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Journal of master gnost-dural


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Sorry if this is total crap but I over heard someone say Bioware gave the journal of master gnost-dural out as free promo crap at a recent event (maybe E3? Im not sure)


Can anyone confirm or deny this?

If this is true, the journal was an exclusive CE item which should not have been available by any other means, no?


I already feel a little mislead by the whole CE fiasco, this would just tip me over the edge.



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A CE item marked as exclusive does not just get handed out 7 months down the line, or at least it should not.


The only CE items that have been given out or resold later, is from crappy substandard MMOs that dont give a crap as they probably wont be about in a years time.


Look at the WOW CE, they dont go giving out those items to every tom dick and harry 6 months later.......

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I wouldn't care even if they did. The CE is still available for purchase, and someone else having what I have doesn't take away the fact that I still have it. I got a sweet statue, an amazing hardcover book, and a bunch of in-game fluff. I got my money's worth - who cares if other people get that stuff too?
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I wouldn't care even if they did. The CE is still available for purchase, and someone else having what I have doesn't take away the fact that I still have it. I got a sweet statue, an amazing hardcover book, and a bunch of in-game fluff. I got my money's worth - who cares if other people get that stuff too?


Difference is you paid for it, I heard they were GIVING IT AWAY for free

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Question. Is the journal a hard copy of what is out on youtube?


Just wondering because I found absolutely fascinating. And if there is more to the story I would consider buying the CE.

Edited by Rafaman
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^ What he said. Basically, as long as they pay for it, and thus I didn't pay money for something I'd get for free, I don't care.


We paid for the CE to get the goodies, now I hear BW were giving the journal away as promo gifts, not for sale but giving it away for free.


My complaint has nothing to do with "I dont ant anyone else to have it" my complaint is, I paid for it, why are they now giving it away for free?!


Oh and the CE can be baught for a fraction of the price now, my local GAME was selling it for £49 the other week, so its not even about the initial cost, its about Bioware lying...... again

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Question. I the journal a hard copy of what is out on youtube?


Just wondering because I found absolutely fascinating. And if there is more to the story I would consider buying the CE.


Pretty much yes, its Gnost-Durals personal journal, telling the story in his words

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Pretty much yes, its Gnost-Durals personal journal, telling the story in his words


Nice. Yea... that might make me buy the CE game. I really like the journal and if the hard copy goes into the history a great deal more... crap. I guess I'm buying more SW stuff. lol

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