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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scheduled Maintenance for Game Update 1.3: June 26th, 2012


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The Group Finder lets you choose FP's, Op's & Planet Heroic 4 areas, PvP is done separate in the PvP window, as is now, but groups will get ranked (after 10 matches).


(ps - if you're lvl 50 & queuing for an FP/OP/H4 you won't get anything, as it's, last checked, (still) bugged). :rolleyes:


didnt tried anything in test server, just saying that if the ranked are out of LFG tool is fail

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This is a rushed out patch with little testing. Also, the latest build on PTR tested was about 1 week ago. They released just 1 patch since the original PTS 1.3 hit the server.


Numerous bugs and concerns where identified and reported. As far as the dev tracker and/or release of a new build on PTR to fix and test the issues related to the releasing of Patch 1.3. There has not been anything from Bioware.


You can patch a car with super glue if you are in a hurry. It's still rushed and uncompleted and sooner or later that bumper will cause you problems.



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You can't grind social points anymore.... but making social armor adaptable finally.... now newer folks aren't going to be able to use it. I wonder what goes on over on the other side :confused:


you mean we cant grind socials AFTER 1.3 ? cuz so far i grind very very well

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*********** awesome so those of us that couldn't move and still can't play our 50s should cancel as BW feels releasing a patch is more important the the ability to actively play our characters. What a great company!
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*********** awesome so those of us that couldn't move and still can't play our 50s should cancel as BW feels releasing a patch is more important the the ability to actively play our characters. What a great company!


Yeah, because they can't do more than one thing at a time, and the rest of us should wait on a few others. :rolleyes:

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you mean we cant grind socials AFTER 1.3 ? cuz so far i grind very very well


Sorry, I was confused, and the notes were kinda semi unclear but clear. They are just adding social points to bosses around you level now.

i took it out of context, and thought they were removing the social rolls for content not your lvl, which was not mentioned at all.


I can stop freakin out :D

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are the final patch notes for live gonna be put up during maintenance? This is going to be a fairly long read. Would not mind having it during the maintenance rather than after it.


For a rough idea, the PTS ones can be found >HERE<

Edited by Marcus_Cade
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Tobad the Customer service is so useless, that i wont be abel to paly this (at times ) wonderfull game. Sorry to pirate a tread but service just pissed on me and the many hours and money i put in this this game. Then again guess i get my summer and there is allways GW2 to look forward to. no wonder Swort vent from 50 servers down to 2. and form today one less player (me) for all you that gonna flame me...im probly not ever gonna tjek this tread again. Swtor is dead. long live freedom
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*********** awesome so those of us that couldn't move and still can't play our 50s should cancel as BW feels releasing a patch is more important the the ability to actively play our characters. What a great company!


They piss on you and me and we pay them for it... not anymore.....

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To the poster above....and what you quoted. When you say you "couldn't move", did you actually have an issue transferring servers, or did you make the CHOICE not to move? There's a big difference in there. As for the transfer service, it's not done yet. They stated way back when this first came about that there will be multiple phases of these transfers. This first phase was to give people an opportunity to help fill up some other servers and get them lively again.


As for 1.3, well the reason they had to focus on that is because they have a deadline to make. This is the way a business works. Once 1.3 goes out and the dust settles, apply any emergency fixes in the event they break something (my money is on they break something a la 1.2), then they can go back and finish up other server transfers (legacy merges, paid transfers to server of choice, etc)

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Their decision to release 1.3 tomorrow is one of simple economics. I don't recall for certain but I believe BW/EA's fiscal calendar matches with the yearly calendar (i.e. Q1 ends March, Q2, June, etc). If they release before the end of the quarter multiple a couple things can happen:



  1. It can can be listed as a release during their quarterly earnings call - This makes people think their progressing, etc
  2. There are 2 things here people have been waiting for : Group Finder & Rated Warzones. There's a fairly good chances that folks will resub for these features at least to check them out (of course, folks could unsub as well, but I'm guessing they're banking on more resubs than unsubs). This goes to subscriber numbers in an attempt to staunch the lost numbers from last quarter.


These reasons are akin to why the game was released at the end of Q4 last year when most people would agree (after having their geekgasm b/c the game finally launched) that it was launched too early/incomplete/buggy, etc.


My reasons for this extrapolation? For both 1.1, and 1.2 releases, the update was released on the PTS about a month (give or take) before being released live. In that time there were multiple updates to the PTS. For 1.3, there was a single update, and relatively few (serious) issues answered to in the forums. It is possible that the reported issues were very easy fixes (i.e. not requiring extensive user testing) and/or development/QA/Project Mgmnt were satisfied with things as they were (notice i didn't say happy).


That being said, I would expect the patches over the next 2-3 weeks to contain a few more fixes than usual and wouldn't be surprised if there's an out of band updates 2 days after 1.3 ships (I've got a drink riding on that....my buddy thinks it'll be the next day).


Disclosure : I'm a fairly happy player, with 3 50s, who stopped PvP'ing after 1.2 shipped (Valor 54), but am still amazed by some of the issues/bugs that have been introduced/not fixed along the way (Sound fixes! Hello!)



Maunga (50 Sage), Ocos (50 Commando), Yabmob (50 Shadow) - Former Space Slugger, now Harbinger

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Are paid transfers being included with the release of 1.3 tomorrow?

I didn't hear anyone talking about paid transfers coming out for tomorrow,so I'd have to so no.

Heck I was hoping the paid transfers would come out before 1.3,but I guess that's been pushed back.

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