15 years now and if SWTOR catered to any more casual of a gaming crowd, it would be catering to the comatose. And games do not, actually need to cater to everyone. That's what choice is all about. You're free, indeed welcome, to find a game that suits your playstyle better. Hardcore players have left in droves because SWTOR is the ANTITHESIS of a hardcore game. If you sincerely find it that challenging.......I have no words.

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It's possible to solo it on an operative. Of course, that requires two things you're apparently not willing to do......bother to gear your character and companion decently, and be willing to slightly outlevel the content if you're having major problems. Frankly, I outlevel the content a lot of times because I like to use companions that are not optimal for the classes I play because I like to run with the eyecandy guys. So I actually did this fight with Vector. But I'd bothered to put both Vector and myself in decent gear, and if you have a toon with the ability to raid at endgame, this should not be a problem. Money is easy to come by, and shopping the GTN is just as easy. I've been playing MMO's for 15 years now and if SWTOR catered to any more casual of a gaming crowd, it would be catering to the comatose. And games do not, actually need to cater to everyone. That's what choice is all about. You're free, indeed welcome, to find a game that suits your playstyle better. Hardcore players have left in droves because SWTOR is the ANTITHESIS of a hardcore game. If you sincerely find it that challenging.......I have no words.


I gear my character up just fine... I however do not see the point in wasting credits on alts and gear that will be outdated in a matter of minutes. I also move on after completeing all quests on a planet meaning i am not under leveled. Being over leveled wouldnt be a problem if bioware had lfg tool in the game a lot earlier to do fps but as it stands i have barely seen the inside of 60% or so of the fps because, lets face it, standing around on fleet for hours on end spamming chat is boring and a waste of my valuable time. Now that lfg is finally making it into the game that will obviously change so being over leveled wont be a problem.


And as to finding a game that suits my playstyle? Swtor is fine and i enjoy it immensely. This is one aspect that bothers me, however, and i am more then entitled to my opinions... Or are elitests the only ones allowed to speak up now?

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I haven't fought this Jadus or whatever you people keep refering to. But I've fought Tavus. I've fought Skaavac. In both cases, I struggled and died. Struggled and died. I returned to the med center, grabbed some stims, med packs, and returned to the fight... and beat my opponent. I felt heroic because I overcome a difficult opponent.


How would I have felt if they were easy to beat? Like quitting. I'd have been bored.


I really don't understand why you're asking for them to be pushovers. That's taking the fun out of the fight. They are easy enough as it is if you don't skip quests, do the Taris and Tatooine bonus series, use stim packs and health kits, and use your class correctly. And of course, have decent questing gear. You don't need to spend any credits on gear. I didn't. You just need to be decked out in proper questing gear, as does your companion.

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They are meant to be tough it’s the end of an epic chapter in an epic story. They are easy to solo if you know how to play your character.


Actually, that isn't true, not entirely, though it does help to know your class, the main thing that helps is gear, having both you and your companion fully geared helps far more then knowing your class.


People have said that quest greens are good enough to level with and i have to say, that they are totally and utterly wrong and kidding themselves, crafted greens, maybe, but overall, i was able to get my Jedi Knight up to level 46 because i had a guildy craft me gear and mods throughout my leveling period and having purples at all times really does make a huge difference, especially the hilt/barrel and armorings.


Without the purple crafted gear, i doubt i would have been able to get as far as i did, so yeah, alot of the quests do need alot of balancing, especially the class quest bosses.

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