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Companions don't care?


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I kill someone on my jugg and vette goes (-30)

I torture someone (-30)

I silence someone (-1)

I give her a blue companion gift (+123)




Is anyone else annoyed that your companions don't really care at all what you do? In Kotor your actions influenced your companions in so many different ways (lightside, darkside, even making some of them become jedi). In Swtor they don't care if you slaughter 1000 people. Nothing changes......It feels fake and premeditated. :mad:

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I agree, I wish they had rethought how the whole affection system works. As it stands companions have the memory span of a goldfish and an odd fixation on shiny objects. Really damages their believability.


I actually wasn't a big fan of that system then, but Dragon Age II's deal with Friendship/Rivalry seems like it'd work really well in this game! Probably strain the VA budget though since they'd need to record all new dialogue for unfriendly companions.

Edited by Pubsam
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You know, I get the system as far as an MMO system goes. You don't want to be stuck going, "Gee, because I was a jerk, I will never find love" (or whatever).


But I honestly wish that the game locked players out of certain romances if you were too evil (or too good). I mean, if you're going to be pure evil, maybe you don't get Mako. (Or Vette. Or Ashara.) It makes a lot of sense to me. But seeing as I'm already listening to a lot of winging in my guild about how hard it is to get Vette to love you when you're Dark V, I suspect that there'd be a *lot* more if it was entirely impossible. (vs. just mildly difficult) And this is in a class where the player could always go for the other female LI...

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