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MMO Report on "Transfers"


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Also G4 has turned to crap ever since they absorbed TechTV. They removed almost all the shows I had once watched on both channels, and now play nothing but crap. Their wannabe news shows don't really show you anything different than just reading magazines or store advertisements. I don't even like how they showcase new and upcoming games or review them. It's all about flare on TV now. I'd rather just read reviews on Amazon.com.
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the majority of average players allready unsubbed rofl...wasup last report showing swtor almost down 1 mil subs to an OUTSTANDING 1.1 mil subs...being one of the smalest mmos in the market (pop wise)...and people still doubt they are dieing and that they have to go free to play to try to save it..


You totally missed the point. The point was that the show was not the cause of the decline.

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Also G4 has turned to crap ever since they absorbed TechTV. They removed almost all the shows I had once watched on both channels, and now play nothing but crap. Their wannabe news shows don't really show you anything different than just reading magazines or store advertisements. I don't even like how they showcase new and upcoming games or review them. It's all about flare on TV now. I'd rather just read reviews on Amazon.com.


g4 has become absolute rubbish.


Their live feed for E3 wasn't up half the time.


Had to go to spike to watch.


Really just sad.

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Okay, I was willing to let it slide the first time.


MMO report hasn't been featured on mmo champ in almost a year.


His show was dropped during his peak of swtor fanboyism.


He has been replaced by curse weekly round up hosted by pico.


You are so out of the loop.


oh really...because Curse trying to monopolize every game related content is any sort of news to someone?


its not surprising that Curse launched theyre own show...and they own mmo champ so mmo report go t droppped...but guess what///still goes on every week on G4 tv...wich...again..one of the top gaming channels in the world..probably the number one in western civs.....pls..try ahrder bud

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oh really...because Curse trying to monopolize every game related content is any sort of news to someone?


its not surprising that Curse launched theyre own show...and they own mmo champ so mmo report go t droppped...but guess what///still goes on every week on G4 tv...wich...again..one of the top gaming channels in the world..probably the number one in western civs.....pls..try ahrder bud


The point is you are clearly young and inexperienced.


You can't type and you are full of misinformation.

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yes really...now tone down your "fanboyism" or should i i go look for the episode where he talks about swtor massive subs drop?with proper documentation presented.....or maybe should i get you the DEVELOPERS interview where they say the free to play model is being discussed...




open your eyes bud...nothing of what he said is off...specially the undenying sink of the sw failboat that maybe...MAYBE free to play will save(jsut like he said..


I think you need to tone down your "fanboyism" of this so called face of the industry. What a joke this is and thanks for a good laugh, now go watch your Jesus on the so called best MMO website.


*********** noob :rolleyes:

Edited by Asturias
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I don't know if I agree with everything he was saying. The Degabah thing was either a sarcastic joke or proof of total ignorance of the actual game. Being a fan of the show I would bet on sarcastic joke. In my personal opinion this game is in trouble. It needs something huge to save it. Yes transfers helped a lot. If you really think about it. Is this move going to bring new people to the game? The answer is probably not. I went to best buy yesterday and picked up a copy of SWTOR just to look at it. The Best Buy sales representative looked at me and said "you don't want to buy that, the game is dead". BioWare has put a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. Word of mouth is probably one of the strongest marketing tools out there.


I'm completely bored of this game. 1.3's fluff with ranked WarZones are not enough to keep me playing. Once this sub runs out i'm probably done. I wish I could get my money back on everything because looking back it wasn't worth it. Another MMO with so much potential wasted.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


Or people could make up their minds for themselves and not rely on others to decide what they should think.


Must be quite the novel concept for you.

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I will say that I have a few friends that are about to try out this game when they open up their F2P to level 15. Even my wife wants to give it a try when that starts, because she has some friends that are going to do it.


The game should have launched as B2P with a cash shop.


Subscription's are harder to justify than the initial purchase or shiny mounts.

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The game should have launched as B2P with a cash shop.


Subscription's are harder to justify than the initial purchase or shiny mounts.


Agreed--especially when subscriptions only amount to "paying for stuff the developers should have put in if they had just waited for launch" these days.

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Actually, I'm trying to point out that the average player wont watch his show. So the average player, which makes up the majority of players, will not be swayed by the opinions of this so called number 1 mmo web page. That being said, I don't believe this site can really sway the fate of the game.


Exactly. It's like saying because Steam is the #1 digital service, whatever they say goes on games. At most they have like 4.5 million people logged in at once. If you take their high and low points you might say there are anywhere from 6 to 8 million steam users. There are more gamers out there than 6 to 8 million that have no idea what Steam is.

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the majority of average players allready unsubbed rofl...wasup last report showing swtor almost down 1 mil subs to an OUTSTANDING 1.1 mil subs...being one of the smalest mmos in the market (pop wise)...and people still doubt they are dieing and that they have to go free to play to try to save it..


I think EQ is a lot smaller, lol.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


Dude, no matter how much you gush over him, he's not going to go out on that date with you.


Missed transfers? Um, don't know what he's talking about, since transfers are still ongoing. You can't miss anything if it's still happening.


Radio silence? On this one, I'll agree with him. If, of course, by "radio silence" you mean news and updates every single day for two weeks.


Outrage? What outrage? There certainly isn't much on these forums, and what few there are have been over stupid things like "I can't transfer all twelve of my characters" or "Waaaaah! I have to change my name."


Dagobah? DAGOBAH? And you still insist on calling him a professional whose opinions are taken seriously?



The game needs work, there's no doubt about that. But you're just embarrassing yourself with your blind worship of this guy.

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Dude, no matter how much you gush over him, he's not going to go out on that date with you.


Missed transfers? Um, don't know what he's talking about, since transfers are still ongoing. You can't miss anything if it's still happening.


Radio silence? On this one, I'll agree with him. If, of course, by "radio silence" you mean news and updates every single day for two weeks.


Outrage? What outrage? There certainly isn't much on these forums, and what few there are have been over stupid things like "I can't transfer all twelve of my characters" or "Waaaaah! I have to change my name."


Dagobah? DAGOBAH? And you still insist on calling him a professional whose opinions are taken seriously?



The game needs work, there's no doubt about that. But you're just embarrassing yourself with your blind worship of this guy.


Dagobah? DAGOBAH? And you still insist on calling him a professional whose opinions are taken seriously?


Was clearly a joke

Edited by Averran
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Dagobah? DAGOBAH? And you still insist on calling him a professional whose opinions are taken seriously?


Was clearly a joke


I would have agreed with you, had the other three so-called issues of his not been mentioned. Not to mention his labeling an entire server as "The Great Unwashed."

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I would have agreed with you, had the other three so-called issues of his not been mentioned. Not to mention his labeling an entire server as "The Great Unwashed."


I never watch this one.


I just don't except why people think they are going to site there and just read a fact sheet. They all try to make the cast entertaining. The reason most people watch these things is to get people opinions on the issues.


Not have them read you a fact sheet in the most boring way possible. The tell you something that happened then the put there spin on what that means. They are all like that. There would be 0 point in watching them if they didn't.

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He fanboied out for over a year.


Then when the game wasn't what he was expecting...


He freaked out and started bashing it.


I'm a fanboi of the game, but I bought it for what it was, a story driven MMO, and when Im done with the game I dont plan to linger around the forums like a freaking hate zombie spitting and bashing the game on every single post (like many do).


Anyway, It amazes me how much bad PR this game is getting from many little sites, one would assume that an evil corporation like EA would at least keep the media in their pocket, whatever.

Edited by ChazDoit
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Lol! Like all good comedy, there is a kernel of truth in what he says. But seriously... this isn't how you get your MMO news is it? This MMO report is meant to be entertaining. Quite honestly, why anyone would put any stock in what was being said as a way to validate their own views on what is going on with SWTOR is beyond me. This is meant to be funny (maybe not for some from the looks of it). It is more satire than fact. Let's keep things in perspective.
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I never watch this one.


I just don't except why people think they are going to site there and just read a fact sheet. They all try to make the cast entertaining. The reason most people watch these things is to get people opinions on the issues.


Not have them read you a fact sheet in the most boring way possible. The tell you something that happened then the put there spin on what that means. They are all like that. There would be 0 point in watching them if they didn't.


Add the fact that none of them had any problem with Casey praising SWTOR back then, but are up in arms once he takes a negative tone.


But the transfers themselves are actually good. At least Bioware is correcting the mistake of opening too many servers at launch. Blizzard still won't consider free transfers off its multitude of dead / imbalanced servers after so many years.

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it was a good report as entertainment value. but i doubt there is much truth to it. if you want good honest reporting watch the bbc, but good honest reporting is boring. just ask the owner of the big newspaper company that is all over the news right now lol


No reporting is completely honest. There will always be some level of bias.

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it was a good report as entertainment value. but i doubt there is much truth to it. if you want good honest reporting watch the bbc, but good honest reporting is boring. just ask the owner of the big newspaper company that is all over the news right now lol


Why not??



The major points are,


SW:ToR has lost alot of people

SW:ToR needs to migrated to conslidate there players.

He doesn't like they way they handled it. (I don't either dead server should be turned off so players don't roll on them by mistake)

He thinks the game might go free to play and get micro because of it,


Those his major point that I got out of it.

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