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Companion not auto-summoned when you get off the speeder?


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Companion not auto-summoned when you get off the speeder? You're in a party with 1-2 players? This does not happen when you play solo?



-disband group

-have all the group members close by

-reform group


The bug seems to occur if the group is formed while one (or more) member(s) joins the group but is not close by.

Edited by Kytea
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if you are in a group with 3 or more people your companion wont be auto summon when you dismount or if you use elevators, etc. My guess this is because since the game cannot auto summon all 3 it do nothing instead of remembering which was the last companion.
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if you are in a group with 3 or more people your companion wont be auto summon when you dismount or if you use elevators, etc. My guess this is because since the game cannot auto summon all 3 it do nothing instead of remembering which was the last companion.


If you are in a party with 3 players and they are nearby, the party is full and you cannot summon a companion at all.

This was implicit in my post. I edited my post to make it explicit.

Edited by Kytea
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If you are in a party with 3 players and they are nearby, the party is full and you cannot summon a companion at all.

This was implicit in my post. I edited my post to make it explicit.

If you're in a party of 3 players (including yourself) then nobody's companion will be auto-summoned.

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If you are in a party with 2 players (I assume 2 other players... 3 people altogether), then the game will not know which player's companion needs to be summoned, so you need to do it yourself.

In a party with 1 other player, both of you can have a companion out, but there is a similar potential confusion in that, if you have two or more companions (as you will have, once you get your ship), the game does not know which companion you will want to summon, so it does not summon any companion.


Yes, 99% of the time it would be nice if it assumed that you want to summon the companion you used before hopping on your speeder, or getting in the elevator, or any of the other scenarios that cause companions to be auto-dismissed. When running the Esseles or Black Talon flashpoint as a low level player who only has 1 companion, it would be nice if an auto-dismissed companion was auto-summoned at the first available opportunity. But as illogical and inconsistent as the auto-dismissal of companions seems to be, I am not sure that auto-summoning a companion would be an improvement or an annoyance.

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